How will Nanotechnology affect our lives?


Dec 7, 2004
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Have any working devices actually been produced or is it all still just theory?
I doubt any have been produced, but you can bet your life there working on it, and it wont be to far away (E.g within 50 years)
they are starting research on the nanotechnology, that are tiny machines and you will swallow pill the pill will open and then the pill is full of tiny tiny machines that will repair organs and shit but i am guessing that is at least 10 years away. This is all i have heard of so far but the industry i supposed to start booming.
The question is...are people investing in nano technology? If I were an investor I think I would.
cschaef13 said:
they are starting research on the nanotechnology, that are tiny machines and you will swallow pill the pill will open and then the pill is full of tiny tiny machines that will repair organs and shit but i am guessing that is at least 10 years away. This is all i have heard of so far but the industry i supposed to start booming.
Dont they already do something like that? Or maybe im just thinking about those tiny cameras people swallow.
Reaktor4 said:
Dont they already do something like that? Or maybe im just thinking about those tiny cameras people swallow.

its the tiny cameras that looks at the organ, like you said
Actually, they have done quite a bit on nano-scale devices, though not much of practical value yet. This is still a burgeoning, exciting field, full of conflicting ideas of which way to take the technology. New Scientist has a few articles on various things they've been working on, such as an artificially crafted nano-scale muscle that they're thinking may be a viable alternative to motors.
"How will nanotechnology affect our lives?"

Killing us all with the Gray Death.

That is the scenario where nanotechonolgy continues to replicate itself until it literally covers the world in these tiny machines.

Nanotech scares the hell out of me.
idd im rather distrubed by the fact that i would have machines inside of me and what if they went wrong and started attacking your cells?

I would want to have a button that would fry all te things inside me compelty with no error margin before i woudl agree to have it
Yes that's the scary part, according to theory nanos reproduce infinitely, until we find a way to control nanotech and it's environment it'll be far to dangerous to use, not to mention the capabilities of it as a "biochemical"(not the " ", not sure what I should call'em) weapons...
I saw an artical on nanotech. These have been made. (But are only avalable to the rich).
Shirts that adjust for temperature and wind
T-shirts that can play video on thier chest(yes I am serious)
Glass that cleans its self
Glasses that interact with phones, ipods etc.
Gargantou said:
Yes that's the scary part, according to theory nanos reproduce infinitely

You'd have to design them reproduce infinitely. But - trust me - we're quite a way off that yet.

ríomhaire said:
Glass that cleans its self

That design isn't nanotech in the sense of nanoscale machines. It uses tiny nodules in glass, which are nanoscale, and special coating to alter water's surface tension so it bounces off rather than clinging and running down windows. The reason light can still get through is that the nodules are smaller than the wavelength of visible light ( <200nm ), so refraction and diffusion doesn't occur.
Farrowlesparrow said:
The grey goo scenario isn't as likely as people assume. Its mostly scare mongering.

There are always scare mongerers amongst technophobes, people who think of all the bad things that come from science, but none of the good things. Nanotechnology would mean better medicine, faster computers, smaller electronic devices, etc. Imagine a t-shirt that repairs itself when it gets ripped, or a pill that could eat away all the cholesterol in your veins, etc.

Then you have things on the other end of the spectrum, nano machines that feed off of technology e.g. borg-like or replicator-like (for the sg1 fans).
I sure as hell wouldn't want machines inside my body... but they'd be extremely useful for cutting my hair :LOL:

The trouble is they could easily be programmed to eat you from the inside... so don't piss off a country with nanotech...
But nanotechnology, unless strictly controlled by the UN/governments might destroy the worldwide economy due to the fact that theoretically you can make anything out of anything with nanotechnology(due to their extremely small size they could be produced to change things at a molecular level or something like that, read about it on wikipedia, you could literally if it is true build yourself a brand new car outa dirt :LOL:
But it's gonna be fun to see what comes outa nanotech if I even live that long...o_O
nanotechnology could be used to help bill gates find his genitals, just a thought.
Read on the BBC tech news section that we should start to see the first really usefull nanotech stuff coming out in the next five years and then more and more after than. The first stuff will be self cleaning windows and paint for high end cars. Then it will move on to stuff like windows that regulate the ammount of light that gets in and much more efficient solar cells.

Its gona be a while before we can make cars outa dirt though :( :p

Also, one of my friends brothers is currently working on power tech for nanotech at the moment at university. Apparently they are making good progress.

Tell you what... its gona be a damn intresting century. :)
It sure if not some fanatic arabs buys some black market nukes and drops it on the USA and starts some "holy crusade".:p
Gargantou said:
It sure if not some fanatic arabs buys some black market nukes and drops it on the USA and starts some "holy crusade".:p


Most nano technology isn't what people think. We're not talking about little Robbie the robots floating around your body, shouting "Danger Will Robbinson!". Just think of the practicalities of making a robot, with a processor and radio transmission/reciever cabilities, the size of a bloodcell.
nanotechnology is awesome. should i get into it after high school? are any of you studying it?
I shall have all my cells, excluding brain cells, turned into nanomachines. I shall live forever!!!
But Rando, then you'd eventually die, the brain turns old to and dies doesn't it?*Not that educated to know so just asking :|*

It ****ing rules.

Where will we be in 50 years? I'm hoping that I'll have nipples that produce small little machines that scurry around my body, cleaning me up. They will cut my hair, shave my face, clean my pits, and shampoo my balls.

Just imagine that.

50 years from now, my balls will smell fresh 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

That, right there, is the beauty of technology.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Most nano technology isn't what people think. We're not talking about little Robbie the robots floating around your body, shouting "Danger Will Robbinson!". Just think of the practicalities of making a robot, with a processor and radio transmission/reciever cabilities, the size of a bloodcell.

I don't think people are that daft :dozey:.

I think it is just an extremely simple machine that can do a specific task which is nothing on it's own, but combined with thousands of his little friends, are capable of doing amazing things.
The Thing said:
You severely underestimate the stupidity of humankind.

Quoted because it saves me teh effort of typing it out. :p

Its true..... the general populace can be extremely stupid sometimes... :)

As can we all....
Gargantou said:
But Rando, then you'd eventually die, the brain turns old to and dies doesn't it?*Not that educated to know so just asking :|*

I won't age if the nanomachines continously repair damaged and aging brain cells.
I want nano clay that remembers the shapes I make with it and can turn near-indestructable when I tell it to.
If I had nanos I'd get them to go into Britnet Spears's brain. :naughty:
Razor said:
It is only a guitar if it actually works...does it work?

even if it does work, who could possibly play it!
"Nanometallica releases its first album: '...And Nano's for all' !" .... lol