HL2 Theories

i think all organic enemies are Xen and all mechanical or humanlike are combine
yeah.. the antlions and the headcrabs and the headcrab zombies etc are Xen and the striders, the helicopter thing, the small propellor cutters and the commando's are combine. maby its like that old serie "V: the final battle" but then more evil. the people in city 17 are getting arested and "changed" to fight for the combine.

but who said the commando's speak englisch.. i havent heard them speak anywhere
Originally posted by Belisarius

They speak English, they have numbers on their backs, they carry weapons made by Heckler and Koch, they move like humans, they wear Russian gask masks! The only evidence that suggests they aren't human is the "writing" on their uniforms(has anyone actually seen this in the videos or was it just in the concept art) which could be written for computer scanners or something.

That doesn mean anything imo

Nihilant speak english (ok, he speak a language that somehow is similiar to english)

Gordon Freeman and Shephard carried weapons made by aliens.

From the word "Combine" I think that someone combined the technologies and biologies of two or more race.
That someone being the G-Man, by any chance? :E

By the way, the logo on the G-Mans suitcase is different than the logo on the Combine Troops and Mechs. So it could be likely they are not related to the G-Man.

Also worth noting, I just finished Op4 just now. At the end, when the G-Man is talking to Adrian, he says, at one point, "My employers are not quite so trusting.".

The G-Man has employers? This could be interesting..
Originally posted by EVIL
I was starting to think in the same direction myself (combine means merging, or something like that) .. but there is an conceptart thingy that shows an sniper unit that looks very alien to me.. and its combine http://www.phodex.net/wrench/hl2/content/media/shots/different_5.jpg
I believe that the PC Gamer article said that is concept art for the black assasin, aka the woman in leather in HL1.
But perhaps she has been given the mask to "Mechanize" them, thus making her a combine. Maybe the same has been done to the HL1 grunts, making them the Combine Soldier which would explain why we haven't seen any shots of soldiers and why they carry H&K guns. But why the gas masks, who knows...
Originally posted by Figaro
What I find interesting is that the Combine are arresting alot of the humans in City-17 instead of outright killing them.

Maybe they are turning the City 17 inhabitants into slave labor. I'm pretty sure that scenario has been done in sci-fi many times.
Well, one of the Grunts in the original HL (not sure if its with the High-Definition pack or not) wears a Gas Mask. Not sure why all the Combine would all need to wear one though! :)
Or just conscripts them for reeducation and makes them Combine Soldiers, or perhaps, a they're marking are that of the Resistance, just sent off for execution somewhere else.
Originally posted by Dave
That someone being the G-Man, by any chance? :E

By the way, the logo on the G-Mans suitcase is different than the logo on the Combine Troops and Mechs. So it could be likely they are not related to the G-Man.

Also worth noting, I just finished Op4 just now. At the end, when the G-Man is talking to Adrian, he says, at one point, "My employers are not quite so trusting.".

The G-Man has employers? This could be interesting..

I dont know who or what is that someone, but it could a human and an alien as well.
They could be an experiment of the gman that went off control, and now is trying to conquer the world.

The logo on the gman briefcase in hl1 is the black mesa logo, but i didnt see the logo on the briefcase in hl2, so i dont know.

A reference to gman employers is also found in the hl1 ending sequence.
Also, dont forget that xen will always have a relevant role in any interdimensional war, because, in blue shift, rosenberg says that anything they tried to teleport were captured by xen, and they needed those yellow crystals as focus points to have working teleport.

And if this happens in other dimensions as well, conquering those yellow crystals would be vital in any conflict between dimensions.

(please, forgive my bad english.... I need more skill :P)
Oooh yeah, what happened to Rosenberg, did he die or what?
Originally posted by Dave
Oooh yeah, what happened to Rosenberg, did he die or what?

in blue shift, he escaped from black mesa with Barney Calhoun, Walter, and a black scientist.
ok this is gonna be long and its sorta hard to describe everything, but bear with me.

G-Man is an alien.
main reason i believe this is because of his choice of words at the end of the game. (and the fact that he extends "s" sound whenever he talks is kinda ssssssstrange)

though not in any specific order, here is some of what he says:

The border world, Zen, is in our control, for the time being, thanks to you.
Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there.
I am impressed.
now when he is saying this it shows a scene in xen and you see dead human soldiers, crashed jets, and tanks that have been blown up. now to me that makes it seem like earth doesnt have xen under control (seeing as how theyre all dead and blown up). by "our", i think g-man means his alien race.

Here is a screenshot of Xen in "our" control

That's why im here Mr. Freeman.
I have recomended your services to my.....employers,
and they have authorized me to offer you a job.
They agree with me....you have limitless potential.
the only wierd thing about this part is how he hesitates before choosing the word "employers". i guess the "limitless potential" part is a little odd also.

Well, it looks like we wont be working together.
No regrets Mr. Freeman.
But there are a few survivors of your personal holocaust
that would like to meet the man responsible
for the total annihilation of their race.
this is the big one. why would g-man say "their race". if he was from earth you would think that he would be a little mad himself, or at least care about it somewhat.
EDIT: i was wrong about this one, g-man was talking about the xen creatures, not earth humans.

Dr. Kleiner...real friend or secret enemy?

Dr. Kleiner was the person that basically helped gordan get his job at black mesa. he was working in the experimental teleportation division 5 years before gordan's incident. during the tram ride in the beginning you see another tram thats hanging stationary. inside of this tram is g-man and a scientist. the weird thing is that its the same scientist model that they chose to make dr. kleiner from in half life 2. this could just be a really big coincidence or (in my opinion) is dr kleiner. this makes sense because it would be a good reason as to how he managed to survive the black mesa incident. he might have been leaving black mesa on that tram, thus dodging the whole mess.

Here is the picture of G-Man standing in the tram with the scientist

i think that in half life 2 you start out with dr. kleiner on your side...or so you believe. i have a feeling dr. kleiner might backstab gordon later on in the story of half life 2, since hes friends with g-man. another idea is that hes only "friends" with g-man to get something in return. maybe g-man has a cure for something and dr. kleiner needs it to save somebody, i dunno. maybe after gordon finds out dr. kleiner backstabbed him and confronts him about it, dr. kleiner will reveil the truth and the reason why he did it. i can picture him saying something along the lines of "im sorry gordon, i didnt know all this would happen. all i wanted was xxxxxxx" ( dunno what he would want but you get the idea)

i know this is a bad reason to believe this but there really wasnt anybody that backstabbed you in half life 1.(that you knew about) so the chance of that happening in half life 2 is higher.


one thing i noticed was how the some of the creatures in xen were biomechanical, mainly nihilanth. the whole bottom part of him/her was made up of metal. i dont know if this has anything to do with the combine, but since people seem to believe the combine is a biomechanical race/species i figured id throw it out and maybe get some answers.

oh yea...im not crazy...i dont think...hehe

man i love half life.
hey Kastro! really nice work, you should become a detective...:cheers:
Here is my scenario:

The combine is trying to take over City 17 with their Citadel. The G-man's employers don't like this so much. So he releases aliens to hold up the combine forces and sends Gordon and the rest of the Black Mesa Crew to be the intelligent part of the operation and actually stop the combine without a messy war between conventional forces(if the G-Man's imployers have any[thinking they're the U.S. Government]). Gordon "earned" his hazard suit and it's still the best thing he could wear in a fight against aliens/soldiers. The Strider and Helicopter thing are "grown" biomechanical machines/creatures.
To Kastro: good theories, but i personally dont like the idea of the alien gman.

Dr Kleiner may have left the gman agency as well, so in hl2 he could be a true ally.

Yes, I noticed the biomechanical xen aliens. Xen aliens could be evil, they said alien slaves will be your ally, but this could mean that they will help you slaying their master, not that they will help you in a war against another dimension. (but, their masters could be from that another dimension....)

Btw "Well, it looks like we wont be working together.
No regrets Mr. Freeman.
But there are a few survivors of your personal holocaust
that would like to meet the man responsible
for the total annihilation of their race." was partially translated in the italian version (it stopped at "No regrets mister freeman)
I dont think the biomechanical aliens like the strider and the helicopter are xen. because in the buggy movie, the helicopter attacked you, and not the combine, and they already stated that the combine and xen will fight each other rather then you, so they will fight each other before they will fight you. and this was not the case @ the buggy movie, so therefore i think the biomech aliens are combine
Originally posted by EVIL
I dont think the biomechanical aliens like the strider and the helicopter are xen. because in the buggy movie, the helicopter attacked you, and not the combine, and they already stated that the combine and xen will fight each other rather then you, so they will fight each other before they will fight you. and this was not the case @ the buggy movie, so therefore i think the biomech aliens are combine

No no i was referring to biomechanical aliens in hl1.

I know that combine soldiers and striders and copter are on the same side, i was just thinking if those biomechanical aliens in hl1 were developed by them......
for the quotes from g-man, you can listen to them all by opening the pak0.pak in the valve folder.

there are also 6 wavs of gman talking but its mumbled and really hard to make out all the words. i only know where 1 comes from in the game, it happens before you get your hev suit. you can see gman and a scientist in a room talking. gman is tryin to tell the scientist to go ahead with the experiment but the scientist is arguing that he doesnt want to (i think thats what theyre talkin about anyways) its the same scientist that confronts you before the experiment and tells you they you will be "deviating from the standard plans".

Here is a screenshot of them talking
(NOTE: i used cheats so i could get weapons early and break the glass)

i dont know where the other ones are from though.
anybody that knows other places where g-man is talking to people?
I have a hunch that the g-man isnt the nicest person on this planet ;P
Originally posted by kastro
for the quotes from g-man, you can listen to them all by opening the pak0.pak in the valve folder.

there are also 6 wavs of gman talking but its mumbled and really hard to make out all the words. i only know where 1 comes from in the game, it happens before you get your hev suit. you can see gman and a scientist in a room talking. gman is tryin to tell the scientist to go ahead with the experiment but the scientist is arguing that he doesnt want to (i think thats what theyre talkin about anyways) its the same scientist that confronts you before the experiment and tells you they you will be "deviating from the standard plans".

Here is a screenshot of them talking
(NOTE: i used cheats so i could get weapons early and break the glass)

i dont know where the other ones are from though.
anybody that knows other places where g-man is talking to people?

I listened to those quotes, but they were incomplete in my version.

And have you understood a word from the gman mumbling by the way???
I sort of picked up something about "greed" in one of the mumble .wavs, but apart from that I can't understand them.

It's more interesting to listen to what Nihilianth says - when I was fighting him I never particularly listened, but he says things about "we are their slaves", "not a man, he waits for you" and "you can never know the truth" - which are quite sinister.
Good work, Kastro.

One thing though, the quote:

Well, it looks like we wont be working together.
No regrets Mr. Freeman.
But there are a few survivors of your personal holocaust
that would like to meet the man responsible
for the total annihilation of their race.

Few things. Total Annihilation? If he is indeed talking about Earth. It looks like something has been going out outside Black Mesa during the incident.

I think it is more likely he is talking about the Alien race. Since this quote leads to the bad ending, where, the "Survivors" (Alien Grunts) meet the man responsible, Gordon, and probably kill him.
wow that makes so much sense!

nihilanth knew about g-man.
"not a man, he waits for you"

like i said, g-man is an alien. and as soon as you killed nihilanth, g-man was waiting for gordon.

holy crap, i think were on to something...

EDIT: yea youre right about that quote, i didnt even think of it from that point of view. he was talking about the xen aliens, not humans.
More Nihilanth Quotes :

"Die, you'l all die, you'l all die."

What started out as self-defence, looks like it's turned in to war.

But, Alien Slaves, they seem to be the same (species?) as the Nihilanth, both having a slight grasp of English (Okay, so the Slave's vocabulary is limited to "Die".

Hang on a second, didn't a preview somewhere state that Alien Slaves are on your side in HL2? Hmm, my guess is that they either were forced into alliance by a bigger threat, or that the Alien Slaves became neutral after the death of the Nihilanth, and were snapped up by the G-Man to work for him in HL2.

"Thieves, you all are thieves, you all are thieves."

Heres a good one - "The last, I am the last."

Hmm, whatever could he mean? Surely there are more of "his kind" (ie. The Alien Slaves).

And..? - "The last, you are the last."

Hang on, the last what? Human? Nope, not from the look of HL2.. Gordon.. Is he really human? ;)

Another - "Done.. What have you done?"

Looks like Freeman has definatly upset Xen.

This one was hard to make out, did it say - "Comes, another."

Not sure about that, could tie in with "The last, you are the last." though..

And.. "Win, you cannot win."

Well uh, we kinda won when we killed him. But maybe we didn't?
first contact with xen was 5 years prior to when you play as gordon at black mesa. an alien slave was brought through on accident(since they didnt know wtf they were doing)and one of the security guards shot and killed it. the aliens on xen werent hostile, until they were ripped away from their homeland and brought here during gordons incident. they were just defending themselves against these people that have been going to their homeland and stealing their crystals.

black mesa workers had been going to xen to get the "anomolous material" aka the funky crystals. this would explain the ""Thieves, you all are thieves, you all are thieves." this also probably explains how they know a little bit of english. (hearing humans yelling stuff like "DIE!" when they were fighting.)

i also think that in hl2 alien slaves learn that gordon himself didnt mean to cause all this trouble, so they team up to fix what went wrong.
Really great stuff guys. It sure seems as if both the Xen aliens and Gordon were being used.

"The last, you are the last." -

He might be talking in general terms, like maybe that humans are the last species that are not under the combines control.
The dried up lake actually looked like the water-filled pier scene-only with the water gone. Maybe that is a later scene. Maybe something happens to the ocean/lake during play.

Consider the name "City 17" i'm thinking it is a quasi-installation. Sort of the city around whatever Combine building is there (behind black gates). Certainly doesn't sound like a normal city being invaded or taken over.

They say you definitely don't go back to Xen in this one. On the alien slaves being friendly... probably mutual hate. The slaves were slaves in Xen (to other aliens). So enemy of my enemy. . .
ow.. btw.. the combine have yellow blood.. so that would prove to me that they are alien.
Originally posted by EVIL
ow.. btw.. the combine have yellow blood.. so that would prove to me that they are alien.
Yellow blood? Are u talkin bout the Combine troops? Because the last time i saw them, they were red
Originally posted by EVIL
ow.. btw.. the combine have yellow blood.. so that would prove to me that they are alien.

Are U talking about the Xen aliens ????

The combine foot troopers HAVE red blood no doubt !!
If you look closely on the video where Barney and Gordon are fighting combines with resistance troops, you can see red blood from the combines when Gordon snipes them from behind rubble.

*Edit* I think you can only see this on the gamespy video, Gamespot verion is too low quality to see it
you dont recon that g-man is part of the combine?

here is my theory, the Xen creatures were guarding the crystals to stop the combine from going and taking more worlds, so the combine use us humans to go in there and trash Xen in the process letting g-man get his dirty hands on lots of crystals and freeing the combine nastys to go and invade earth....what you think??
not bad Cleric! But why does the G-Man have us fighting the combine? Is he trying to screw them over?

I agree with you somewhat. I think the G-Man has his own agenda. I think he is siding with an alien race which we have not yet come into contact with. The combine are a rival race which he inadvertantly let through the Xen portal. In fact I rather suspect that the G-Man is in fact an alien. His faction and the combine will end up fighting for the control of Earth and the border world. The focus of that fight will be in city-17 (the site of an important portal I suspect).
Originally posted by Cleric
you dont recon that g-man is part of the combine?

here is my theory, the Xen creatures were guarding the crystals to stop the combine from going and taking more worlds, so the combine use us humans to go in there and trash Xen in the process letting g-man get his dirty hands on lots of crystals and freeing the combine nastys to go and invade earth....what you think??

I doubt that the G-Man is part of the Combine, maybe, but cant be too sure

If u hear Gabe (i think) talk bout the citidel in the gamespy vid, he sed that the Combine is the structure 0_o, so its a bit confusing. I think the "combine" troops are actually human under the influence (if u get wat i mean ;) ) and Striders are sorta lyk guard dogs for the combine. (funny how those biomechanical monstrosities, striders and the gunship thingy, both got influence out of War of the World with the description of flying contraptions and yep lyk wats sed, the tripod terror hehe.
Would be cool if you could drive a tank with the Barney or something like that... Are U able to pilot any planes or aircrafts in the game ?? :cheese:
Race x

You are all forgetting the Race X from Opossing Force. This new alien race comes to Earth a while after Gordon goes to Xen. So, maybe this new race were from another dimension, and Nihilaith was the only one ( the last of his race) preventing them form reaching Xen and invade others dimension (Xen is a Border World), this is proben because in some point in Opposing Force yo see Xen aliens and Race X aliens fighting.

I think the G-man is an alien, or a worker of them. He is the one responsable of the disaster in Black Mesa, he(and his superiors, the race X) wants humans confront Xen, and eventualy Killed Nihilanth so Race X can invade Xen, and the Earth.

Perhaps the combine is not alien, when the earth was under invasion, some humans believe that the only way to survive was to change the evolution of the human race, combining Race X adn with human, or perhaps they are the slaves of the Race X.

Gordon will be a part of the true human resistance, and the G-man problaby ius the bad guy, maybe Gordon worked for him in the past, but now he know the truth about all his manipulations
PD: Sorry for my very very very bad english