Please don't say anything if you have no clue what you are talking about..
The source code is 165mb, not the game itself, it is just text. Now think about how big that is
We all know by now that it's a strange way of saying Anal Antagonizer
that should be my title though
Anal Antagonizer I wish a mod would see my lovely post
My first gaming bliss had to be the awesome "loads every 3 minutes" Black Mesa express in the beggining of halflife had to be the reason why I played through it the very first chance I got </sarcasm>
Anyways that made me drop half life for a while till everyone started saying it was so good...
Steam is still really slow at downloading for me, how did you manage to get all those games?
I still can't get CS to work
edit: And no, I'm not a steam n00b. I have been beta testing it since 1.4
Re: Re: Is It just me?
Yeah, I'm planning on buying HL2 from the store.. seeing how long it took them to actually get the updated steam out and runnning, and how damn slow it is..
And considering the fact that HL2 is supposedly really huge...It would really piss me off if I paid money for it...
Is it just me? Or is steam download capped at 50kb/s .. either that or the content servers are really over loaded..
anyone else getting insanely slow download speeds off of steam as well?
and no it's not my connection I have 1.5mb/s ADSL
This is pretty sad but I won't trust it until the game is released..
I feel bad about owning a FX5200
oh well, guess I should have gone for an ATi
All and all I still dont trust this info unless it comes from a better source..
I know its true that ATi is ripping nVidia a new one in this...
Actually a lot of people upgraded their pcs in hope to be able to run HL2 with all the being one of them..
But I still voted for get a life, because that's about all I'll do for it..
And I can't believe I've waited this long to upgrade my pc what a difference all these new things make
It's not in half life files.
It's stored in your registry
Go to Start Menu> Run> Regedit> HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Valve/Settings
It's an entry named "Key", pretty hard to miss.
I hope this helps