Images from the "Not Portal 3" Source 2 Tech Test


Feb 23, 2015
Reaction score
I extracted the Images from valve's recently released GDC talks if anyone would like to take a look.
While not all that interesting, it is nice to see these pictures in slightly higher definition than camera pictures taken from a crowd.


This wall texture is jizzing my pants... so much detail!
That wall texture is pretty nice but I was kind of hoping for even better textures :P
interesting, the aesthetic looks more like portal 1 than portal 2.
I'm sure Valve will actually utilize the capabilities of Source 2 with something in the future... those pictures look like Source. Wall texture looks nice but this is nowhere near the showcase for Source.

I think they just made something simple to show off the VR. They'll have a big tech demo for the Source 2 engine in the future I hope
I'm sure Valve will actually utilize the capabilities of Source 2 with something in the future... those pictures look like Source. Wall texture looks nice but this is nowhere near the showcase for Source.

I think they just made something simple to show off the VR. They'll have a big tech demo for the Source 2 engine in the future I hope
Well, it's not source. It is source 2.
Texture quality has basically nothing to do with the engine itself.
Never stated otherwise. I was just remarking how I would like to see even better of a thing which someone said was pretty good.
I said it looks exactly like Source, which is disappointing
No, not really, those old computer towers on the side, for instance, look far more high poly than anything I've seen in Source before. Plus, these pictures were just demonstrating things like lighting, and VR warping, they were never meant to show how far you could push the source 2 engine.
I said it looks exactly like Source, which is disappointing
Theres a difference between aesthetic quality and graphical fidelity. Remeber that this is a prototype, so Valve propably didn't prioritize this, hence this not looking incredibly better than Portal 2 for an example. Although, you have to give this some credit, since there is so much more detail than the previous games.
Seems like those images were taken from pre-alpha build, since the video demonstrates much better lighting, postprocessing, PBR, etc. These images basically show just detailed meshes in tweaked Source 1 lighting.
Seems like those images were taken from pre-alpha build, since the video demonstrates much better lighting, postprocessing, PBR, etc. These images basically show just detailed meshes in tweaked Source 1 lighting.
That'll be because a lot of the assets used in the demo are mostly identical to those from Portal 2 or 1. The camera in the top left, the plant pot, the mini-Atlas, and basically all of the props shown through the window appear to have had little work done to them, while the rest are brand new.