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  1. S

    Team Fortress 2 - Invasion ?

    Well we do know that space related stuff is coming. there was the asteroid map testing (did that ever finish?) And there are space hints in powerhouse that got released with the newest update. I'd bet money on it being a half community half valve update. community does a few new maps and weapon...
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    Dota 2 "Reborn Beta" + Source 2 Now Available

    It's only a matter of time until TF2 reloaded. Well that and someone finding a Half-Life 3 reference in the source 2 code
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    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Confirmed

    I hope one day that they do a remake of the original and than some kind of remake of invisible war. The original had a fantastic story and soundtrack, but the gunplay has aged horribly and it could really benefit from a map.(I refused to explore china because I knew I would get lost) But for...
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    Half-Life 2: Update Modification has been Released

    I wish this could be an official patch
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    Images from the "Not Portal 3" Source 2 Tech Test

    interesting, the aesthetic looks more like portal 1 than portal 2.
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    Valve Announces Source 2 + Steam Link [GDC 2015]

    You know besides recreating the shark tank from Half-Life on source 2 in VR, I'd really love to see them try and do even a simple version of Ricochet in source 2 for VR. That would be the greatest tron like experience of all time...
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    Valve Announces Source 2 + Steam Link [GDC 2015]

    steam universe page is finally up. Nothing about Source 2 though :( Also i was just replaying Half-Life and thought of the greatest thing ever valve could do as a horror VR demo. Going into the shark tank for the Ichthyosaur at Black Mesa
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    Valve Announces Source 2 + Steam Link [GDC 2015]

    they better package that portal demo with the vive or I'm going to be really dissapointed
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    glNext: The Future of High Performance Graphics (Presented by Valve)

    more info on PC gamer here people from Valve, Epic Games, Unity, Oxide games and EA will be unveiling glNext at GDC 2015. It's a cross platform graphics API. The panel will include a technical breakdown of the API, advanced...
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    TF2: End of the Line Update Announced

    I stand corrected, valve needs to hire ALL of them.
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    TF2: End of the Line Update Announced

    valve really needs to hire this guy as an animator.
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    Source 2 Version Of Dota 2 Coming In Early 2015

    some of the HD weapons i feel look more like they fit the HL1 setting than their original version, like the pistol and military shotgun, but to each their own. still though the HD pack should have been an option in the source port.
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    Source 2 Version Of Dota 2 Coming In Early 2015

    um, Half-Life source WAS bad. it did add in the ragdoll physics and better water, but also introduced numerous bugs and was graphically inferior to the original since they didn't even bother to include the HD texture pack. Now if valve did a proper port of Half-Life and it's expansions or...
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    Source 2 Version Of Dota 2 Coming In Early 2015

    how is there more of a point to port over HL1 to source2 to than HL2? They'd gain the exact same benefits, except HL1 would get nice water and rag dolls, and if we're talking about porting expansions as we Opposing Force could have it's friendly AI fixed.
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    Source 2 Version Of Dota 2 Coming In Early 2015

    just tested it out. HL2 is close to skyrims load times but behind by 2 seconds on my computer. Than i decided to test EP2, that definitely takes longer to load than skyrim.
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    Source 2 Version Of Dota 2 Coming In Early 2015

    It's not that my rig can barely load it, it's that the loading time is ridiculous compared to other games. Shadow warrior 2013 loads faster than it does, Skyrim loads faster. it's like the load time is bottlenecked.
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    Source 2 Version Of Dota 2 Coming In Early 2015

    No, i really want the game to get better engine optimization. the load times are ridiculous. and a direct X version upgrade would be nice since the newer versions have less CPU overhead
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    Source 2 Version Of Dota 2 Coming In Early 2015

    makes sense dota 2 is the first to get updated. It's their most popular game, and with the performance improvements(we will probably get) the game will be more accessible to people.CS:GO or TF2 will probably be next in line to get an update. though i really wise HL2 would get updated, the...
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    If a HL2 remake was ever done, should combat change?

    I'm going to have to strongly disagree with that. HL1 is something where i use all the weapons because they all have their place. I'm not going to use a shotgun instead of a SMG for some enemies if they are farther away. The alien gun while originally feeling clumsy after a while i started to...
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    If a HL2 remake was ever done, should combat change?

    first let me get one thing clear. I am in no way suggesting that HL2 needs a remake, it's a great game with a good graphical style that still looks very good today. One of the things thats always bugged me about HL2 is it doesn't feel like a complete successor to HL1. more like an equal. HL1...