Vegeta I sooo listened, but I was too lazy to post "That was good, I enjoyed it, I like the detailed sample work and overall feel of the track. *clapclapclap*"
Also, hello Stigmo I like your melodies, I feel 'em. Yo.
I guess I will post a WIP in a bit...
Related question: Why can't the govt go back to printing its own money instead of borrowing from a private central bank (aka the federal reserve)?
Obviously the amount in circulation would have to be adjusted to avoid inflation. Lincoln did it, so what's the problem nowadays? I mean, shit would...
I definitely have conversations, but they're mostly one-sided. I will often answer questions that had no lingual input from the "other," just the impression of a thought/question.
I also prepare lines for conversations I plan to start or expect to start, and sometimes play out both sides of the...
I'm not too hot on current events but I have this strange feeling that the above image is terribly inaccurate. But if anyone would like to explain...:)
Suppose Ernie decides to merge his mind with Bert's. Ernie and Bert are now one, Ernert (doesn't matter who's body). Has Ernie "lost" his identity or "altered" it? Has Bert lost his identity? Indeed, the two individual minds of Ernie and Bert no longer exist. However a new one has been created...
The guy's style of presentation can be annoying, but overall the video makes a valid point - Watch your ass or you'll end up a slavebot! (You're halfway there already, lol!)
I think he was explaining how that way of thinking is such a problem, since the majority actually do think like...