Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

  • I really don't know.

    Votes: 29 4.6%
  • Shut up.

    Votes: 58 9.2%
  • Don't be ridiculous.

    Votes: 17 2.7%
  • Is anybody else getting hungry?

    Votes: 47 7.5%
  • Ah, it's good to see you.

    Votes: 22 3.5%
  • You have no idea what is going on... do you?

    Votes: 30 4.8%
  • Somebody's hidden my glasses again.

    Votes: 67 10.7%
  • Please! Leave me alone until after the experiment!

    Votes: 65 10.4%
  • They're waiting for you, Gordon... in the test chamber..

    Votes: 194 30.9%
  • Ahhh, Ahhhh!! Ahhhhhhhhhgrh!!

    Votes: 99 15.8%

  • Total voters
Scientist: Gordon Freeman you finally found us!

Barney: So this is the guy. We'd thought you'd never make it!

Scientist: This is the supply people for our first survey team. Quite a nice few specimens were collected from the border world and brought back this way.....um... before, the survey members actually started being collected themselves that is. We suspect that there is an immense portal over there, created by the concentration of a single powerful being. You will know it when you see it. I hate to say this Gordon, but you must kill it, if you can.

Barney: Yeah, you'd better kill it!

Scientist: Of course, you owe us nothing, Mr.Freeman. But you've come this far. You know as much about these creatures as anyone.

Barney: Enough to know that if you don't wipe them out.... there won't be much for you to come home to.

Scientist: Yes, so if you're willing, my colleague is waiting for you at the main portal controls, he is waiting for you Mr.Freeman, do hurry.

Barney: And don't forget to gear up. I'll cover you while you're waiting for that portal to warm up.


Scientist: This, Mr.Freeman, is the long jump module, created expressively for navigation in the world beyond. I hope you recieved long jump training, because once you're in Xen, you will need it. I would advise to practice jumping before crossing-over.

Scientist: Well, so much for the government. Their idea of a "containment team" is to kill everyone associated with the project! Judging by your hazard suit I'd say you were part of what went wrong, isn't that right? Now look, if anyone can end this catastrophe it's the scientist team at the Lambda Complex; at the opposite end of the base! With the transit system out I couldn't tell you how to get there, but there's an old decommissioned rail-system, somewhere through here, beyond the silo complex. If you can make it through the rocket test labs, you might be able to worm your way through the old tunnels to track down what's left of the Lambda Team. You can trust them. You can trust all of us. Good luck. :cheers:
dont you people have anything better to do with your lives ?
Sci: "Plus I'm getting high radiation readings from the transmitter dome: nobody but a fool would go in there!"
Barney: "Well, what about this guy?"
Sci: "Yes... you could survive in that suit of yours!"

Ah... Uplink we hardly knew yea...
Sniper said:
dont you people have anything better to do with your lives ?
You're on the forum too.

*cracks out HL:S*
"Go away! This is my hiding place and I'm not coming out until the situation is drastically improved!"
Are you sure you know what you're doing?

Of course!



Eat this you outher space octapus !

Die you blood sucker !


I will love to do thath but the areal bombardement has made a reck of my transmitor .... we have to aim it by hand and im detevting high radiation levels in the security doom nobody but a fool will go in there ... !

GMAN : Wisely doon Mr. Freeman i will see you up a head !

Its time too choose
hehehe... :bounce: :thumbs: :bounce: :bounce:
G-Man (OpFor): I'm sure you can imagine that there are worse alternatives.

G-Man (HL2): In the mean time, this is where I get off.

Otis (OpFor): Fighting aliens was NOT in my job description.

Otis (OpFor): My mom is going to be worried when I don't make it home tonight!

Barney (OpFor): Are you crazy? I'm not opening this door until somebody turns that bomb off!

Scientist (HL): Well, I'll let you out, but I'm warning you, it's HELL out there! It's completely under military control! You'll have to sneak and fight your way from one end to the other! And I don't expect you'll meet many of our 'peers' along the way! But if you do survive and somehow make it across the base, you'll end up at the Lambda Complex, where the rest of the science team has taken shelter. I wouldn't venture there myself. But I would let them know you were coming!

I must admnit the possibility of a resonance cascade scenario is highly unlikely...
"How could one man have slipped through your force's fingers, time and time again? How is it possible? This is not some agent provacateur, or highly trained assassin we are discussing. Gordon Freeman is a theoretical physicist..."

Part of my favourite Breencast :cheese:
Orcone101 said:
did anyone else hear the bug with the falling elevator? I did

"aaaaahhhhhaaarrrrggghhhhh hello gordon aaaaaaghhhhhaaaarrrgghhh"

I think that's only in HL:Source. The original game didn't have that. But yeah, I heard it too and I must say, I laughed quite heartily. :laugh:
Isn't it "Be wise. Be Safe. Beware." ?

That's what I remember, at least. :p

EDIT: Gah, sorry, was viewing previous page, didn't notice I was one page behind :(
JSlaon31, it is 'Be wise. Be safe... Be aware.'

Oh and I have heard many funny bugs in HL1. For example, when I saved a scientist from a barnacle when he was nearly dead he said in a nice, calm voice 'hmmm. I seem to be seriously wounded'
"Hurry Freeman! I can't keep it open much longer!"
"Now now, if you follow standard insertion procedures everything will be fine"

Odell- "Now the best way to take down a gunship is by using a Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher"

No Shit Sherlock
Mister_Pie said:
I think that's only in HL:Source. The original game didn't have that. But yeah, I heard it too and I must say, I laughed quite heartily. :laugh:

It happens on the generation pack as well.

It never happened on the original, original.
"I didn't sign on for this shit. Answers sure, but civilians? Who ordered this operation anyway?"
Where we taking this "Freeman Guy" ?

Top-Side for questioning.

What the hell for? We got him! Let's kill him now!

Uh, let me see, find the body.

Body? What body?!?!




I've never seen a resonance cascade before... let alone create one!