There's a ~1 minute segment of portal in the end of this movie:
Not the Gamestar one though.
wow, i sure hope that this game isn't released prior to or at the same time as the Orange Box as this title will definitely blow the Orange Box straight out of the water.
Now we pray.
The API went from v006 to v007 actually.
Anyways i think what they were saying is that for example it doesn't start on the Community Page, and that act itself does provide a bid of "free" advertising to new users.
At this moment you can't make it start in the Community tab automatically...
From: Thomas Larsen [mailto:]
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 10:48 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Team Fortress 2 Group Shot
Hey Gabe,
The shot you provided in your earlier press release was...
Well as far as i know Shader Model 3.0 would require atleast 32-bit floating point. Which as far as i know was why they could say they supported SM 3.0 since nvidia has 16-bit and 32-bit floating point support.
ATi only has 24-bit support if i'm correct.
Well you do deserve more credit than gamereactor ever will, oh that also means that you should stay away from that piece of shit also known as a gamesite.
Still this is no new information, it's been mentioned before and it has never been a statesecret that Half-Life 3 of course would be made...
Regardless of Steam is the first or not it won't change the fact that evolution does happen.
So even if Steam shuts down there will always be other developers lusting the same freedom that a system like Steam can give.
There will always be money-hungry publishers lusting for more money...
You do have a second chance, create a new account and follow the EULA this time.
That wil always be the issue, needless to say that the majority of the grief is infact delivered by Vivendi themselves for not allowing Valve to enable the game on those people who had gotten it early.
Well firstly Walmart items is a physical object, secondly you technically didn't buy Half-Life, you bought the right to use it.
This would be the same as buying food at a restaurant, you don't buy the plates, the forks and knives, you buy a right to use it.
If you then run from the bill...
bigbot, i have no need to make my valid points more than once, if you do not believe them, then try to counter them, however your recent actions does show that you indeed CANNOT counter any argument, cause you are WRONG.
And now when Danimal reminds me of Windows, what makes you so certain...
So then we agree, cause Steam doesn't do that either. Besides for the loader then there's no difference.
It's obvious that your personal experiences with Taylor Sherman is what you try to pin your hate at. But you forget, usually he has a damn good reason for saying what he says, even though...