HL2 Theories

Maybe instead of taking us to other universes, the game will take us to a parallel ones at a different time..
If Gabe says we won't fight aliens on Xen, maybe we'll be able to fight them when dinosaurs ruled earth number 6 ;)
Originally posted by Calm_Blue_Ocean
I'm hoping for a drivable strider!

That would be awesome, the coding for that would I think would be unthinkably hard :(.
i dont think that would be possible, striders attack you :)
Maybe the G Man is a diplomat of an alien race that has yet to appear. He might be trying to stir things up on Xen and Earth so the unknown race can swoop in and gain control over Xen and Earth (for their resouces?) while all the other groups (combines, humans, Xens, etc.) are in chaos fighting eachother. This is a longshot, but who knows...
Originally posted by EVIL
i dont think that would be possible, striders attack you :)

Aye, but me and calm reckon they are driven by a Combine driver, therfore you could just eliminate the driver and get in. How you would do that without destroying the Strider though, I don't know. lol
striders arent vehicles, they are biomech creatures. the same with the helicopter creature and the little fleying thingy's
Originally posted by EVIL
striders arent vehicles, they are biomech creatures. the same with the helicopter creature and the little fleying thingy's

You don't know that for sure.

Since the logo on them is the same as the Combine Soliders's logo. They seem to be on the same side. Even if they Combine are biomech's, the strider looks pretty robotic to me. And I think it is perfectly feasable to assume it can very easily be controlled by a driver hidden inside.
almost all of the magazine interviews said that the striders is a biomechanical alien. no alien vehicle, but a creature itself
Oh right, sorry, never read that.

But, that is an excellent point in itself.

They are obviously joined with the Combine, so if they are Alien, what does that say about the Combine?
maybe g-man is invading city 17 and the combine is defending themselves.
Simple, but how would that explain the alien/biomech technology? There shouldn't be any of that kinda thing on Earth, really.

One thing I thought of, is that various people and aliens escaped black mesa, and the Aliens were caught by another organisation (The Combine) and experimented on, resulting in powerfull footsolders (The Combine Soliders).

Which would explain why they talk english and stuff - because they are. They have simply been merged with Alien tech.

Much like SOLIDER from Final Fantasy 7, really.

Of course, this can coincide with my other theory, that the Combine are the result of human / alien experiments by the G-Man. Gordon is in on this, but could switch sides throughout the game. :)
How dare you insult teh lizard :P

It is 50% of it's proper size, too. Teehee :E
Nihilanth quotes are ALWAYS helpful in this sort of thing... heheh.

Anyhoo, I've always thought that Gordon and the G-man are somehow related. Probably not through family, but perhaps Gordon was somehow genetically altered in the past due to intervention or experimentation by the G-man or his forces.

(BEFORE Black Mesa. Perhaps by Kleiner at MIT: after all, Kleiner WAS Gordon's mentor and professor at MIT and actually got Gordon his job. We also have reason to believe that Kleiner is in some sort of cahoots, whether for his own personal gain or because he truly believes in the G-man's goals, with the G-man.)

By genetically altered, I mean perhaps Gordon was made more intelligent/resilient/stronger through such methods as a precursor for the events to happen in Black Mesa.

(And as stated in the Half-Life manual, Gordon's little biography depicts him somewhat as a prodigy when he was a child. This may imply that he was genetically altered even BEFORE he went to MIT.)

And also in reference to the Nihilanth's quote, "the last... you are the last...," perhaps he meant that Gordon was the only survivor of the employees genetically altered by the G-man. Who knows... maybe he just meant that Gordon was just the only survivor wearing an HEV suit left. XD

Also, to get a (probably) more coherent rant on this by me, lookie here: http://www.forumplanet.com/gamespy/topic.asp?fid=1422&tid=1038500&p=2#10668075
Heres a quote from a scientist in the beginning of the game:
"Oh, it's you. I thought you might have been one of the administrator's men...they're everywhere this morning."

Now that makes it sound like there are multiple "G-Men". It also could explain how you saw "G-Man" everywhere. Allthough i think there is only one G-Man

I also just heard the sound of Nihilanth saying "Freeman". How could Nihilanth know about Freeman when that was their first encounter? Maybe it wasnt their first...or maybe somebody told Nihilanth about Gordon.

"You are the last" could be related to how Nihilanth knew about Gordon. The last of what? Something in the past must have happened, thus causing Gordon to be the last.

"You are man, he is not man, for you he waits, for you"
Well that shows Gordon isnt alien, but he is. Most likely he is G-Man.

Here is a section of the prologe that happens after an alien slave is shot:
"Falling, limp and broken he gave out a call for his homeland, for his family, and most of all: His god."

It also says:
"The gentle, almost inaudible sound of prayer filled the still sky" (Describing Xen)
I'm not sure what these religious references are about though. (Is Nihilanth the Xen god?)

Thats all i got for now. I wish we could talk about this in irc or something so we wouldnt have to wait for each post. I am soooooo interesting in figuring out this mystery.
I'm not sure that Nihilanth is a god, gods are supposed to be immortal, and they aren't supposed to be worldly beings (I think).
Kastro: The Nihilanth is a psychic being... that's how he knew who Freeman was. He wasn't even really TALKING to Gordon, he was projecting his thoughts directly to him.

Also, dig this speculation of mine:
And speaking of the Nihilanth, the term "nihilism" is the belief in the abolishing of the government(s) present at the time as a step in improving society and restoring natural order. To me, that implies that the Xenians were probably just interdimensional hippies, to put it metaphorically. That would suggest that they saw governments on Earth, primarily the U.S. government, and probably the G-man, as a threat to anything and everything in existence.
And note that in that, I'm assuming that the G-man isn't involved in a human government. I reeeeeeeally don't think that he's human... at least completely human.

Also, this leaves room for an explanation of why the Xenian slaves might ally themselves with the human resistance in City 17. After the Nihilanth died, their protection from the Combine probably dwindled as the Nihilanth couldn't hold the dimensional breach from the Combine's dimension to theirs shut. The Nihilanth was trying to avoid invasion from two fronts and strike back at their invaders, but with him gone, the Combine were free to conquer Xen. The remaining Xenians perhaps teleported over to Earth (probably mostly slaves, at this point, as well as other Xen wildlife that sneaked through with them) and attempted to appeal to the human authorities for help in retaking Xen... or at least for giving them refuge. The G-man apparently didn't think ahead and predict the Combine invasion of Xen, (or he never knew of the Combine in the first place) so once the Combine had Xen under their control, they took the next dimensional breach to Earth and continued their conquest there. So, cornered in City 17 and faced with his loss of control in Xen, (it's known as the borderworld, which I believe implies that it's the border dimension between our dimension and the Combine's) the G-man allies with the Xenians and the human resistance forces that are still holding out against the invasion, in hopes of saving his own arse, as well as a better chance at recapturing the borderworld.
ok i kinda said all that in one of my previous posts in this thread. so i guess we might have that figured out. unless were both wrong =\
Re: Race x

Originally posted by Orgror
You are all forgetting the Race X from Opossing Force. This new alien race comes to Earth a while after Gordon goes to Xen. So, maybe this new race were from another dimension, and Nihilaith was the only one ( the last of his race) preventing them form reaching Xen and invade others dimension (Xen is a Border World), this is proben because in some point in Opposing Force yo see Xen aliens and Race X aliens fighting.

I think the G-man is an alien, or a worker of them. He is the one responsable of the disaster in Black Mesa, he(and his superiors, the race X) wants humans confront Xen, and eventualy Killed Nihilanth so Race X can invade Xen, and the Earth.

Perhaps the combine is not alien, when the earth was under invasion, some humans believe that the only way to survive was to change the evolution of the human race, combining Race X adn with human, or perhaps they are the slaves of the Race X.

Gordon will be a part of the true human resistance, and the G-man problaby ius the bad guy, maybe Gordon worked for him in the past, but now he know the truth about all his manipulations
PD: Sorry for my very very very bad english

That's a good theory Ogror, although I thought Race X was just another part of Xen, maybe not :).

The G-Man could be human, but like the Combine soldiers he has been assimilated by an alien race (who knows which) to act as a "diplomat" throwing all races into the melee in order to aid his own side (that is, if he is working for an alien race). You can see that in the original Half Life, because you never truly find out what is actually going on, and all the different factions / races are battling it out against each other. Although perhaps that was constructed by the G-Man to slow the alien invasion down (assuming he is working for a human government), because after the Marines pull out the Xen aliens begin to get much more of a hold on Black Mesa. Freeman himself is merely trying to escape but ends up being encouraged to enter Xen and kill Nihilanth by a scientist and that's how he lands his "job" with the G-Man.

And kastro, that multiple G-Man theory is possible, since you see him right at the very start of Half Life (if you turn round I'm sure he's there watching Freeman going along in the tram), but then you see him again with a scientist in another tram just a few minutes later (but perhaps he just teleported there - he does seem able to control when to teleport). You see him at a similar time in Blue Shift as well, alone in another tram; maybe that's just added for effect though, since he ignores you, unlike the interest he displays when watching Freeman and Shephard.

I think when Nihilanth says "you are the last", that could be that he is Earth's last chance of survival. After all, you see dead humans in HEVs scattered around Xen. I don't think this is any prophetical line.

I know I haven't put forward my own theories clearly here, but right now I've confused myself :o Sorry about this post being a bit long, maybe anyone else could make more sense of it than I could ;)
"here comes another" said by the nihilant, may refer to all those hev dudes coming to xen through portals to steal things and to do some annoying experiment (i think that some experiment in xen really pissed off those aliens, who then wanted to strike so bad at black mesa)

Anyway interesting theories.

I also think that Gordon may be bio engineered (he can also be some kind of clone, enginered even before he born, but he can also be some kind of superantural being, even a messiah ;O just joking anyway)

But my theory about "the incident being caused on purpose" is that the gman agency wanted to test the human response to an alien invasion, and in the same time finding some skilled warrior to engineer and clone, to make a perfect earth defending force, or an all demension conquering force
Ahh yes, they clone Gordon to make an ultimate super warrier for the Combine (which could be in league/controlled by the G-Man/Government).

The real Gordon is actually back in his hometown somewhere when he hears of this Alien threat.

Que HL1 similar storyline. The G-Man dispatches his Combine forces into City 17 where the Alien Invasion is. Gordon is called by Barney and co. to help them in City 17, where the Combine are taking over the city to wipe out the Aliens as well as killing everyone to keep the secret quiet. So Gordon grabs his ol' HEV suit from a wardrobe and heads on out to help his old Allies. :)

Naturally one of the final battles would be Gordon vs Gordon. :E
About the nihilant:

I'm not sure he his a god or even a ruler.

He seemed a slave to me, i mean look at those bracelet, they look almost identical at alien slaves ones.

And he says things like "slaves, we are they're slaves"

I think the bad xenians in hl are those "controllers", they use alien slaves as, well, slaves and the nihilant as a teleporter.

It also seemed to me that the nihilant wasnt totally against freeman, it looked like he was fighting him because he was forced to.
Originally posted by ShadowJustice
About the nihilant:

I'm not sure he his a god or even a ruler.

He seemed a slave to me, i mean look at those bracelet, they look almost identical at alien slaves ones.

And he says things like "slaves, we are they're slaves"

I think the bad xenians in hl are those "controllers", they use alien slaves as, well, slaves and the nihilant as a teleporter.

It also seemed to me that the nihilant wasnt totally against freeman, it looked like he was fighting him because he was forced to.

Yeah, same as Alien Slaves, that would explain why the 'slaves are on your side in HL2 (yay!)
What I liked about Half-life was you never knew quite what was going on, so the appeal of Half-life 2 is some explanation about Black Mesa.:borg:
alright, there are alot of pages in this thread and i havnt read them yet. But here is my post.

I believe that there are some half computer / half alien things in halflife 2. I think that Gman is responcible for creating these things. I think that he has them under his control, probably why they are half computer. Then there is a big technical problem, which seems to happen ALOT in halflife. Again you are gordan freeman. You have started working for Gman, but do not know exactly what he is upto. When the military or "secrete force" finds out about the breakout they are sent to kill you and everything in the outbreak area "City 17". They then put up the huge barriers to contain you. The soldiers are just highly skilled soldiers working for a bigger and secret power. I remind you about the wierd assasins. I think they can be from the same place. As for the Xen aliens, i think the purpose of contolling the robot/aliens is to kill all the xen aliens, so people can use teleportation as they please.

But what do i know, im just a kid.
oi be nice he whas asked for his theorie so he gave it...no reason to get smart...:flame:
Exactly, what is so wrong with his theory anyway? It looks as far fetched as any of the others posted here. :E
Originally posted by loque
oi be nice he whas asked for his theorie so he gave it...no reason to get smart...:flame:

I am EVIL, so my job is to comment in an evil way. So no.. "OMFG.. thats soo cool" but "man.. that really sucks" comments
Quite ironic isn't it? City 17, the last human city, gordan defending against the invading aliens?!?! Ring any bells?
He's my latest theory: Gordon is the villain.

Having been sent mad by the sheer terror of his experiences escaping Black Mesa Freeman has hit upon a scientific solution to destroy all the connected multiverses through the rift that he unwittingly opened and the Nihilanth kept open.

In HL2 he is (mis)leading a group of scientists into building a device for him which can use the energies from the rift to melt all the worlds using some sort of antimatter flux. he is aided by the evil Alyx(tm) in this -- she's sdeuced half the science team into cooperating. The G-Man, defender of all that is good and nice, has finally learnt of this plan and has cut a deal with the Combine to stop Gordon while he organises some defence of the rift with the remaining marine forces that were available to him at the end of HL1. God speed G-Man, may you save us all, sir... ;)

This of course makes the outcome of HL2 different, should we succeed in getting Gordon through to the end he'll be resposible for killing everybody. An exercise in black-beret wearing student nihilism that should se a few more GOTY titles awarded.
What does the G-man name stand for? perhaps for Gordon Freeman . Gordon may be some genetically enginered dood whose father is G-man. Its just an idea, I actually dont believe a shit of it.:bonce:
wasn't it "government man"?

I thought so atleast.

but then again it has never been confimed have it?
it would be cool to see g-man actually pull an UBER gun out of that case of his and just start owning some scientists himself, maybe he will be the final boss!!!:borg:
Henrik, you are probably right. When u say it I actually think I have read it somewhere a long time ago.
Hasnt anyone thought that the designation "City 17" could mean the 17th city under the control of the Combine (or as people say it)
Nahh... I think that its the name of the city and nothing else...