wow did you IQ just drop by a gazillion? first the the fur-in-womb-question now this...I don't recall you being so clueless normally(but then again I probably haven't payed attention).
work on Vampires begun somewhere around was released in 2004, in 2004 they where looking for a publisher for that unfinished game. what does that tell you.... obviously if this is the stage the game was in at that point they couldn't have used much if any of the experience creating...
uhhh...they begun work on that game AFTER unless Troika had a time machine they couldn't use any of that experience in creating Vampire bloodlines.
even if they did, you can't blame source for ****ing up stuff such as prop scales....that's an incompetent team.
uuuh...mention another game they made that was 3D...AFAIK they only made Arcanum(bug fest) and Temple of elemental Evil...neither of those have any real 3d environments.
only in some cases...a good portion of it is absolutely horrible.
chick in clinic and chick in that 9th circle hideout...(I think it might be the same voice actor).
also Vampire; bloodlines is an excellent reminder that it's not about the engine but about the people behind the...
you suck then.
the only times I get killed by the fan is when playing scout due to the low health and also since you jump around a lot more as scout(and is lighter) the stopping effect of the fan is more severe or when playing sniper and they sneak up on you from behind.