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  1. Dekstar

    Happy birthday to me & The Brick!

    I have his address; I mainly use it to send him poster-size nude photos of myself.
  2. Dekstar

    Happy birthday to me & The Brick!

    Happy birthday both Garg and Brick! I got nothing for both of you.
  3. Dekstar

    Most underappreciated games

    Speaking of flying games, Airfix Dogfighter (PC). Yes, you fly model airplanes round a ****ing house. How epic is that.
  4. Dekstar

    Aperture Labs Collaborative Disposition Test Recovered

    Those <strike>crazy</strike> genius scientists at Aperture Laboratories have unearthed a personality test designed to <strike>crush your soul</strike> reveal your true identity under cooperative conditions. The test asks <strike>ridiculous</strike> deep, penetrating questions that probe your...
  5. Dekstar

    Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

    This. I've gotten back into A reckless disregard for gravity, and I'm liking the sound of that defense grid game.
  6. Dekstar

    Most underappreciated games

    +1 to Flatout 2. I've completed that game so many times. I'm not really into online play, but offline is awesome.
  7. Dekstar

    Got a spare minute or two and a copy of Trackmania Nations?

    I'd be up for tomorrow. I finish work at 6pm (GMT obviously), so any time between about 7 and midnight I'm good for. If it's Saturday, then any time between 8pm and whenever (since I don't have work on Sunday, yay!).
  8. Dekstar

    Happy birthday Ennui!

    You could always post a single happy birthday image in a new thread, make it more your style.
  9. Dekstar

    Happy birthday Ennui!

    Happy day of vaginal escape, Ennui!
  10. Dekstar

    Most underappreciated games

    I'd probably go with Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (Gamecube). When 4 friends could get through it together, it was amazing. The only problem I had with it was that me and my best friend were always cool to play it, but we couldn't get 2 other friends to commit like us, so it was kinda...
  11. Dekstar

    Whose Line is it Anyway is back!

    Charlie Sheen kinda ruined that one clip. He was trying far too hard to be 'sheen'.
  12. Dekstar

    Steam Details for Portal 2 on the Playstation 3

    Well it makes sense. I wouldn't have thought the PS3 version would have its own CD key, and so you could tie one copy to multiple accounts (since it's just tying a PSN ID to a steam account).
  13. Dekstar

    Steam Details for Portal 2 on the Playstation 3

    I just read this on SPUF: So I guess that's what I'm going to have to do.
  14. Dekstar

    Steam Details for Portal 2 on the Playstation 3

    "Can two players play online co-op with each other using a single purchase of Portal 2 for PlayStation®3? Only PlayStation®3 split-screen co-op can be played using a single copy of the game. When you purchase a new copy of Portal 2 for PlayStation®3, you will receive an in-box code which...
  15. Dekstar

    Humble deal

    Most definitely, and would probably be a bit easier because you can switch between the characters easier.
  16. Dekstar

    Humble deal

    Trine is awesome, especially if you have a gamepad and a friend/2 friends and 2 gamepads. I played through it with my girlfriend, and it was incredibly fun.
  17. Dekstar

    Aperture Science Investment Opportunity Video 4: Boots

    That bit with I know Valve would rock doing a movie based on one of their IPs if this is the kind of stuff they manage while advertising.
  18. Dekstar

    Things You Lament Losing

    TV Shows: Robot Wars Aquilla (check it out on google vids/youtube, it's incredible) Reboot In terms of anything else, my dad bought me this mini 50cc motorbike when I was like 8. Had it for one summer, then it 'disappeared'. He'd sold it. Other than that, not much really. I've led a pretty nice...
  19. Dekstar

    Therapeutic Hate Thread (THT)

    I hate that I'm ill with something I caught off my housemate, but I can't afford to not go into work. Diarrhea and vomiting in work ftl. I dislike my housemate too. She's stuck up and lame.
  20. Dekstar

    Doctor Who series 6: "prequel" teaser is online

    Moffat's good at thinking up scary creatures, but what I've learned from past experience (e.g. his attempt at head-writing), his actual stories leave much to be desired from proper scripting. That's why this trailer looks good, but I doubt it'll stand up to my even mediocre expectations of this...