i vote for alians to be president of the universe!
i was going to vote for me, i saw a beam of light come threw my window and i felt liking voting for alians all of a suddenly, weird
the only mod i've even played for hl1 was svencoop1 and it blew my socks off! it makes my sad that i lost hl1, im looking forward to svencoop2, dystopia, ns2, jedi: timeline, and a lot of other cool mods i saw at moddb.com but i cant remember all the good ones (over 800!)
op2 will never come and the next expansion WILL MAKE YOU play as alyx muahahahaha!
op2 will be made and you will never be able to play as alyx
every time i play it crashes, but never lags or anything, just crashes
my comp can handle it, it just gots a weird problems, it even crashes with IE some times,i still love hl2, i just can't play it to much,
so games last longer then others and some mods also last longer before crash, my...
i've never played against a hacker, but in anygame if i ever win to much i get accused a cheater then kick/banned it happens most in this one AVP2 demo i downloaded, people need to learn the diff betwin skill and hacks, thats assuming there is a diff, they both have the same effect none as...
if it is a powerful laser, the whieght will crush the ant,
if it is a weak laser, it won't do shit to the fridge.
EDIT: i voted lion, a lion can waste an army of ants, an army of antlions, and an army of fridges all at the same time!
hl2 would suck on the x-box here's my list on why:
1. you have to pay separate for internet (it should use the same net as your comp, greedy bastards)
2. with out net, no mods, no updates, and no other cool things
3. the controler sucks for fps, mouse beats it bad
4. downgrade on graphics...
screw that, i'd have to make it back from scratch!(i didn't save it)
i don't make the same thing twice,
next time i play gmod, i'll make something cooler.
to bad tho, i could have made some cool improvements
i was planing to add stuff inside to make it a better base (computers, radar, npc...
here it is:
(it crashed right after i took the pics)
it is fully drivable and everything!
the cam turret on top turns with thrusters,
it has a pod for the driver, and it can go forward backward left and right,
the insides are holo so you can make it into a base,
to bad it...
can you use a dif host?
i hate fileplanet! evil place!
(plus it will only let subscribers dl! wich means you have to pay for dls that should be free! greedy bastards!)
EDIT: you can use: http://www.fastuploads.info/