i beat it in 13 hours, and imo it was WAY too short, quite a dissapointment really. but i was satisfied with the A.I. and everything else :D a bit more enemies woulda been nice. valve should release halflife 2: deleted scenes
yes, setting up all three turrets triggers the combine attack and gets the soldiers to attack you. i recommend fortifying ur position enough to withstand an attack, and so that u have an easy overview of all three turrets in order to quickly set them up again
i use firefox and its pop up blocker, so i dont get any ads/downloads. i recommend getting the newest version of firefox in order to prevent virus downloads
ermm, i have to disagree with that. in my opinion the gameplay in CS is better than in CSS because the controls and reactions needed etc etc etc are much better, due to it being a low graphics game that doesnt require a supercomputer. this means that it runs really smoothly and makes it possible...
tbh i think valve should give us at least a small indication of whether or not this game is gonna be released this year..... :P naaa but a small hint or how many % its complete would be awesome, even though im dreaming of the impossible
ermm, in deus ex 2 i just ran around and killed all the civilians because they were ugly. seriously, pibborando i think ur getting too emotionaly involved