Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

  • I really don't know.

    Votes: 29 4.6%
  • Shut up.

    Votes: 58 9.2%
  • Don't be ridiculous.

    Votes: 17 2.7%
  • Is anybody else getting hungry?

    Votes: 47 7.5%
  • Ah, it's good to see you.

    Votes: 22 3.5%
  • You have no idea what is going on... do you?

    Votes: 30 4.8%
  • Somebody's hidden my glasses again.

    Votes: 67 10.7%
  • Please! Leave me alone until after the experiment!

    Votes: 65 10.4%
  • They're waiting for you, Gordon... in the test chamber..

    Votes: 194 30.9%
  • Ahhh, Ahhhh!! Ahhhhhhhhhgrh!!

    Votes: 99 15.8%

  • Total voters
"Time, Dr. Freeman?
Is it really that time again?"

the G-man obviously the best lines in the HL series :cool: :afro:
*The NPC default sound footstep looping*

Yes, this all looks nominal.

Now I'd love to hang that over my fireplace! ..................Y'know.... if I had one!
I turst, it will make to you in the corse of...well...in really not...at liberaty to say...

...in the mean time, this is where i get off
(Best ending EVER)
Drill Instructor: "Okay maggot, listen up! I don't care what your previous outfit was like, but around here, we do things my way! Follow my instructions carefully, and you'll be eating danger and crapping victory!! Now move your butt soldier! I will see you on the other side, in the armoury!"

Excuse me, Dr Freeman.
Sorry, Dr Freeman.
Let me get out of your way, Dr Freeman.

(This thread is the best thing to ever put its foot on the internet.)
Sorry Doc

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world :devil:
Soooo many repeats... What is the point.. X_X

This would be better in the IRC channel.
Reload Dr. Freeman

Something, I dream of cheese.

When this is all over, I'm going to mate!
vegeta897 said:
Soooo many repeats... What is the point.. X_X
Well, there goes our grant money.

I predicted all of this you know, all of it!
Do you still say there's nothing to chaos theory?
f|uke said:
Well, there goes our grant money.

I predicted all of this you know, all of it!
Do you still say there's nothing to chaos theory?
You have no idea of what's going on here do you?
About that beer I owed you... it's me Gordon! Barney from Black Mesa! Sorry for the quick scare, I had to put up a show for the cameras.
"That'll look nice in my trophy room." (after he killed a Marine. Strange guys they have working in BMRF security).
AJ Rimmer said:
You have no idea of what's going on here do you?
Dont be ridiculous!
Of course not!
BigBrother said:
that shouldve been an option yes
:rolleyes: It appears the containment system has completely failed.
Oh do be careful,

Oh fie, it'll be another week before i can coax you out of there!
How bout: The freeman exells in all things (or something like that, vorgrinaut or whatever, after using the bugbait for the first time)
*kkssshhhh* Stay alert people. *kkkssshhh*

*kkssshhh* That is, uhh, affirmative. *kkksshhh*
Were you in weapons research too? I built the gluon gun, but I just can't bring myself to use it on a living creature. You don't look as if you have any trouble killing things.
Let me take this time to... speak to you personally, Doctor Freeman. You, you have destroyed... so much. May I ask exactly what it is that you have built?

I thought as much.
This is the supply depot for our first survey team. Quite a few handsome specimens were collected from the borderworld and brought back this way. Um, before the survey members started being collected themselves that is.

We suspect there is an immense portal over there, created by the intense concentration of a single powerful being. You will know it when you see it. I hate to say this Gordon, but you must kill it if you can.