I don't understand most of these western stereotypes... paint someone's face white and they're a mime. Paint it black and you're a racist.
Also, can anyone explain the black people-KFC-watermelon stereotype?
I'd rather we *not* take over the universe before we've learned to build a sustainable economy on one planet.
The idea of humanity travelling the stars, leaving behind a trail of interstellar trash and planet-debris horrifies me.
A terrible earthquake hits Haiti and the top news on all the news channels here... cricket. :|
Also a little hockey and bollywood thrown in. I hate the media, really.
No. For God's sake, don't bring up the caste system to explain every Indian failing!
Yes, there was a time when caste was used as grounds for discrimination. (And maybe it still is to some extent.) But the reason caste is still alive and well today is because it gives the people (especially the...
I know you guys often post stories of how authority figures do evil stuff or abuse their power, but here's some perspective.
Nothing I have ever seen before matches this for sheer grotesquery.
A cop severs his artery and lies on the road begging for help. Two ministers stand around and do...
Speaking of conservative talk show hosts, did anyone see Glenn Beck's rant about India? He ranted about almost everything, at one point he insulted our doctors because they earn less in dollars... WTF? Don't blame us because you screwed up your healthcare and made it unaffordable! It takes a lot...
Dude, you've been on this site forever... how could you not know this was a problem? :|
Based on precedent, no, Valve probably won't help you. The game is region locked to prevent people buying it at cheaper rates.
Have you guys checked out the improvements to the Zune software? The music player pulls random pics of whatever artist you're playing from the net. Best visualisation ever. (Plus new themes and stuff)
For a while I've just been learning the basics but I think I can start on some serious projects now, so I made a blog/code dump.
Please ignore the stock theme, and post links your own technical blogs!
As a resident of a county with a mixed economy, I can tell you right now it doesn't work. What little development we have had was due to reduced market controls since the 90's. A mixed economy is characterised by nepotism, corruption and profligacy (who regulates the regulators?). It is...
IMHO a mind as sharp as yours is wasted on a military career. Science & technology FTW!
What wouldn't I give to have your dedication and smarts.. I still kinda regret that I didn't get through the IIT entrance test.
I rediscovered my love of the internet after a year. HL2.net, reddit.. it's all coming back to me!
Seriously, I feel a bout of nostalgia coming on.. This place has been a sort of home to me since 2006.
Primary weakness: Strategy games (AoE, CnC, SMAC, Civ...)
It's not so much that I suck at them, I guess I just don't like games which force me to commit to decisions I made long before I had all the data. I hate going, "Shit, I should have done such-and-such 45 mins back.."