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  1. TwwIX

    the words you thought you'd never hear: Duke Nukem Forver gone GOLD!!!

    That's what they'll be saying too once the negative reviews start pouring in.
  2. TwwIX

    the words you thought you'd never hear: Duke Nukem Forver gone GOLD!!!

    Well, this was a waste of bandwidth. Gearbox should go back to making expansion packs for Half Life.
  3. TwwIX

    Aliens : Colonial Marines

    Let's hope that this turns out to be better than the recent AvP title.
  4. TwwIX

    Brink Previews

    Blame ATI, not Splash Damage. ATI never had a good track record when it comes to their drivers. It's why i stopped purchasing their cards several years go. They'll never get their shit together at this pace.
  5. TwwIX

    Brink Previews

    I wonder how much impact on gameplay these new additions will have. I only wish that they would rebalance the weapons. Right now, they all feel pretty much the same to me.
  6. TwwIX

    the words you thought you'd never hear: Duke Nukem Forver gone GOLD!!!

    Like you said, those people are more interested in the never ending fiasco than the actual game. I foresee a lot of disappointment. Especially for those that have high expectations for this game. 3DRealms should have done the smart thing and released it back in 2001. That looked far more...
  7. TwwIX

    the words you thought you'd never hear: Duke Nukem Forver gone GOLD!!!

    I never understood the hype of this game. It reeks of epic mediocrity judging from the footage that i have seen.
  8. TwwIX

    Dead Island gameplay video

    Really? Zeno Clash, you say? Wow! It should sell like hotcakes then.
  9. TwwIX

    Dead Island gameplay video

    Yeah, i expected to see a cross between Crysis and Left4Dead with lots of customization and a light RPG system. This looks more like a mix of Far Cry 2, Borderlands and STALKER. I liked STALKER for its aesthetics. That's about it though. I did not particularly enjoy either one of those games.
  10. TwwIX

    Dead Island gameplay video

    I got to agree with one of the commentators on there. Looking very stiff and unnatural. They will definitely have to redo the characters animations. The combat in general appears to be slow paced and clunky. I expected it be faster paced and arcadey. I guess, they're goin for "realism".
  11. TwwIX

    Valve Won't Be Attending E3 2011

    Of course not. They're too busy churning out more useless crap for the TF2 and Portal 2 store.
  12. TwwIX

    Dead Island announcement trailer

    It's a teaser. Its whole purpose is to **** with your mind. Just like women.
  13. TwwIX

    Valve Announces Steam Daily Deals

    The new OPF games are utter shit. They're nothing like the original game and its expansion packs. Buncha consolized, dumbed down bullshit. Do yourself a favor and get ArmA instead.
  14. TwwIX

    Brink Previews

    There's your answer. Yep. Fixes and content.
  15. TwwIX

    Brink Previews

    Those experiencing performance issues are mainly ATI users. I have a GTX 470 and have no framerate problems whatsoever. What COD influences are you referring to? The fast movement and the unlockables? Those things existed long before COD started incorporating them. The worst thing about COD are...
  16. TwwIX

    Franchises you'd like to see successfully rebooted.

    Any of the good 'ol Beat 'em up titles. I don't want just another 2D HD remake but a full fledged 3D reboot ala Fighting Force. Something that really encourages cooperative gameplay. It would let you interact with the entire environment and practically use anything as a weapon. Imagine a third...
  17. TwwIX

    Zombies vs. Military Game? No?

    You mean, something akin to Earth Defense Force? Games like that are fun for a short duration but they get very repetitive. When i think of Zombie games or movies, i think of survival and limited resources. You know, "Against all odds" type of scenarios. Tanks, Helicopters etc. vs. Walking Hunks...
  18. TwwIX

    Brink Previews

    Yes, the singleplayer AI is horrendous. Mainly the friendly AI. I didn't make it past the 2nd mission of the Security campaign because of the useless AI. Splash Damage should have scrapped it altogether and focused on the multiplayer. The multiplayer is great though. Very team oriented and...
  19. TwwIX

    Fringe returns tonight friday 9/8c

    I didn't like this finale at all. Horrible pacing and a poorly written ending. Yorick made some good points about it. "He never existed. He served his purpose." Who the **** activated the machines then? Talk about convoluted and nonsensical bullshit. You could drive Mandingo's 12" dick through...
  20. TwwIX

    Battlefield 3

    I am still waiting on some proper multiplayer footage before i make any judgments. I have no interest in the singleplayer whatsoever. I couldn't care less how it turns out as long as they deliver on the multiplayer end.