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  1. Edeslash

    Getting started

    Oh OK I get it now.
  2. Edeslash

    Getting started

    It's 2012, why would be you playing a MOBA? wow
  3. Edeslash

    Steam Autumn Sale Begins

    I'm so glad I've finally realized that if I buy that game, I'm not even going to play it. I bought ~20 games during the Summer sale and I've played like 6 of them, 3 of them briefly.
  4. Edeslash

    Favorite Dota 2 hero so far...GO!

    Oh wow!
  5. Edeslash

    Favorite Dota 2 hero so far...GO!

    People still play MOBAs? wow
  6. Edeslash

    Wreck-it Ralph

    who cares about arcade(ad xD) games theyre bad graphics LOL
  7. Edeslash

    4Chan visit to valve log

    Oh, what mischief have those rapscallions from the 4Chains been up to again...
  8. Edeslash

    Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs

    New trailer. Jesus Christ how terrifying. Still no pig face, only pig sounds.
  9. Edeslash

    Cure against sleepyness

    Is your sleep schedule regular? And yeah, make it 8.
  10. Edeslash

    ValveTime Top 5: Episode 1 - Scariest Valve Enemies

    I'm really happy you picked the advisors as number one, but having the Horseman on the list feels like forcing as many games as possible to the list because-having-only-two-franchises-would-be-too-few. It really isn't scarier than the witch.
  11. Edeslash

    U raff U Ruse!

    the cancer killing 4chan etc
  12. Edeslash

    Dishonored - New game from Arkane with interesting pedigree.

    Time for Mission Power Rankings. Not including the first one because it's just a tutorial.
  13. Edeslash

    Dishonored - New game from Arkane with interesting pedigree.

    I want a DLC where you murder the Empress as Daud.
  14. Edeslash

    Dishonored - New game from Arkane with interesting pedigree.

    I wonder if there are more than two endings. I watched the high chaos one on youtube and I don't recall seeing the wave scene you mentioned, but something else regarding the same character instead. Can't confirm right now though.
  15. Edeslash

    Dishonored - New game from Arkane with interesting pedigree.

    Just finished with low chaos ending. The outcomes were way too black and white, it's pretty silly. I don't think it was too short, pretty good length for a game like this. Damn I hope this game gets DLC, though.
  16. Edeslash

    Dishonored - New game from Arkane with interesting pedigree.

    The loading times are indeed incredibly short - mine are about 3 seconds average. The overseer running away from you sounds intentional to me? Dunwall Tower mission spoilers:
  17. Edeslash

    Dishonored - New game from Arkane with interesting pedigree.

    Well, there's the good guys and the bad guys but the good guys are starting to feel fishy. And there is lots of shady stuff going on in the plot.
  18. Edeslash

    Dishonored - New game from Arkane with interesting pedigree.

    I felt horrible after doing it but I just couldn't resist the rune. I love it when a game makes you feel like this.
  19. Edeslash

    Dishonored - New game from Arkane with interesting pedigree.

    Feels like a mix of Human Revolution and Bioshock. Fantastic so far. I'm still in the first mission too, and damn, there's so much to do. That old lady is creepy as hell. I was 100% sure her first 'gift' would be an ambush or something.
  20. Edeslash

    Torchlight 2 Open Beta weekend

    Fun: the game.