lol, dumbass. If the cop was just looking for a bus pass, why not just produce a bus pass and get on with things? Of course, take into account that he's wanted in suspicion with the murders of 4 other people, which would mean he's already on the lookout for cops. Once an officer stops him, he...
I hope it will be there in time for launch. I'd like to preorder to get my free Back to Karkand dlc among other things. If not, I may just end up getting it on Origin. While I'd rather have all my games in one place, my interest in this game is enough such that If I have to then I'll buy it on...
It's probably taking into account the fact that you would have to decompress files before ending with a final install size of 10 gigs? That just my guess so no telling what it really is.
Hard Drive Space = 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version
Operating System = Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor = Core 2 Duo @ 2.0GHz
Video Card = DirectX 10 or 11 compatible...
Commo Rose is clunky when compared to BC2's context sensitive 'q' button. I'd much rather see them leave it out of bf3 because it would serve no advantage over the current 'q' system from bc2.
The background? If you stay signed into google, you can change the background of your basic google search. The lower left corner has a thing that says "change background image" and I just used a picture that I liked.
so i just noticed this today.
It's pretty accurate at picking up what you say into your microphone. Anybody else try this yet?
Some searches i've tried...
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
I like big butts and i cannot lie
etc... it didn't have a...
If you are considering a 3ds, OoT is a good reason to have a 3ds now. However, as the system is still pretty expensive, if you can wait for a holiday sale or more AAA titles(Super Mario, Mariokart, Kid Icarus, etc...) I would wait for more titles to be available. Thus, once you do purchase a...
watch it here in 1080.
edit: The graphics look pretty good for console although in slightly less definition from the PC version. It also looks like it runs pretty smooth too.