They themselves should clear it up and say it was vivendy who said that and this who did that and the game is done but that and that.
To clarify things up.
Is anyone in the beta for that game who can tell us when it will be released, approximatley.
I really hope it will make it somewhere in september.
Just something to do until HL2 arrives :D
I dont think its in that vid if i'm not mistaken...
EDIT: If it is the vid where they make her arm move up and looks kinda jerky then it isnt from that vid...
I currently went to the local mall and browsed through the magazine collection. I couldn't help but nitice the cover of PC GAMER.
As I remember correctly it said on the front that it shows you inside how to get the SDK Tools for HL2.
The store owner was closly watching me as I went through...
Now to put it a different way.
I ask the question why did valve willingly come out and say that they were going to release the game on Sept. 30th 7 months ago when they could of just said that its going to be released at the end of 2003 (4th quarter).
They pissed off many of their fans...
No, it is not that HL2 got delayed because I coulcnt even play it enjoyably on my 1ghz computer.
It's that they are not precise. They say they are going to release the game some time during the holidays.
No clear date has been said no clear info on things to come before the release.
Abom, i feel your pain. Only I wont get a new computer until next spring(d'oh).
Anyways i'm still a bit dissapointed at valve becuse they said they will release new info some new movies (not HDR) and when they said that I was really looking forward to them.
Right now, if they release the...
I never saw this picture before.
Also some people I know have heard of the Combine and that there is a fortress and it's "eating the city". This gives that phrase a different perspective :).