Blocking Doors - E3


Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
Remember during the E3 demonstration they moved the table in front of the door to block the combine out. I remember that level... looked like Ravenholm. One question... why aren't there any Combine in Ravenholm when (at least I think) there were in the E3 demonstration? Note: Not sure if it was Ravenholm, if not, where was that at and why was it cut?
All these questions has been asked hundreds of times.... next time search.
Many things from the E3 videos were cut from the real version...
man the E3 demos are totaly faked out. In the part where your in the buggy ( I think its Highway 17) the guy int he vid has a pulse and with secondary fire. now i got to say this but that weapon is way farther down the line in the story.
Well I'm not sure it is or not, but I think it might be.... o.0
I guess you could say that was based on ravenholm. Probobly an early concept. The thing I'm wondering is why I didn't see anybody kick in any doors?

That was a purdy cool feature...
it was ravenholm but why would the combine bee in a place infested with zombies and you cant block doors gay eh
e3 videos are just to look perty, dont expect e3 videos to represent the actual game that much
The building used in that demo is mostly there in Ravenholm, however there are (obviously) no combine present, only zombies. I can't remember what level/part of ravenholm it is, but it -is- there.
I wish there were some combine in Ravenholm, would've been cool to see a combine squad get ambushed by half a dozen fast zombies jumping down from the roof tops.
That building is where you first encounter the fast zombie.
Latin_Jones said:
I guess you could say that was based on ravenholm. Probobly an early concept. The thing I'm wondering is why I didn't see anybody kick in any doors?

That was a purdy cool feature...

they kicked that one door open in the apartments, then started beating the guy