Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

  • I really don't know.

    Votes: 29 4.6%
  • Shut up.

    Votes: 58 9.2%
  • Don't be ridiculous.

    Votes: 17 2.7%
  • Is anybody else getting hungry?

    Votes: 47 7.5%
  • Ah, it's good to see you.

    Votes: 22 3.5%
  • You have no idea what is going on... do you?

    Votes: 30 4.8%
  • Somebody's hidden my glasses again.

    Votes: 67 10.7%
  • Please! Leave me alone until after the experiment!

    Votes: 65 10.4%
  • They're waiting for you, Gordon... in the test chamber..

    Votes: 194 30.9%
  • Ahhh, Ahhhh!! Ahhhhhhhhhgrh!!

    Votes: 99 15.8%

  • Total voters
"Freeman right, I got a message for you. Make sure you don't, Urghhh!!"

(Don't what, make silly groans when I'm constipated)
"Aren't you glad I got this great sidearm on me?"

"Stop saying that!"
You'll have to sneak and fight your way through the complex.
gordon dosent need to be hearing any of this... hes a highly trained professional...
H A L F L I F E 1.5

(all voice samples from the original game to save money)

[Gordon is asked to test the most dangerous substance yet...Viagra]

"Ah, Gordon, there you are. We've just sent the sample down to the test chamber."
"It appears you need medical attention right away. Let's try this."
"We're almost there Freeman, get yourself in position."
"Now, now, if you follow standard insertion procedures, everything will be fine."
"Well, I think it's rather stimulating. Don't you?"
"That's odd."
"My god, what are you doing?!"
"Destroy the damned thing before it grows any larger."
"I...I can't hold on much longer!"
"He waited too long! We can't contain it!"
"Don't shoot, I'm with the science team!"
"NO, NO get it off me, get it off! Aaah!"
"Ah, Freeman! I see you are in this mess too."
"Well, there goes our grant money."
"Is anyone else getting hungry?"
"I've killed 12 dumbass scientists, and not one of them has shot back. This sucks."
Kazreal said:
H A L F L I F E 1.5

(all voice samples from the original game to save money)

[Gordon is asked to test the most dangerous substance yet...Viagra]

"Ah, Gordon, there you are. We've just sent the sample down to the test chamber."
"It appears you need medical attention right away. Let's try this."
"We're almost there Freeman, get yourself in position."
"Now, now, if you follow standard insertion procedures, everything will be fine."
"Well, I think it's rather stimulating. Don't you?"
"That's odd."
"My god, what are you doing?!"
"Destroy the damned thing before it grows any larger."
"I...I can't hold on much longer!"
"He waited too long! We can't contain it!"
"Don't shoot, I'm with the science team!"
"NO, NO get it off me, get it off! Aaah!"
"Ah, Freeman! I see you are in this mess too."
"Well, there goes our grant money."
"Is anyone else getting hungry?"

LOL!!!! you have no idea how much that made me laugh
Kazreal said:
H A L F L I F E 1.5

(all voice samples from the original game to save money)

[Gordon is asked to test the most dangerous substance yet...Viagra]

"Ah, Gordon, there you are. We've just sent the sample down to the test chamber."
"It appears you need medical attention right away. Let's try this."
"We're almost there Freeman, get yourself in position."
"Now, now, if you follow standard insertion procedures, everything will be fine."
"Well, I think it's rather stimulating. Don't you?"
"That's odd."
"My god, what are you doing?!"
"Destroy the damned thing before it grows any larger."
"I...I can't hold on much longer!"
"He waited too long! We can't contain it!"
"Don't shoot, I'm with the science team!"
"NO, NO get it off me, get it off! Aaah!"
"Ah, Freeman! I see you are in this mess too."
"Well, there goes our grant money."
"Is anyone else getting hungry?"
lol very funny haha
Kazreal said:
H A L F L I F E 1.5

(all voice samples from the original game to save money)

[Gordon is asked to test the most dangerous substance yet...Viagra]

"Ah, Gordon, there you are. We've just sent the sample down to the test chamber."
"It appears you need medical attention right away. Let's try this."
"We're almost there Freeman, get yourself in position."
"Now, now, if you follow standard insertion procedures, everything will be fine."
"Well, I think it's rather stimulating. Don't you?"
"That's odd."
"My god, what are you doing?!"
"Destroy the damned thing before it grows any larger."
"I...I can't hold on much longer!"
"He waited too long! We can't contain it!"
"Don't shoot, I'm with the science team!"
"NO, NO get it off me, get it off! Aaah!"
"Ah, Freeman! I see you are in this mess too."
"Well, there goes our grant money."
"Is anyone else getting hungry?"

BIG LOL for that :laugh:
Did anyone else used to root through the PAKs for sound samples and make stupid conversations between barney and a scientist? Because, uh, neither did I...
*clonk clonk clonk clonk....clonk clonk CLONK...CLONK clonk clonk*

(Err...those giant things in the missile launch pad thingie:
Kazreal said:
H A L F L I F E 1.5

(all voice samples from the original game to save money)

[Gordon is asked to test the most dangerous substance yet...Viagra]

"Ah, Gordon, there you are. We've just sent the sample down to the test chamber."
"It appears you need medical attention right away. Let's try this."
"We're almost there Freeman, get yourself in position."
"Now, now, if you follow standard insertion procedures, everything will be fine."
"Well, I think it's rather stimulating. Don't you?"
"That's odd."
"My god, what are you doing?!"
"Destroy the damned thing before it grows any larger."
"I...I can't hold on much longer!"
"He waited too long! We can't contain it!"
"Don't shoot, I'm with the science team!"
"NO, NO get it off me, get it off! Aaah!"
"Ah, Freeman! I see you are in this mess too."
"Well, there goes our grant money."
"Is anyone else getting hungry?"

Why do we all have to wear these rediculous ties?

Because HL2 is going to be unlocked after 15 hours. :)
Got one!

And that's the only one I can remember that hasn't already been used :P
Tower: "Man... If this another "Search and Rescue" Operation I'm gonna be pissed"

Jaksone: "Yeah... I'm going to be pissed too when I'm gonna have to Search and Rescue your Sorry Ass"

Tower: "Hey Shaperd! I think Jackson is got the hots for you"

Jackson: "Screw you tower!"

Tower: "Hey man where the hell are we anyway?"

Jackson: "Well the pilot thought we were heading to your mother's house.. heh.. so far it all looks familiar"

Tower: "It is really cute, Jackson"

Jackson: "Anytime anywhere!!"

Tower: "Hey man you smell that?"

Jackson: "Smell what?!"

Tower: "Smells like.. Smells like another baby-sitting job to me, man"

Jackson: "hehe No Shit man..."

Engineer: "Baby-sitting job, My AsS... This has training missions all over it... why else would they have kept ours orders from us for so long, ah?"
Otis was the best guy

"I don't wanna die a virgin"
"And I was supposed to play bridge tonight"
"Now that would look nice over my fireplace...you know if I had one"
"Stupid machine, why don't they ever seem to work?"
"I don't suppose you got a quarter I can borrow would ya?"
"Theres rumours that you not here to rescue us, just don't forget about us out there alrighty....Okay I let you through now"
Scientists rule!


"Hello there"

"This is well within theoretical limits"

scientists are amazingly cool. Walter, particularly.
"I killed twelve dumb-ass scientists and none of them pulled back, this sucks!"
No wait! Stand back! GORDON!!
original :)
i really dont know...

but i do like the "they're waiting for you Gordon... in the tessst chamberr"
Man, I should play Half-Life and Opposing Force again.
This probably isn't a problem...probably...but I'm showing a small descrepency in... well, no, it's far within acceptable bounds. Sustaining sequence.
I never thought I'd see a resonance cascade...let alone create one!
I don't know what's worse, you soldiers sent to silence the facility or these vile aliens!

(at least I think tha's how it goes)
Damn I hate you all, now youve gone n done it, *Installs Half Life 1*
* BEEP * * BEEP * "Major fracture detected. Morfine administered."
* BEEP * * BEEP * "Bloodloss detected. Seek immediate medical attention."
(I just love that HEV suit talking to you)

"Attention. Unidentified object detected. (???) contain

(Anyway, everything that Overwatch lady says. It's just so cool)