HL2 Theories


Why do I say Xen is between life and death?

This is just an idea really,but it seemed plausible to me.

If Xen truly is a hub to all the end of the universe, the planets themselves must have some connection to Xen. What are two of the most certain things in the galaxy?

Life and Death.

The state of being in Xen, or being between the living and dead is the true state of Half-Life.


The g-am himself probably does have ties to the military,but what about the administator? If he can control the events around a whole government research facility, certainly he can control parts of the military. Perhaps he is a third force? The Black-ops now come to mind.
Were they truly military personell? Were they privatly owned by the administrator? Perhaps they are assimilated into the Combine.

Again, that's all for now..
I agree with the G-man doing reports on people to see of any use. Thats why in the begininning it says "Subject: Gordon Freeman", or Adrian" Shepard." ITs like a report, only in the form of a game playable for us. And he offers Freeman a job because he has the skill needed. But...whoever the G-mans employers are...no-one knows really. They could be human, alien, or anything. We'll just have to wait and see....
Come on everyone, what are your theories on HL2?

The whole delay thing is very repetitive and annoying, we know its delayed and thats all we know. I don't think it deserves to have almost every single thread on the main page of the general discussion on the same subject. Its just not healthy.

As a mineral in a realm between life and death, they have properties that can either bring about great destruction or save all.

"Thieves..you are all..theives"

Ninilanth, being the semi omnicent being he was knew of these powers.
That is why he fought Gordon. While not evil, Gordon had opend the gateway, his presence in Xen kept some portals open. If the source is not stopped, then other beings will come, as evidence The Race X.

The experiment that day was to determine how to use the properties of the crystal.

Sorry to do it in bits and pieces.
I'll be back.:borg:
I have to give a hand to Mullinator for at least trying to break the monotony of the horrifying quantity of delay related threads :cheers:

But for a general theory on the game...

From what I have read, I believe that a war has been underway on eath for sometime, and the G-Man brings Gorodon in to fight the war. The Combine and it's allys (if any) are trying to take over the earth for it's resources, including it's inhabitants (humans) who make convienient slave labor. Gordon's job is to get people out of slave labor prisons (gulags, as in pc gamer's HL2 preview) and set up some sort of a guerilla campaign against the combine.
Originally posted by Sushi
I have to give a hand to Mullinator for at least trying to break the monotony of the horrifying quantity of delay related threads :cheers:
Thanks Sushi. Although it doesn't seem to be working to well. The main reason im posting this is to keep it bumped near the top of the page. :(
Here's are some random thoughts:

I don't think the G-Man is an alien, however, just like some think the Combine soldiers are humans under the control of some unknown force; the G-Man is under a similar form of control himself.

There are four groups:
Humans (Earth dimension)
Creatures (XEN dimension)
Combine (Unknown)
G-man and his employers (Unknown)

I don't think the G-Man originally planned for Gordon to survive. It's only after Gordon displayed some remarkable survival skills that he, and his "employers", grew some interest.

G-Man's employer's wanted and accquired XEN because that's where they could harvest the crystals that make teleportation possible. Mid-way through the original HL, the G-Man decided to steer Gordon towards Nilhilanth in order to accomplish that goal.

The whole story of HL2 is merely that of an aftermath. The Combine are here because of what happened in the first game. The G-Man and his employers need your help to clean this up. This is what they do; maintain control of the dimensions.

There are most likely other "Cities" under the control of the Combine.

I believe we will begin the game on a ship, and we will arrive at City 17 at the pier.

We are sent in along with the other Black Mesa survivors to "begin" the resistance. How else would you explain that all of us are together again in this particular location?

Otherwise the humans of City 17 are slaves to the Combine. Perhaps waiting in the City to eventually be converted? To be combined? We are there to prevent this.

Maybe when we have become emotionally attached to some of our allies during the story of the game; those allies are caught and become a Combine. Barney? Alyx?

Remember, Gordon's HEV suit is loaded with tracking devices. This is probably why the G-Man was able to follow Gordon where ever he went. Gordon would want to destroy those elements of his suit, 'cause even the scientists at the Black Mesa Complex could figure out where he was.


LOL, maybe the G-Man's employers are the programmers at Valve !! And they originally intended it to be a reference to themselves. I mean they did create him to monitor your every move. The administrator is Gabe N !!!! mwhahahahaha !!
i must say it would rock if it turned there was another alien force that was basically like the Tosc in Unreal 2 ( i know U2 sucked i am just saying for the sake of argument ) and end up being like extremely hard to kill, that would make me very happy:cheers:
but one of my theories is that although you won't go to Xen, you will prolly go to the Combine's homeworld, pretty much where everything is combined

Because Humans own Xen now i think that all the other alien races are going nuts because humans, monkeys, own such power.

Who knows maybe they will explain why Gordon is such a good of a fighter besides the suit.
how do we know the combine r a race? they could just be a military faction, they look human enough to me, just with gas masks... barney is wearing their clothing so maybe he possible snuck in undercover or something.. i dont really know where all this combine being alien stuff started
Here's a biiig theory of mine I posted in another thread, but it fits here too. It sums up alot of the mysteries behind the game, but a bunch of it is speculation:

My theory is that G-Man simulated the invasion by causing the test-chamber incident to teleport in the aliens, and making it seem that Nihilanth was the source.

With Nihilanth looking like a massive threat, Earth folks would definately try to take him out, so G-Man sends the military in, in the hopes that they would find their way to Xen and kick Nihilanth around for him.

Unexpectedly, Gordon proves to be more successful than the military when it comes to L337 killing skillz, so the G-Man checks up on him every once and a while, and guides his progress. At the same time, Corporal Shepard from OP4 gets pretty close to Xen under G-Man's watch, but never makes it there.

After Nihilanth dies, G-Man hires Gordon, and takes over the slaves now that thier master is dead. G-Man then nukes the base to cover up the evidence, and stop any more aliens from warping, since he doesn't need them anymore.
Shepard is considered almost as useful as Gordon, and is kept in storage for later. The End.

Now, in HL2, Gordon and the slaves battle the combine for some reason, with G-Man commanding them along the way.

Here is what I believe

The G-Man is more important than we think, I think the G-Man is basicaly the "Police" of the Universe. His ability to travel freely with the use of portals leads me to believe that. What I think happened, was the
G-Man realised that the Universe was on the brink of war cause of Xen. So he opened up the portal at BMRF (And other places to I do believe {Remember OpFor?} and sent in the best the Planet Earth had to offer. To keep the BMRF "project" from getting out of hand, he basically was what kept BMRF alive until the end. He done this to allow the capture of Xen. Xen IMO Is basically the "Center" of the Universe. If Xen continued to exist, and would eventually fall to another being besides the G-Man himself, he knows that a all out galatic war would have followed. However, the G-Man gets greedy, and realises Earth has all the resources the G-Man needs to create a super army. The DNA of the two most supreme beings in the Universe (Humans and the Aliens from Xen) combined would show amazing results, and the resulting soldiers would be the G-Mans (army). The G-Man hired Gordon cause the GMan realised that Gordon could be valuable to his future interests. However, the opposite happens and Gordon ends up going against the G-Man. The G-Man, who underestimated Gordons power, will eventually get defeated and a new ruler of the Universe will rise.. The humans
Oh yeah, the reason I think the Combine is 2 races "Combined" is exactly what I just said in this sentence.
Some other thoughts:
-G-man is apparently human, but acts odd all the time and has access to alien technology.
-The Combine is apparently human, but acts odd all the time and has access to alien technology.
Note the similarity. ^

Now it's time for some speculation:
Combine worked for G-man's employers, but then split off to form their own army. Now G-man is assigned to stop them.
-If my above theory is correct, G-man used Gordon, Shepard and everyone else at Black Mesa to try and assassinate Nihilanth.
-Nihilanth was the only thing keeping G-man from Xen's resources, since it was the singular basis of thier society.
-HL2 takes place many years after HL1, during which time G-man appropriated Xen tech for his employers.
-Combine faction of G-man's team creates a world-takeover army with Xen tech, going against the traditional use of conspiracy and stealth.
-G-man is put in charge of stopping them, and uses Freeman to do the dirty jobs.
-The rebels in white shirts, along with Alyx and Kliener were regular people until the Combine takes over, putting the world under a Stalinist-like system. They then form a resistance, which Gordon stumbles onto after he wakes up.

I'm playing HL1 again and I noticed that the G-man is limping... Does anyone have any idea why?
I also think the resistance part is true maybe with the Father wasshisname etc.
The Administrator will be important this time round.