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  1. He@t!

    What is Valve doing?

    I still dont know what their doing but u should add this option Playing the Far Cry demo.
  2. He@t!

    Post your FAR CRY screenshots
  3. He@t!

    Far Cry SP demo

    i agree..sad but true
  4. He@t!

    Far Cry SP demo

    For those who missed it..heres my demo SS's
  5. He@t!

    Far Cry SP demo

    Damn You!!! Damn You!!! :P Im getting my 9800xt on sat!! hey dan whats the highes res u can play it and it will be smoothe on ur 9800 xt? and what proc?
  6. He@t!

    Far Cry SP demo

    Or try it directly
  7. He@t!

    Far Cry SP demo

    when u click on the link stop the transmission and press the Go button...fixes it
  8. He@t!

    Far Cry SP demo

    Heres more Nice view of a lagoon I had to kill this guy.. Buggy jacking time! Yes...
  9. He@t!

    Far Cry SP demo

    Here is that pig that i found #2 All the screenshots are at 1024*768 all medium detail gf4 ti 4600... plays smoothe..gonna get my 9800xt on sat
  10. He@t!

    Far Cry SP demo

    It is the official demo.
  11. He@t!

    Far Cry SP demo

    the bodies due move a lil when u shoot them in the demo.. BTW i found a pig ill put up some ss when i have time
  12. He@t!

    Far Cry SP demo

    theres a buggy and a boat u can mess with..but not all the stuff is breakable which got me kinda mad.. looks very pretty though lotta colors..water looks excellent
  13. He@t!

    Far Cry SP demo

    81 kbs 1:12:09 remaining 28%... This will keep me busy till HL2 is out LoL.. need my 9800xt though cant wait till sat Anyone that has tryd the demo is it smooth? Will it be smooth on my 2.2 512 ram ti4600?
  14. He@t!

    What Card Do You Have?

    ti4600 gonna get 9800xt tomorrow..i wanna see how the far cry demo will be smoothe on my comp
  15. He@t!

    HL2 hackers?

    Ok im not sure if this has been disccussed but will there be anti cheat measure like PB or something..Cuz in CS 1.6 theres still a whole bunch of hackers..i have no doubt that HL2 will be a great game that will burn my eyes playing it 24/7 ,but playin with hackers will kill the game.
  16. He@t!

    what will hype up hl2 fans

    Oh btw..and i think a honest release date would be great
  17. He@t!

    what will hype up hl2 fans

    Yup i agree.. a tech demo would be better if we would know how it would run on our comps.
  18. He@t!

    Speculation: EB's release date

    Pure speculation ..they dont know as much as we do
  19. He@t!

    FBI seized computers allegedly involved in HL2 hack

    IBTL In before the lock!!!
  20. He@t!

    Half-Life2 Delayed Again???

    HAHAHHA i like that.. Hopefully it will be april