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  1. el Chi

    Valve needs to address this issue IMMEDIATELY

    Why? That bit's a boat-load of fun...
  2. el Chi

    Doctor Who #11 announced tomorrow

    Oh that's a tad mean! I think he's fairly good-looking. He's no David Tenant, certainly, but he's by no means an ugly man. A quirky aesthetic...
  3. el Chi

    Doctor Who #11 announced tomorrow

    If the next Doctor is black, you just know there'll be lots of people claiming it's a jump onto the Obama bandwagon.
  4. el Chi


    Oh lawd, this looks ghastly...
  5. el Chi

    Doctor Who #11 announced tomorrow

    Patterson Joseph is brilliant. He'd be great. When did he appear before?
  6. el Chi

    I had a seizure playing Left 4 Dead

    Reasons: - the potential to seriously injure yourself - the suffocating, drowning feeling as you push all your energy into trying to breathe properly whilst also trying to drag yourself into consciousness - the deeply undermining feeling from the notion that you do not even have the ability to...
  7. el Chi

    I had a seizure playing Left 4 Dead

    I'm epileptic and I still play video games. And drink lots. And don't get enough sleep and go to clubs with flashing lights and generally do most things that exacerbate one's inability to control one's own consciousness. That's just how I roll. Still, seizures are no fun, especially when you...
  8. el Chi

    PC version

    It seems almost impressive that Rockstar Canadia used six-and-a-bit months (although in reality it was probably more) to make such a cataclysmic ****-up of a port. Maybe they started each day at the office with a drinking competition.
  9. el Chi

    PC version

    Ironically, I read that as "instead we get a slap in the face with scrotum".
  10. el Chi

    Valve's Lifetime Retail Sales Revealed

    Just what I was thinking. Also, I'm surprised Condition Zero sold nearly 3m...
  11. el Chi

    PC version

    This. After hearing about all of the kerfuffle, I don't really care that my PC probably can't run GTA IV. I'm sure it's a fantastic game but I don't want to have to wade through all that bullshit in order to play a sloppy port that HAS TO be on-line whenever I want to play it. This sort of...
  12. el Chi

    PC version

    I was really anticipating this but alas I only have a single core processor. I was even tempted to push my luck though and get it anyway but as it seems it's a lazy port (something that irks me no end) I may just leave it. I'm sure Rockstar will be heart-broken and dry their tears on their piles...
  13. el Chi

    Gabe Newell: "Most DRM Strategies Are Just Dumb"

    I agree but I can't help but feel slightly that this tendency to buy games is partly because it's so damn easy. Do the payment thing, click download (and you know the download will be relatively fast and reliable) and then play. You don't have to leave your chair if you don't want to. It's all...
  14. el Chi

    the No Shit Sherlock thread of the day

    That's what THEY want you to think. Personally, I suspect it was Reverend Green in the ballroom with the candlestick.
  15. el Chi

    If you just got out of jail.

    First I'd probably bang my girlfriend and then I imagine I'd kill Chris Griffin. I feel dirty... That's your answer to everything.
  16. el Chi

    Grand Theft Auto IV on Steam

    Curse my filthy single-core processor.
  17. el Chi

    London Liverpool Street meets Left 4 Dead

    There've been quite a few billboard ads (huge ones) about and it's really fun seeing them because they don't say what they're about - just the hand, Left 4 Dead, in the corner and the Valve logo. It doesn't give anything away and I feel like I'm in on an inside joke.
  18. el Chi

    The Quips Thread

    Post your action hero moment quips here. I'm cornered by a zombie whilst reloading. I crack her around the face with the butt of my shotgun and she staggers back. I hit her again and once more for good measure. She falls to the ground, dead. I shake my head and continue to reload. "What a pain...
  19. el Chi

    Left 4 Dead Box Art Censored

    America is FAR more prudish than Europe. Plus, Germany is hardly a good example when discussing the prevailing state of censorship (in general, let alone specifically in the EU), notorious as they are for their over-sensitivity.
  20. el Chi

    teenagers today are dumber than previous generations at the same age

    This. Tiresome, predictable Daily Mail cane-rattling. It has the second-highest newspaper circulation in the country, you know. The Sun being the first. Fab.