New Portal screens


Jun 29, 2007
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New Portal screens





I love the disintegration ragdoll effects.

They seem to have added better bones.
Cool! Forcefield-slime-elevator mazes!

Wonder how you die if you fall into it?

Now where's that video?
The crosshair is the same.
Those things are portals...:)

Look closely.

PS: does the portal device have different modes?
Or does the color of the light on top of it tell you, what type of portal it is currently shooting?
I think it is the crosshair because if that is the portal then on the first picture there would be three portals.

I think you are right about ASHPD having two modes. It will probably have it like: Left mouse button = blue portal, Right mouse button=orange portal.
or you will fire the portals with left and switch between modes with right mouse button.

BTW there is something weird going on with the heroine's boots. And what's that on the floor near her leg? A tail? lol
The Videooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Nice shots. Disintegration effect is awesome.

Now it's my turn:




They are from German Gamestar, in magazine DVD is also new Portal video, I hope someone will upload it on youtube.
I may be wrong, but can it be that the character is one legged, and has a false leg like Eli? :/ That's my only explanation for that thing next to the player's dead body.
I may be wrong, but can it be that the character is one legged, and has a false leg like Eli? :/ That's my only explanation for that thing next to the player's dead body.

That's not an artificial leg, it's the portal gun, much similar to the gravity gun.
This probably has been said (at least it should have), but you know how there's that debate about whether or not this is a Combine experiment? Well after looking at these screens, I finally realized that whoever it is that is running the place, uses the same power source as the Combine. So, either somewhere this is the standard or this is a Combine experiment.
Personally, I think it's Combine technology reverse-engineered for Aperture Science (G-man's) needs.
cool stuff... the levels look pretty complicated
Yeah, it was a bit lame in previous videos how the character just instantly teleported from puzzle to puzzle without an animation or anything.
Why the hell would the camera go into thirdperson HL2DM style when you die in a singleplayer game? :hmph:
Love this thread. Great Job to whoever posted it as it brings up lots of questions.
Why the hell would the camera go into thirdperson HL2DM style when you die in a singleplayer game? :hmph:

Good question, actually. Perhaps there's something we don't know.
Shit. I can't get enough of portal.

I still have no clue what it's about other than it's called Portal and it's got portals in it. Anyone care to summise what you do in it using only .....10 words?? :LOL:
You use a portal gun to create portals and solve
You use a portal gun to create portals and solve

Good effort :) If only i had given you a few extra words though! Now i'm wondering what you have to solve; I'm guessing your escape from a level/room?
Is it just me or do pretty much all portal screenshots look the same :\
Is it just me or do pretty much all portal screenshots look the same :\
True but there is only so much you can show in a puzzle game like Portal - all the major concepts have already been shown. There are some new things, its our first glimps of the new Portal character, there is a new Portal Crosshair and they have played with the Portal effects again.
New theory. THe Portal Gun uses crystals/rocks in it like the ones from the resonance cascade to make the portals! i can has loss not?
Xen crystals are critical element in every teleportation technology. So, yes, it's very probable.
You may be on to something....But how can they switch from blue to orange portals?
The Combine don't use them.

Nor do Eli and Kleiner at their labs. Eli just has his crystal in a mini anti-mass spectrometer.
Xen Relay (crystal-based technology) is part of the Science Team and Combine teleport...
nice video, but what the heck is he saying...