1)the dis17a.wav file... They dont seem to say this in game (some hours ago i begun to play hl again :P ) But from the sound file the part c1a0 hints me that this sound was supposed to play during that sequence...
2) For the terrestrial water\icthyo thing.... The...
Also, near the portal to nihilant you can hear "today is a great day mr freeman (or the correct english verision"
c1a0_sci_dis17a.wav is said or it should be said after you push the crystal under the spectometer.....
Gman is amused of Shephard potential imo, but his employers didnt let him hire him so now he is detained attending further evaluation (perhaps if he survives the happenings of hl2 he will work for the gman...)
Also blue shift add something little to the plotline:
Basically you understand...
Gordon Freeman is no more a research scientist (i mean, the gman hired him because of his killing skills) btw :D
Earth Source depleted etc. ?? :O
ps: "the wrong he unleashed back at Black Mesa." Uhm, arent xen aliens supposed to be a problem of the past in hl2?? Or the...
It seems, (also, read the user manual shipped with opfor, the shepard diary i mean) that the gman was "evaluating" possible recruits for his agency during the disaster (looking at those black screens with writings like "evaluation etc").
The G-man showed interest for adrian, but their...
Ok sorry, anyway i was supposing he was saying this before you encountered gonarch.
Anyway, gman an alien ??? :( I just hope not, if he is not human i hope it is some kind of mysterious entity rather than a morphing alien....
And anybody listened to opfor gman wavs?? I have the italian...
Yeah somebody did but i dont think it's "official"
And in some article they said the time passed between hl1 and hl2 will be an important part of the plot or something........
Uhm, i believe it's referred to gonarch ( a not man waiting for gordon)
That's not a theory of mine, but i found this out somehow- so i dont remeber exactly why he should refer to gonarch, but trust me. Maybe The nihilanti says this just before you enter the portal to gonarch lair?? i dont...
Uhm those soldiers seem to be some sort of machine-soldier, so I wont be surprised if they will be emotionally passive....
Anyway if they will put some cooler reaction i will be happy, like this - :) or this :D or maybe this :O
Anway hl2 is already :O for me ;O.
Oh shit, while i was...
ah half-life...
I'm going to play it again in those days...
I'm also going to play opfor and bs.
Opfor was good but it left some kind of "empty" feeling in me.... i mean, shephard just lurks around black mesa with no ****ing idea of what to do...
Bs is cool for me. It is incredibly...
In hl3 you will play as gordon freeman, you will use weapons for dispatching enemy forces, you will meet the gman, you will meet aliens, npcs, soldiers and such.
Uhmmm I cant imagine how hl2 will be.. I hope it will not be some kind of rebels against evil gman forces.....
About the nihilant:
I'm not sure he his a god or even a ruler.
He seemed a slave to me, i mean look at those bracelet, they look almost identical at alien slaves ones.
And he says things like "slaves, we are they're slaves"
I think the bad xenians in hl are those "controllers", they...
"here comes another" said by the nihilant, may refer to all those hev dudes coming to xen through portals to steal things and to do some annoying experiment (i think that some experiment in xen really pissed off those aliens, who then wanted to strike so bad at black mesa)
Anyway interesting...