Its called antlion_trooper
It is scripted, has its own music (matrix 3 theme), very very fun and dramatic
The premise is you are in the middle of the desert as a combine, you and a dozen combine soldiers and supersoldiers have 1 min to set up your turrets and prepare for an attack. And what...
Half an hour ago gamespot's On the spot (internet live news program) had a hands on with the PSP. One of the guys was commenting at he was dissapointed with the psp's lack of analog control. I, and many, thought that that little analog looking disk on the left was analog, but its actually...
You obviously havn't played wow pvp
It isnt liek shadowbane, only other factions can kill you when you are in CONTESTED territory (by then you will be lv 25)
And friends can only attack you if they propse, and you accept, to a duel
didnt you post this in the hl2 gen discussion
what does this have to do with css
and dont expect e3 videos to exactly represent the game, they are just showing off how purdy it is, get people hyped