Favorite Dota 2 hero so far...GO!


Space Core
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
In dota2 mine would be...Omninight,but mainly i play random.In dota would be abbadon.

P.S.Anyone wanna play a game,gimme a shout,playing every day!
Tough to say, but I rather enjoy Dazzle and Huskar. And Ogre Magi. And Weaver.
I think Crystal Maiden is my favorite support. Axe is currently my most enjoyable lane support, and my favorite carry is probably Drow.
People still play FPS? wow
People still play RTS? wow

See how dumb you sounded there? wow

Probably Witch Doctor as my favourite.
Tough to say... as I've played more and more games my favourites tend to change.

Leshrac used to be my favourite by far, but his nerf has really limited his ganking ability. Right now I'm loving Dark Seer, its no wonder he gets banned so often at pro level. For pure entertainment value though, can't beat Rubick in my eyes. Stealing other people's spells is just too much fun.
I don't know. I like a lot of them but doesn't mean I'm good at them.
I really like Undying, especially since his 6.75 buff. Axe is also a lot of fun, though I've become worse with him lately. I also seem to do well with Pugna even though he's kind of a shit hero, also lots of fun though. Yeah!
Pugna isn't shit, he's just very squishy.
If you get a sythe and scepter on pugna,and/or orchid,pugna will kill you preety fast,beleve me.
As for the squishy part,take a bracer if you are in a hard lane
QoP, Luna & WR at the moment. Been trying to get to grips with Storm but my combo between overload hits is bad.
Update! Jakiro and Spectre are great times, shame Jakiro got nerfed in the recent patch. Centaur Warrunner is a very solid pick as well, feels like he can fit in with a lot of teams.
Centaur Warrunner is OP, recent patch in dota1 had to tone him down.
I just realized something,if you pump up Razor,he is the most OP hero,up untill 50 mins ingame :D
So,I sould add Razor to my list of Badass heroes :D
Dragon Knight love having that stun option :) Dota2 is so much better than Lol and all the toons are free...
One of my favorites still is Phantom Lancer. I don't know why I just love having a multitude of illusions and one shooting people with them, lol. By the way DotA has around 300,000 concurrent users during the day while League of Legends has gotten up to three million. And if I'm not wrong MOBAs are currently the best paid in gaming tournaments for pro gamers. I have to say it's great to see the competitive scene thriving, nothing better than having something safe, fun which requires lots of skills and thinking as yet another sport.
Batman would have to be my favorite hero, with superman as a close second.
Lucas and Luke. Lucas being the intelligent one, Luke the humorous. Both relatively new to the community. Similar names. I'm not sure which one to like.
If you're playing with a friend and want to completely cheese a lane and every team fight pick Riki & Disruptor. It's just silly.
Broodmother is just too much fun when your enemy lane is right.
I'd like to add Gyro to my list, he's so damn fun. The delay on the stun makes it that much more satisfying when it gets the kill from far away. I love doing a calldown on a group of enemies and then just getting in there with flak and rocket barrage, especially with MKB. Just wipes out a whole group.
Broodmother is just too much fun when your enemy lane is right.

I don't really enjoy heroes who only have micro of other units and no interesting skills; like Lycan, Druid or Brood.
I don't really enjoy heroes who only have micro of other units and no interesting skills; like Lycan, Druid or Brood.
I like sitting right on top of them and waiting for the right moment then just one-shot-ing their creeps and swarming them. Anyone else you can recommend who can do that?
I like sitting right on top of them and waiting for the right moment then just one-shot-ing their creeps and swarming them. Anyone else you can recommend who can do that?

Enigma with shadow blade or invis rune :P
I've been enjoying Clockwork quite a bit recently. Provided you use your hookshot and cogs correctly, he is great for storming in and causing havok when the enemy isn't expecting it.
I like destroying people's life with Nyx Assassin. and skeleton king cus i'm still a newbie and he's very easy to play.
Still waiting for that abbadon :D
I have been playing a lot of dazzle lately,and the hero is a great support,but i feel there are better supports for the job than him.
Still the hero is great, and that grave of his has pissed a lot of people off :D
Still waiting for that abbadon :D
I have been playing a lot of dazzle lately,and the hero is a great support,but i feel there are better supports for the job than him.
Still the hero is great, and that grave of his has pissed a lot of people off :D

yah, I am still waiting for abaddon! Also I would like to add sniper to my favourite heroes <3
Since this thread is back and actually still really relevant, I'll go ahead and say Timbersaw.

That hero is amazingly fun.

love his voice acting, his behaviour and his ultimate. Since that patch which gave his ultimate more abilities its a little too much micro for me though :( (I know its only with Aghanims, but without it kinda feels like waste of potential)

oh and he is a Panda.
Io is pretty neat but I never get the kind of coordination to use him =(
Jakiro is a solid pick in my eyes. If I don't pick him, i'd love it if someone else in my team plays him(?).
Terrorblade blink armlet dagon build. Omniknight because bulletproof, Jakiro because AoE, Silencer because broken snowballing.