HL2 Theories

I very much doubt its the name of the city. You just dont look on the map of Europe, and somewhere it says City 17 on it :P hehe. So yes, its likely code name
Thats a real good point. I reckon it's a code name. Although Gabe did say in a preview that it was a fictional city, so it can be called what it wants. Most probably it is a code name though, of course, could just be a weird name (albelt very un-original, compaired to Black Mesa).

I am pretty sure G-Man means Government Man, then G-Man was brought into existance though the way Valve named the G-Mans related models (gman.mdl, etc), but I could be wrong.
Maby the rebels has like 20 cities...

1 is the capital
2 is the 2nd biggest
and so on? :cheese:
Hrm....I just took a look through some of the wavs in the PAK file....I have no clue how it relates, but Nihlanth says a couple things I've noticed nobody has mentioned yet.
One would be (not on the 'he' part, it's kinda hard to hear, either he, or we)
- "Deceive you, he'll deceive you..."
- "The truth...you can never know the truth..."
(not sure if anybody's mentioned this one, can't quite remember)
- "Alone...not you alone"....

Also, I noticed that the Gman talks kinda weird at certain points...I'm not sure if it's because of the aforementioned Italian translation thing, or what...but he talks strangely throughout the whole "No Regrets" speech...especially when he says "Personal holocaust" and "total annihilation"...

Furthermore, listen closely to gman_mumble3. It sounds at the very start as if he's saying "I want them to move on". Once again, not sure what this relates to, but you people tend to be fairly good and coming up with theories from evidence, so I thought I'd bring it up. Also, does the 'system crash' and the 'problems down in the test chamber' have any relevance, or are they a matter of no importance? Perhaps 'they' (I'm not sure who 'they' would be) were sabotaging the Black Mesa facility in preparation of whatever operation they had planned...but again, maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Another thing...the fact that Dr. Kleiner, your teacher (who is explicitly mentioned in the Owner's Manual), manages to escape, as well as the hypothesis of Kleiner being on that tram with the Gman, brings up the fact that he might have something to do with the orchestration of the events that took place in Black Mesa. Once again, we all might just be overanalyzing...but you never know, especially when the story's written by an author that I know nothing about...as far as we know, it might be just one of those 'Doom'-esque storylines -- 'there's stuff. shoot it'.

Here's to hoping it's an elaborate and interesting plotline

Ok, now Im confused...the Combine are human I thought...wait, according to what i thoguht (plz correct me) the combine are those guys wearing the gas mask like things, but then in one video there were sentry guns planted by the combine, so i think im getting the things mixed up- What are the combine- and if the gas-mask peeps arnt them, are those the marines again?:bounce:
The guys in gas masks are combine soldiers, it says so in PC Gamer screens, and I think the narrator guy in the gameplay Videos refers to them as Combine Soldiers. What exactly the combine is is up for debate. It seems we've reached a consensus that they are half man, half machine (thus the name "Combine"). But who they work for and why they are trying to capture the City is a mystery.
Gabe Newell says in the interviews and tech demos that you will experience many different emotions for the characters and how you will develop weird friendships and emotions for these people (which are just programs and computer code). What ive read from alot of people and when you think about it....im starting to think that many of your allies or friends will end up being bad in the end or half way through the game. Im sure there are going to be some huge twists in the game too...something that a movie would do or something. HL2 is gunna be crazy...not just the gameplay, physics, or anything else but this story line. It's going to be awesome and summer will go by fast and what do you know HL2 will be in all of our hands.

WORST NIGHTMARE - Gabe Newell: "Im hear to announce that HL2 will be delayed until late spring 2004 and Team Fortress 2 is cancelled."
Boy, what a way to start my first post, yet I think I will contribute here. Forgive me for any errors in my reasoning, this is just an assumption from what you have written, as I never really paid attention to Half-Life’s story line (Didn’t even realize there WAS one, I was in it for the killing :P) This is also based off of what is happening in Half-Life 2, or what it looks like.

Some reasoning for a few quotes. P.S. I am sure that these quotes are 99% correct, so should my reasoning be wrong, at least I got you all the quotes, eh? (This is rather long)

“The last… you are the last… you are…”
“The last… I am the last…”
I figure these two quotes mean one thing. Freeman and the Nihilanth are the last living creatures who can prevent something from occurring in the future. That may mean Nihilanth is the last who can stop an upcoming invasion of the Earth (Half-Life 2, anyone? This is also going up with your theories of Nihilanth holding a portal closed) and Freeman is the last person who has the power to stop it (Either through letting Nihilanth live or just massacring everything in sight like Half-Life 1)

“Done… what have you done…”
I believe that this is referring to Freeman killing off the Xen aliens. This once again goes in with the theory, “Nihilanth is the good guy G-Man is simply using in order to get his will completed”, whatever that may be. This could also be referring to another theory of mine, G-Man genetically engineering new species from the Xen race (Read my view on Xen below)

“Die… you all die… you all die…”
Once again, I believe this is referring to that ‘Oh-so-important-event-you-could-have-been-prevented-should-you-not-kill-me’. This event, in my view, is the massive invasion of Earth (Beginning in City-17?) that G-man may be a part of.

“Deceive… you will deceive… you…”
Boy, this is a tougher, as I am obviously trying to prove that the Xen aliens are the good guys… I believe this part here is referring to Gordon deceiving himself by standard morals, “Aliens are bad! They are evil beings whose soul purpose is to invade earth!” Also referred to as Gordon only seeing man’s view, and not what the aliens could be preventing.

“Comes… another…”
As seen above, massive invasion of earth, anyone? Xen isn’t the only alien race that is going to reach earth…

“You are man… he is not man… for you he waits… for you…”
I have two thoughts on this.
A) This could be referring to G-man, however, I believe G-man IS in fact human. My perspective on him is a man who is an ambassador to some ‘alien power’ and carries out their will.
B) This could be referring to some as-of-yet-not-discovered being who will take part in the upcoming invasion of City-17. ‘Waits for you’ meaning that this being is physic or has contact with a being who is and has known for many years that Gordon would release its race unto the human’s earth, unleashing Chaos. (As Combine’s are Half-Man, Half Something else, perhaps this COULD be the G-Man (A Combine Leader?))

“Now… die… now… die… now…”
Eh… quotes are getting difficult to prove that the oh-so-lovable Nihilanth is in fact the good guy. However, I believe this may be saying that Nihilanth wants Freeman to die, as obviously he is not going to just leave without killing the creature. However peaceful Xen’s may be without being provoked (Mass teleported to an unknown world full of strange and hostile beings), it is pretty obvious Nihilanth wouldn’t want to risk it’s entire race dying, including Earth being invaded, through it’s death (As stated earlier, maybe holding shut the portals that connect worlds).

“Their slaves… we are their slaves… we are…”
Now, this is where it gets tricky. Time for a bit of confusing information that contradicts most of what was said above. I believe that Nihilanth and Alien Slaves are slaves to the rest of Xen (Controllers and Grunts, etc.) My view on Xen will be on the bottom (Still a ways to go, sorry! Feel free to leave this be until a rainy day)

“The truth… you can never know… the truth”
This one is obvious. Freeman can never learn what a horrible crime he is doing through killing Nihilanth, and that Xen was in fact a ‘good’ race, as the only Xen creature able to communicate with him is about to be killed, and the G-Man certainly isn’t going to say, “Yep, they were good, I was evil. Who cares!”

“Thieves… you all are thieves… you all are…”
Stealing crystals that belong to Xen which as a result opens dimensional shifts allowing hostile invaders to descend upon Xen and Earth, eradicating all in sight… need more be said?

“Win… you cannot win…”
Obviously, if the original ‘Xen are Evil’ plot was right, this would be false. Gordon WOULD win as Nihilanth is about to die. However, he cannot in fact win, as Nihilanth is fighting with Freeman. As stated MANY times above, the creature’s death will only bring about more war which will result in the doom of many.

No comment… Basically just proving the thing is a Physic being which knows what it is talking about…

Ending Conclusions: Before I go on with the point of the above, let me say this. Does anyone notice the IMMENSLY large explosion that results in Nihilanth’s death? Surely this was not just for ‘show’ (Really, when has Valve lagged the player to death for ‘show’? :P), but indicating that impossible to contain energy was being released, causing something to happen… (My thoughts: Nihilanth’s energy was being released causing the portal to reopen)

The whole incident: Brought about on purporse by the G-Man to release his favored aliens upon the world (Not Xen aliens). The Xen and Human researches were simply innocents caught in the middle of a man’s determination. In fact, the Xen race was probably all that was keeping this evil at bay, as City-17 was only invaded AFTER Nihilanth died (It could just be conscience, but order of events usually are important in the long-run)

G-Man: A man in some-way relating to hostile aliens unknown to us whose soul purpose is to bring the alien threat to our world while searching for likely ‘subjects’ to follow in his footsteps (The gullible as well as strong Gordon Freeman). In order to bring about this plan, he first had to conquer Xen and open a mass portal to the alien’s home world. To do this, he brought about chaos on Black Mesa, causing Gordon Freeman to take revenge and slay the leader. The aggressive behavior of the aliens could only be done by G-Man first genetically engineering his own version of the Xen Aliens. How does G-Man know all of this? If my theory is correct (Doubt it, that is why it is a theory), then G-Man already has contact with a physic being capable of telling him what to do and who to do it to.

In-Depth view on Xen Race (These are ALL wild assumptions, do not take ANY of this to have any reasoning behind it, just a wild man’s point of view)
These creatures I believe are just native to Xen and can be compared to things we find out in the wild. Bullsquid, Headcrab, Snarks, Barnacle, Gonarch, Houneye, Ichy (Don’t know full name), Tentacle.

Alien Controllers: A being altered by Black Mesa scientists meant to bring about more aggressive behavior in their race as a hole. These beings would be used to mentally ‘control’ the minds of their race and cause them to be hostile to most everything.

Alien Grunt: Also engineered in order to protect the Alien Controllers (Who are physically weak). These beings are not bright and their soul purpose is to attack and protect. (Ever wonder why you first met these in Science Labs contained within those test-tubes?)

Alien Slave: Original Xen creature which was taken over by Controllers and kept in order through shackles. Physically controlled by Grunts, Mentally by Controllers (Most common enemy, duh!).

Nihilanth: The Original Xen leader (Notice Original, I believe that G-Man was in control of Xen the MOMENT this invasion began) who has amazingly mental capabilities. This creature use to command Xen until the Alien Controllers were made in its likeness, and due to immense numbers, enslaved the beast (Would you hang out in an enclosed cavern with no exit if you were all-powerful? Nihilanth could have been enslaved and thrown in there as if a jail)

That would be all. I could go on an on with my theories, yet we don’t have that much time to spare. Please, feel free to post, “Oh… My… God… My… Eyes… So little reasoning… so many words…” Well, that’s me for ya! Have a nice day, all.
good post, the only problem with this last theory.. is that why would the Nihilanth spawn both controllers and slaves inside his cavern if he no longer controlled them... the controllers and slaves would of attacked nihilanth instead of defending him...

Maybe they were trying to save him to prevent Gman from taking over the place and use it for his evil ways
Sorry, I last played Half-Life four years ago (Replaying it now), but I could have SWORN that NOTHING spawned in Nihilanth's chamber. I thought he teleported you to three seperate chambers, some containing the aliens. This wouldn't affect my last theory at all... Yet please, if they do in fact spawn, tell me!

Maybe they were trying to save him to prevent Gman from taking over the place and use it for his evil ways

Actually, that also totally condradicts what I said. I believe that G-Man was the creators of the Controlers, and that they are in control of Nilihanth (Not really control, but preventing him from acting out against them). The G-Man part coming from how the HECK that man can walk all around Black Mesa without being attacked/massacred by aliens. They have to be avoiding him for some reason.

As for Alien Slaves, they are slaves with Nilihanth (Theory Wise), meaning that they wouldn't attack eachother anyway.

P.S. Currently I am getting all the G-Man quotes for you guys. Sadly, although I have finished his ending speech (I will post that tomorrow, maybe), I could only figure out one of his six mumblings in the first lab map.
I haven’t read this whole thread so I appoligise if I’m repeating someone. Just giving my thoughts:

If the green teleport ball misses you (because you're hiding behind something) then it spawns a Controllers or a Slave. Not sure if they still spawn if the teleport hits you.
This would suggest they are on the Nihilanth's side, and the fact that they don't fight each other would suggest that the other aliens are on the same side (cept the Bull Squid who seems to be an animal).
The Slaves and Controllers are watching over heaps of barrels that contain Grunts. Since a large number of these barrels are on conveyor belts and involved in some kind of process with various fluids, my guess is they are mass-producing an army of Grunts.

The Nihilanth's seems to be trying to control Xen with its army, and began either an invasion of earth or a counter attack to Earths invasion of Xen. What is clear is that the GMan (or his employers) win control of Xen by the end of the game thanks to Freeman’s efforts.
The fact is, that works out for my theory as well. My claim is that G-Man genetically engineered Alien Controllers to brain-wash, for lack of a better word, the remaining Xen aliens. The Alien Grunts were also genetically engineered (It doesn’t matter if G-Man did it himself, but the Alien Controllers are involved somehow, and my theory suggest he made them. That leads to his involvement in the Grunt’s creation).

Now, I will dish out my ‘larger’ explanation.

G-Man’s involvement is not known by either side. He simply is there, and my theory believes him to have caused everything. His scientists created the Alien Controller and introduced it to the Xen world. This alien had ‘NO’ intention of helping human’s, it was simply designed for one purpose, to enslave the Xen to fight AGAINST the human’s. G-Man obviously could care less about human life (He nuked Black Mesa), he simply cares about his own interests (Apparently taking over Xen by convincing his ‘agents’ that they are hostile. They are, in fact, only hostile because of him introducing Alien Controllers).

The result of the introduction of Alien Controllers lead to the Xen race as a whole to basically be neutral to each other, and all under new leadership (From Nihilanth to G-Man, G-Man acting through the pre-designed Controllers.) So although the Aliens do not fight each other, the Controllers are in fact the ‘Supreme Rulers’ who have enslaved the lesser aliens. The reason for Nihilanth summoning the creatures who enslaved him is quite simple: Desperation. It simply does NOT want Xen falling or itself dying, my reason points towards the opening of that portal all of you talk about.

Now, as to how G-Man managed to pull this feat off, it is quite simple. A small group of select, trusted scientists were meant to do research for him. This was when Black Mesa traveled to Xen and retrieved crystals (Notice they were ABLE to do that, meaning XEN was not hostile, or those were some amazingly lucky or well guarded scientists). Through these crystals, the Alien Controller was developed by the G-Man’s own agents. Then secretly re-introduced to the Alien World. Now, these crystals obviously have the power to open dimensional shifts, so they can most likely be evolved into eggs for a new species. As the crystals came from Xen, and even offer Nihilanth protection, they would most likely evolve into a form of Xen species.

The new Controllers then spawned Alien Grunts in preparation to invade Earth, something G-Man had already planned to prevent. My theory is that he always knew this, and the only reason Aliens would not attack G-Man is because HE introduced Alien Controllers, and THEY would not attack their ‘master’. Also, should G-Man in reality be a Combine Soldier (The alien theory), all the more reason for aliens to be aligned with him. So, while the aliens did not attack him, G-Man called in his ‘government buddies’ to seal off all exits, preventing the Aliens from reaching the outside, and no invasion to ever occur. Why did he not want an invasion now but my theory suggests another later? The alien group G-Man is affiliated with (I believe Combine at this moment) needed Xen to fall in order to pass to our world.

So basically, G-Man has Man against Man, Man against Alien, and Alien against All. The ending result is simply Xen being massacred and the alien’s remaining under G-Man’s influence. All he had to do to regain their trust with Human’s was simply rid of Alien Controllers and Grunts, the beings which encouraged aggressive behavior.

Anywho, that probably has a lot of loopholes, but that is the advanced explanation… Enjoy.
Originally posted by CyrusIV

“Done… what have you done…”
I believe that this is referring to Freeman killing off the Xen aliens. This once again goes in with the theory, “Nihilanth is the good guy G-Man is simply using in order to get his will completed”, whatever that may be. This could also be referring to another theory of mine, G-Man genetically engineering new species from the Xen race (Read my view on Xen below)

Ehm, the nihilant says this after you kill gonarch, so he may refer to the slaughtering of the "big momma"

“Die… you all die… you all die…”
Once again, I believe this is referring to that ‘Oh-so-important-event-you-could-have-been-prevented-should-you-not-kill-me’. This event, in my view, is the massive invasion of Earth (Beginning in City-17?) that G-man may be a part of.

I just believe he is seriously pissed at human (also, if you are a little quick, you can notice that some human is getting gibbed, watch at the right when you are out of the cave when the nihilant says "all you die" ecc.) so he may just mispoking "you will all die".

if he is not speaking in bad english, he could refer to the fact that he is immortal (infact in hl you dont see the nihilant dying, you just see him releasing some energy thingsie), but it's more likely that he is pissed at humans and he wants to kill em all.

“Deceive… you will deceive… you…”
Boy, this is a tougher, as I am obviously trying to prove that the Xen aliens are the good guys… I believe this part here is referring to Gordon deceiving himself by standard morals, “Aliens are bad! They are evil beings whose soul purpose is to invade earth!” Also referred to as Gordon only seeing man’s view, and not what the aliens could be preventing.

I dont know, he may possibly refer to the fact that gordon is deceiving himself if he seriously thinking that he will be able to kill the nihilant. You dont have to find creepy meanings in every nihilant line ;O

“Comes… another…”
As seen above, massive invasion of earth, anyone? Xen isn’t the only alien race that is going to reach earth…

Once again, this line could be nothing with creepy hidden meanings.
He actually says this just after you arrive on xen, he maybe wanted to say "damn, another ****ing hev dude arrived here to screw something up" (remember also that nihilant may have launched an invasion to hearth after some screwing made by those hev dudes)

“You are man… he is not man… for you he waits… for you…”
I have two thoughts on this.
A) This could be referring to G-man, however, I believe G-man IS in fact human. My perspective on him is a man who is an ambassador to some ‘alien power’ and carries out their will.
B) This could be referring to some as-of-yet-not-discovered being who will take part in the upcoming invasion of City-17. ‘Waits for you’ meaning that this being is physic or has contact with a being who is and has known for many years that Gordon would release its race unto the human’s earth, unleashing Chaos. (As Combine’s are Half-Man, Half Something else, perhaps this COULD be the G-Man (A Combine Leader?))

Uhm i dont know, i remember i found somehow that this line was referred to gonach, but i just cant remember any proof for this

“Their slaves… we are their slaves… we are…”

He may refer to some kind of aliens or organizations from other dimension, o he may refer to those controllers....

“The truth… you can never know… the truth”
This one is obvious. Freeman can never learn what a horrible crime he is doing through killing Nihilanth, and that Xen was in fact a ‘good’ race, as the only Xen creature able to communicate with him is about to be killed, and the G-Man certainly isn’t going to say, “Yep, they were good, I was evil. Who cares!”

I dont know, i suppose we are not going to know the truth ;O (maybe with hl2 or hl3 :O )

“Thieves… you all are thieves… you all are…”
Stealing crystals that belong to Xen which as a result opens dimensional shifts allowing hostile invaders to descend upon Xen and Earth, eradicating all in sight… need more be said?

He may just be talking about all those guys in hev who came to xen capturing creatures or minerals and such.......

“Win… you cannot win…”
Obviously, if the original ‘Xen are Evil’ plot was right, this would be false. Gordon WOULD win as Nihilanth is about to die. However, he cannot in fact win, as Nihilanth is fighting with Freeman. As stated MANY times above, the creature’s death will only bring about more war which will result in the doom of many.

Uhm, if he is not referring to the fact that freeman has very little chance to kill the nihilant, he would refer to something else we will discover in hl2 or hl3.....

In conclusion, i could say that the most mysterious lines are those: "last, you are the last" "we are their slaves" "you can never know the truth" "he waits for you etcetera"
im hoping theres a looooong movie in hl2 that explains all this:rolling: :rolling::rolling:
maby the xen aliens are slaves of the combines. and now you have opened the gate in hl1 the xen critters where transported to eart. fighting you instinctive to survive. and now the combine came to earth and took over an european city. treying to get the xen aliens back but the xen aliens dont want to go back to server the combine. and so there is a war. and girls are always softhearted about these things.. so I think alyx thinks the combine are evil because they made slaves of the xen aliens. wich is maby true and therefore she has no negative vision towards the xen aliens
Originally posted by Simon Freeman
ehmmm... the nihilanth is the last "boss" in hl right???

Yes he is.

And Valve said that there won't be any "movies" in HL2. Although I do hope they have the camera entity left in, since that is too good to throw away.

Also, good theories there, CyrusIV.
I need someone to send me the sound file where the gman says" no regret mr freeman [..] but a few survivor of yuor personal holocaust .." etc

listening to the sound bites, reading all the theories and also the information on half-life 2 that is out there i've got a few thoughts of my own

the g-man is human, works for the government and a project for teliportation to other worlds, this was being held at black mesa, the scentists were collecting samples of alien life to deal with a potential threat which is why prototype weapons are within black mesa, they learnt about xen being a border world and the use of the crystals and took them, this is the “Thieves… you all are thieves… you all are…” comes in.

i belive the experiment therefore was to test the cystal sample to create and maintain a larger portal for the g-mans planned invasion of xen, but the big thing everyone is forgeting is the fact it went wrong, if it was the g-mans plan then why wasn't his special forces or the military already there ready and waiting to invade?

its obvious the scentists knew more than they were telling you which is why they had the equipment ready for dealing with conditions on xen aswell as the weapons, they sent people in hev suits to deal with Nihilanth who died which is the quote “Comes… another…” this is obvious by the dead people in hev suits who have equipment packs containing ammo

now the Nihilanth i belive was the creature responcible for all teliportation and was the one in control of creation of portals, this is because in his cave area there are three cyrstals and he screams when you destroy one, further more evidence is the portal within its head.

humans did win and "pacified" xen this would explain why the creatures of xen are on you're side in half-life 2.

city 17, according to some reports city 17 is an experiment, hence the code name, combine soldiers are a combination with humans and aliens/machines hence the name, this much has been deduced on here already in other posts, perhaps they are the ones who want to take over the earth, which is why the experiment has gone wrong (i feel sorry for the scentists in half-life they never have an experiment that works without going wrong somehow) it would explain the human weapons they are equiped with, its been said that freeman doesn't know anything, that you know as much as he does and he has to work it out as he goes along, this could be the theory posted earlier that the portal he went through at the end of half-life takes him to the future and to city 17, this would explain why he is wearing his hev suit.

for all the inbetween expliantions about everything else and motivations of the g-man and things read what CyrusIV wrote as his theory about that is the best yet
Note: REALLY Long post. This is all the evidence you can use in developing your own theories.


Nihilanth's Death
Nihilanth (Look at the braclets)
The Crystals Replenishing Orbs
Crystal Orbs Healing Nihilanth

Half-Life Ending Speech

“Gordon Freeman, in the flesh… or rather in the Hazard Suit… I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons… most of them were government property… as for the suit; I think you’ve earned it.”

“The border world… Xen… is in our control… for the time being… thanks to you… quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there… I am impressed…”

“That’s why I’m here, Mr. Freeman… I have recommend your services to my (Pause, hesitation, mumbling) employers… (sigh) and they have authorized me to offer you a job, they agree with me that you have limitless potential.”

“You’ve proved yourself a decisive man, so I don’t expect you’ll have any trouble decided what to do… If you are interesting, just step into the portal and I will take that as a yes.”

“Otherwise… well… (Nervous Sounds) I can offer you a battle that you have no chance of winning… Rather an anti-climax of what you have just survived…”

Choice: No
“Well… it looks like we won’t be working together… no regrets, Mr. Freeman… but there are a few survivors of your personal holocaust… who would like the chance to meet the man responsible… for the total annihilation of their race.”

Choice: Yes
“Wisely done Mr. Freeman, I will see you up ahead.”

Op4’s Ending Speech

“So… Corporal Shepard, we meet at last… Please, don’t think that I’ve been avoiding you, a great many matters require my attention in these… troubles times… I do hope you understand. And now I require a further indulgence on your part, I cannot close my report until every loose end has been tied up… The biggest embarrassment has been Black Mesa Facility, but I think that that’s finally taken care of itself.”

“But there is still the lingering matter of witnesses… I admit I have a fascination with those who adapt and survive against all odds… they rather remind me of myself. If for no other reason, I have argued to preserve you for a time.”

“While I believe that a civil servant like yourself understands the importance of discretion, my employers are not quite so trusting and rather than continually subject you to the irresistible human temptation of telling all, we have decided to convey you somewhere you can do no possible, and no harm can come to you. I’m sure you can imagine there are worse alternative.”

Mumbling (Special Thanks to BackFyr and Min Rizor (These are only 50% accurate)):

1: We cannot let the system collapse.
2: I STILL can’t figure this one out, but I still SWEAR that is sounds like he is speaking in an alien tongue.
3: I want you to give me an answer you won’t regret.
4: If I had one, do you think that I would detonate?
5: My employers think its greed.
6: You scientists earn applause. Ha ha.

Scientist Talks

“This is the supply depot for our first survey team, quite a few handsome specimens were collected from the border world and brought back this way… um… before the survey members started being collected themselves, that is. We suspect there is an immense portal over there created by the intense concentration of a single powerful being; you will know when you see it. I hate to say this, Gordon, but you must kill it, if you can.”

“Once we were able to consistency create the teleporter field, we ran into new problems. You see, Mr. Calhoun, teleportation isn’t as simple as going from Point A to Point B. We discovered a strange border world that was some how involved in the process, and this kept us from accurately predicting where any given teleportation event would lead back on earth. Some of the more promising research on the matter led to a device that could be attached to the strange crystalline structures we found in this border world. This device could then be used as a vocal point and a relay to aid in the teleportation. Well, in theory that is. We lost contact with the survey group shortly after the device was in place. We latter discovered other methods of aiming the fields, but all of the equipment in this lab uses the older technology. In order for any of us to get out of here alive, someone will need to go to the border world and activate the device. I’m afraid you’re the only one that can do this, seeing as everyone else will be needed to run the equipment. We should be able to get you fairly close to where the survey team set up, but I fear the likelihood of running into alien creatures is very high. Be careful!”


“I told you a hundred times I am opposed to putting the equipment beyond the test levels.”


“The last… you are the last… you are…”
“The last… I am the last…”
“Done… what have you done…”
“Die… you all die… you all die…”
“Deceive… you will deceive… you…”
“Comes… another…”
“You are man… he is not man… for you he waits… for you…”
“Now… die… now… die… now…”
“Their slaves… we are their slaves… we are…”
“The truth… you can never know… the truth”
“Thieves… you all are thieves… you all are…”
“Win… you cannot win…”
/me runs off to play HL!

Nice one CyrusIV, will form some theories based on that later, need t' complete HL again now though (The Nihilanth pictures just hooked me instantly).
Woah guys!

The Black Towers are Combine, right? And they're eating City 17.

Well I was just watching the Gamespot video with the Strider, and I noticed the narrator (Gabe?) said that the Alien citadel is "eating" the city.

So there you go. Either the citadel isn't Combine related (I very much doubt), or the Combine are aliens.
Here's another interesting/useful(?) tid-bit. This one would happen to be from Opposing Forces.

When you first start up Boot Camp, the Drill Sergeant complains because, "you're name seemed to get bumped to the top of the advanced training list overnight". Normally, this wouldn't be odd. However, when you walk outside to go to advance training, if you look up to your left, low-and-behold, G-Man, staring right at you.

Either this was just randomly placed... or the G-Man could have wanted Shepard to get through advanced training and into combat BEFORE Black Mesa...

Just a thought. Either I am a genius (:P), or Gearbox/Valve are laughing.
Cyrus, good job!

I wonder, will we see him again, I would be happy to fight side by side with Barney and Shepard in on battle.
Originally posted by mr fried
listening to the sound bites, reading all the theories and also the information on half-life 2 that is out there i've got a few thoughts of my own

the g-man is human, works for the government and a project for teliportation to other worlds, this was being held at black mesa, the scentists were collecting samples of alien life to deal with a potential threat which is why prototype weapons are within black mesa, they learnt about xen being a border world and the use of the crystals and took them, this is the “Thieves… you all are thieves… you all are…” comes in.

i belive the experiment therefore was to test the cystal sample to create and maintain a larger portal for the g-mans planned invasion of xen, but the big thing everyone is forgeting is the fact it went wrong, if it was the g-mans plan then why wasn't his special forces or the military already there ready and waiting to invade?

its obvious the scentists knew more than they were telling you which is why they had the equipment ready for dealing with conditions on xen aswell as the weapons, they sent people in hev suits to deal with Nihilanth who died which is the quote “Comes… another…” this is obvious by the dead people in hev suits who have equipment packs containing ammo

now the Nihilanth i belive was the creature responcible for all teliportation and was the one in control of creation of portals, this is because in his cave area there are three cyrstals and he screams when you destroy one, further more evidence is the portal within its head.

humans did win and "pacified" xen this would explain why the creatures of xen are on you're side in half-life 2.

city 17, according to some reports city 17 is an experiment, hence the code name, combine soldiers are a combination with humans and aliens/machines hence the name, this much has been deduced on here already in other posts, perhaps they are the ones who want to take over the earth, which is why the experiment has gone wrong (i feel sorry for the scentists in half-life they never have an experiment that works without going wrong somehow) it would explain the human weapons they are equiped with, its been said that freeman doesn't know anything, that you know as much as he does and he has to work it out as he goes along, this could be the theory posted earlier that the portal he went through at the end of half-life takes him to the future and to city 17, this would explain why he is wearing his hev suit.

for all the inbetween expliantions about everything else and motivations of the g-man and things read what CyrusIV wrote as his theory about that is the best yet

Yeah but explain this hottly tested quote
"You are man… he is not man… for you he waits… for you…"
That sounds like the G-Man to me and many others, good theory though.
ACTUALLY, that was my, you know, second theory (Yes, I have hundreds of these. Don’t worry about not seeing another long post.)

I won’t go into detail, but basically, as Shepard was sent to a world where “nothing (Aliens) could harm you, and you can harm nothing”, couldn’t he TECHNICALLY develop Alien technology, bring it back to earth, and convince his fellow soldiers to use it? Thus, he just created the Combine in the Ultimate Attempt of Revenge for all G-Man had ‘done’ for him (Being stuck alone surrounded by aliens must be fun).

Someone latter brought up the Russian Masked Combine soldiers. That could work in as Shepard could find no support, so he brought his cause to Russia… Who knows, just another fun thing for you to ponder.

P.S. Incase you haven’t caught on, Yes, this is assuming my first Theory is wrong. Yet it still helps G-Man in his quest for ultimate world domination… He now has two Ultra-Powerful beings (Gordon and Shepard) fighting each other, and he can gain the support of the winner to do his bidding… Who knows!
Ok i'm new here and have just read through this whole thread...

My theory (circumstantial evidence):

The combine is an alien mechanical race, of origins unkown, who have the ability to take humans as hosts (microchip controlling brain?) and use them to further their own goals. Evidence of this is from the combine soldiers being human (or so it seems). Taking prisoners, and not killing them outright (or so i'm told). It makes sense that those who they take they would put under their control and use them as new soldiers.

“You are man… he is not man… for you he waits… for you…”

Then, the G-man could very likely be a high government official human, taken over by the Combine and used as the soldiers are.

"You see, Mr. Calhoun, teleportation isn’t as simple as going from Point A to Point B. We discovered a strange border world that was some how involved in the process"

Perhaps not just a border world... but a barrier world. The being who held up this barrier was the Nihilanth. It protects various worlds from invading each other. So it knows that the human's will die now the barrier is down. “Die… you all die… you all die…”

The G-man was so eager for the experiment to go through in the first place because he wanted the gates to open so that he could command the human military into invading Xen, and destroying the Nihilanth, removing the barrier to allow the Combine to come through. The military didn't manage to get very far (see blown up tank, plane, dead soldiers), but a lab rat (freeman) did manage to do what the military couldn't... Then after the Nihilanth was destroyed, barrier is down and "Worlds Collide". (Race-X creatures only come after you see Freeman leave? I'd assume that it's because the Nihilanth is dead) But Shepard drives back the biggest wave of Race-X. Freeman kicks Xen ass. The alien struggle failing, the Combine moves at their own advantage, when the barrier is finally taken down and all forces are weak from battle.

So err... yeah. The G-Man is a human, but he's not really a man because he's been taken over by ALIENS!!! “Deceive… he will deceive… you…”

One thing i can't figure out is... to who the Xen creatures are slaves too. If it's the Combine then my theory is shot because they could've killed the bloody thing themselves...
Originally posted by CyrusIV
ACTUALLY, that was my, you know, second theory (Yes, I have hundreds of these. Don’t worry about not seeing another long post.)

I won’t go into detail, but basically, as Shepard was sent to a world where “nothing (Aliens) could harm you, and you can harm nothing”, couldn’t he TECHNICALLY develop Alien technology, bring it back to earth, and convince his fellow soldiers to use it? Thus, he just created the Combine in the Ultimate Attempt of Revenge for all G-Man had ‘done’ for him (Being stuck alone surrounded by aliens must be fun).

Someone latter brought up the Russian Masked Combine soldiers. That could work in as Shepard could find no support, so he brought his cause to Russia… Who knows, just another fun thing for you to ponder.

P.S. Incase you haven’t caught on, Yes, this is assuming my first Theory is wrong. Yet it still helps G-Man in his quest for ultimate world domination… He now has two Ultra-Powerful beings (Gordon and Shepard) fighting each other, and he can gain the support of the winner to do his bidding… Who knows!

Well, first off...Cyrus, I tip my hat to you -- you have an amazing knack for discovering those little subtleties in Half-Life and forming them into elaborate theories. Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to do such things. Anyway, very nice job thus far.

Anyway, there's just one flaw with this theory. Op4 was made by Gearbox, and not Valve, and so one would think it's not integrated into the main storyline. In any case, a large portion of Half Life players would be missing out on that part of the storyline, because many people avoided those expansions altogether. Though that would be an interesting little twist, wouldn't it...

maybe comets will kill gman. comets from space. space from outer space. outer space from inner space. inner spase to dancing jesus'
Although made by Gearbox, it still adds to the Half-Life plot line. Think about it, you are in the SAME plot, same situation. You even go to a part where Freeman was in the original Half-Life and see the man.

That being said, it is very possible that although made by Gearbox, the plot could have been brought about by Valve. The world may never know... That is, unless they tell us... (O_o)

{Edit- Important Stuff Below}

Greyscale, you seem to be following the main parts of my theory already, so let’s all be friends and use the rest! Just say, “The Xen are slaves to themselves because G-Man genetically brought Controllers about into their world…” We all know you WANT to!

Anywho, Theory 3.

Notice how when Big Momma X (Race-X…) is killed, G-Man sends Shepard into Exile. Now that we have accomplished that fact, let us assume that G-Man is in fact under the influence of this “Race X” and only sent Shepard into exile (As he rewarded Freeman…) as Shepard was preventing his ‘affiliation’ from accomplishing their goal. Therefore, the G-Man is NOT in fact Combine; but Race-X.

Now, let me bring out some thoughts in Half-Life 2 to support this. Point A. Look at the end of the Ant Lion video. See that big ugly one-eyed thing? Yeah, I’m sure it’s ugly, but just look. Kinda reminds you of the Opposing Forces Voltigore, don’t it? Point B. Notice those helicopter bug things in the other video, where you use the crowbar half the time? Yeah, those red flies. Now, Notice how the Shock Roach in Opposing Forces is a bug USED by Race X, and is very hostile? Notice the connection. Bug… Hostile… Race X… Interesting, ain’t it?

So, let us now assume that G-Man introduced the Controllers to let Race X around, which he did in fact succeed at. Then Mr. Shepard comes about and kills the damn things off, forcing them to retreat. So, G-Man is pretty P/Oed at Shepard, and sends him into Exile. Now Shepard is also P/Oed, so he goes off and forms the Combine, then returns to earth. So now G-Man sends Gordon to delay the Combine while Race X rebuilds their forces. While all of this is going on, some of the Race X survivors appear around City-17 and begin wrecking havoc… the joys.

So now we have Clueless Gordon against Shepard’s Combine who is fighting against Clueless boy’s bosses, G-Mans, affiliation Race X. Boy, I love my theories. Really forces you to think what the HECK that crazed man just said.

God, I love my split personalities, really scares me sometimes, but it is worth it. Anyways, I have to go play OP4 once I’m done with HL so I can see if my theory actually relates at all…

Ok, I’m done now.
Anyone see the buggy in Half-Life 2? Everyone is lately talking about realism. That buggy ran into plenty of walls and getting shot up survived without a scratch it looked like to me. I hope that vechile realism and physics arent going to be like Halo where the warthog fly's across the map by an explosion and survives so that you can drive it again.
Erm… I don’t exactly see how that is a theory, but here a few possibilities…

A)It is not finished and simply there for show (AKA- Crowbar on Wheels)
B)It is somehow VERY resistant to nearly everything
C)Valve decided it would be idiotic to have it blow up and have to start over because you hit a wall
D)If you are still reading, of course A is the only reasonable answer…

However, if that is the finished version… yeah, it would suck. Just drive the buggy everywhere (Physics would allow you to push everything aside) and you would be invincible. Hopefully you can be shot through the openings, as well. But hey, we haven’t seen it yet, so who cares!
Then again if you did hit a wall and the vehicle didnt work anymore, then you would have to walk. If you run out of ammo in front of 5 combine, you run... Just like in one of the video's there is more than one way to kill that combine below shooting at you. There will probably be a way to finish the level without a car. Valve said that there would be different ways to get around certain things in Half-Life 2.
I thought Shepherd only made that massive alien retreat back into its portal rather than kill it, but then I haven't played it for a long time.

Maybe because he didn't kill it, the G-Man doesn't decide to hire him; and also whatever it was didn't have the same power as the Nihilanth to be holding the portals open. It reminds me more of the Gonarch, just a way of producing new aliens (in this case Shock Troops). I do think it is from Xen however, because at the top of its head it has a "beak", just like the green tentacles (those creatures from Blast Pit in HL) do.

I think the G-Man is human, because as Cyrus pointed out :

“So… Corporal Shepard, we meet at last… Please, don’t think that I’ve been avoiding you, a great many matters require my attention in these… troubles times… I do hope you understand. And now I require a further indulgence on your part, I cannot close my report until every loose end has been tied up… The biggest embarrassment has been Black Mesa Facility, but I think that that’s finally taken care of itself.”

That suggests that experiments similar to this have been going on elsewhere, but Black Mesa was a disaster. Since he's probably being pushed by a tight schedule, the G-Man forces the scientists to carry out the dangerous experiment with Gordon Freeman.

Nihilanth then keeps the portal open and so the G-Man sends in the Marines to clean up the mess. When they fail he pulls them out, and Black Op orders change to start eliminating any human survivors. The Black Ops are also ordered to nuke the facility, but Shephard turns the nuke off. (Still remember the look of disbelief on the G-Man's face when he is trying to turn it back on :P)

To me, that suggests he's just a stone cold, emotionless Government human who will take any measures to get the job done. The only sinister part is who else he might be working for, since all the rumours make out he will betray Gordon for the Combine.
Originally posted by MIWojo11
Anyone see the buggy in Half-Life 2? Everyone is lately talking about realism. That buggy ran into plenty of walls and getting shot up survived without a scratch it looked like to me. I hope that vechile realism and physics arent going to be like Halo where the warthog fly's across the map by an explosion and survives so that you can drive it again.

I think they had god mode in the demos :dork:
Originally posted by MIWojo11
Then again if you did hit a wall and the vehicle didnt work anymore, then you would have to walk. If you run out of ammo in front of 5 combine, you run... Just like in one of the video's there is more than one way to kill that combine below shooting at you. There will probably be a way to finish the level without a car. Valve said that there would be different ways to get around certain things in Half-Life 2.

me fires at a boulder to get it rollong down the hill to see a combine soldier being crushed by it a few seconds later. those are the traps I am expecting..
Oooh, it would rock if Shepard was in HL2.

I think Gearbox made the expansions closely with Valve, so it's not unlikely that Shepard would be included. I doubt they would have said he was in it so soon anyway, better to leave us to find out on our own. :E