They don't react the same everytime.. I have nothing else to argue about this..
I think the reason for soldiers in hl2 not reacting is because theyd idnt in hl1 guess they don't want to stray from the original
Seems freddy the frog is the only one with sense here..
in the hl2 leak or movies the soldiers did not react to pain of bullets hitting their bodies like in max payne2
they just stood there and took the bullets ripping through their flesh until they collapsed and died
I never said max payne2 had perfect gameplay
but i'm glad it played out smoothly and basically like the first.. which was a big plus..
I'm just against the extremist views on how hl2 is so revolutionary with its physics and how it's incorporated to the game.. it really makes you look like more...
The thing you don't understand is that hl2 just uses it to make puzzles a little more challenging, and yes max payne 2 just uses it for show but it is infact quite a nice feature to have in an action game.
Either way if you played the leak. you know valve is a bunch of liars. if you play...
HL2 ragdoll jerks for no reason as well, I don't see why you so blindly believe qck without knowing what hes saying yourself.. He just wasnt curious enough to mess around with the corpses
I played the hl2 beta and dead bodies to have shadows..
In max payne2 shadows dissappear a few seconds after the character dies.. my guess is to make it a more stable game and run smoother.. more than oft you end up with 10+ dead bodies in a hallway that would be pretty taxing on the system to...
Oh yeah, so much talk like you were developing the game yourself, you have severe fanboy syndrome..
Answer this.. How is a loaded gun floating on water accurate physics?
and the ragdolls in hl2 and mp2 are basically the same..
mp2 just has a more elaborate way of letting you blow people...
I think it was meant to be that way in max payne for more of an action effect... Max payne2 isn't a game that strives for that much realism anyways
Oh and yes the dream sequences were great and so was bullet time mode where you spin around in slow motion
great effects