There's now 3D Skyboxes instead of crappy old 16-bit skewed and stretched bitmaps used, you now have dynamic soft render-to-texture shadows and better dynamic shadow map based lighting, some surfaces (and pipes) now look specular [shiny], reflections are more realistic, those are worth...
With my brains and your brond we'll make an excellent team.
Have I really been that much of a burden?
"Come in, Cooper, do you copy? Forget about Freeman! We're abandoning the base! If you have any last bomb targets: mark them on the technical map! Otherwise, get the hell out of there...
I'm running the same CPU as him, a 256KB L2 cache / 8KB L1 cache, 0.18 micron process, 42 million transistor, 400MHz pumped FSB x86 featuring Pentium 4 willamate, except it's running at a 2.2 Ghz frequency. I'm also running 512MB of PC800 ECC RDRAM an an ATi Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB DDR, and I get...
Just curious if anyone else recieves this error.... while it does not affect gameplay at all, in HL2, occassionally in the console, there will be a warning or error in red letters saying: cannot find ambient/wind1.wav, probably missing from disk or respiratory", or something like that. Does...
Where we taking this "Freeman Guy" ?
Top-Side for questioning.
What the hell for? We got him! Let's kill him now!
Uh, let me see, find the body.
Body? What body?!?!
G-Man (OpFor): I'm sure you can imagine that there are worse alternatives.
G-Man (HL2): In the mean time, this is where I get off.
Otis (OpFor): Fighting aliens was NOT in my job description.
Otis (OpFor): My mom is going to be worried when I don't make it home tonight!
Scientist: Well, so much for the government. Their idea of a "containment team" is to kill everyone associated with the project! Judging by your hazard suit I'd say you were part of what went wrong, isn't that right? Now look, if anyone can end this catastrophe it's the scientist team at the...
Heh, funny as that is, the G-Man high-def model in HL is different from the one that's in OF and BS - more close to the real G-Man in terms of looks and just looks better IMO
Scientist: Gordon Freeman you finally found us!
Barney: So this is the guy. We'd thought you'd never make it!
Scientist: This is the supply people for our first survey team. Quite a nice few specimens were collected from the border world and brought back this before, the...