Search results

  1. Brian Damage

    Underground search for 'God Particle'

    I wouldn't doubt the possibility that it happens rather frequently. I've heard of weirder things than invisible "Rocks". There are documented accounts of people simply vanishing in an instant, so wha's so strange about people and things getting hit by mini black holes? Could explain things...
  2. Brian Damage

    Underground search for 'God Particle'

    Don't these little buggers usually go "POP!" before they can even begin to affect local matter?
  3. Brian Damage

    What books have you read recently?

    Anything about electronics that I could get my hands on. Going Postal, for about the fifth time. The Hamlyn Book of Monsters.
  4. Brian Damage

    Favourite animal?

    I see you never met a cat like our Twink. Not "The". "A". Without a capital, too. The sort of thing that people point and shout "What is that thing!?" at... like slime moulds and camel spiders.
  5. Brian Damage

    Favourite animal?

    Heck, yes. There's one at the Melbourne Aquarium that I'd swear knows exactly what's going on outside its tank... Okay, that made me laugh so hard I had a minor asthma attack...
  6. Brian Damage

    Ultima 6 Online

    That sounds sweet.
  7. Brian Damage

    Favourite animal?

  8. Brian Damage

    Neat Thing I just did.....

    Hotboxes are fun. And bottlebombs. And then there's that thing you do with the steel wool.
  9. Brian Damage

    Name and avatar meanings

    Name: ... Avatar. Tis a golden Friggy. Left over from the "It's gone gold!" days.
  10. Brian Damage

    End of Computer Transistors?

    A neuro capacitor. It's what causes brainfarts.
  11. Brian Damage

    Monkeys pay for porn ....

    Woah. This was sponsored by NIMH.
  12. Brian Damage

    Sights to see?? - SA, AUS, NZ

    Sights to see? ... Me.
  13. Brian Damage

    Eeww...Reproducing Robots

    Damn. *SQUEAKA*-*SQUEAKA*-*SQUEAKA*-*SQUEAKA*-*SQUEAKA* "Get a storage unit, you two!".
  14. Brian Damage

    Whats the abbreviation of Island?

    Can't it be both, for coolness' sake?
  15. Brian Damage

    How will Nanotechnology affect our lives?

    I want nano clay that remembers the shapes I make with it and can turn near-indestructable when I tell it to.
  16. Brian Damage

    My niece has been abused.

    Woah. Damn. I can't say I know exactly how you feel, man, not having been through the same thing, but I'd probably have committed a retributive felony by now.
  17. Brian Damage trivia

    Evil Ewok?
  18. Brian Damage

    What you up to tonight?

    Writing a game design document and winding a solenoid.
  19. Brian Damage

    Who is this or What is this?

    Yeah, it's like a big canvas sack.
  20. Brian Damage

    The amplified bible, Bigger breasts through witchcraft and other tales I showed this to people in this very forum a couple of days ago. And loads of people seemed to think it wasn't very good...