****Steam Now Works Perfectly****

it may work good for you, i am still having problems. It freezes all the time. It has been updating since 7am and it's now midnight. Still havent played CS. I did although play play single player HL. No high def models though.
well then its your computer...i uninstalled the old steam, installed the new version and it worked perfectly
well for me.. while it doesn't work "perfectly"(even after this update-install ur talkin about) its not too shabby either considering what i had to go through to get this far..

the only games that work for me are CS, and HLDM, i have not tried DoD or TFC.. OP4 seems to lock up on me here and there..

and NS does not even show up on my games list even tho i chose to have it as a game on Steam..

heres something weird: when i go into the CS options to set the video etc.. the game goes straight back to the desktop but when i open OP4, it allows me to go into the options and set the video... also in OP4 settings i have it set to opengl and the picture looks decent.. but in CS since i can't change it.. it looks crappy at best..

so ya for some pple things still need to be worked out.. for those that Steam running perfect, great :P
Steam is still really slow at downloading for me, how did you manage to get all those games?
I still can't get CS to work
edit: And no, I'm not a steam n00b. I have been beta testing it since 1.4
Originally posted by FAK3R
Steam is still really slow at downloading for me, how did you manage to get all those games?
I still can't get CS to work
edit: And no, I'm not a steam n00b. I have been beta testing it since 1.4

it took a long time...also used the new installer as well, it helped alot..

its been said alot in these Steam threads and pple do not seem to get the message that its best to leave the comp on with Steam online so it can keep up with the updates and such..

leave the comp alone for a while.. go watch tv, play ping pong or whatever.. just give Steam a good 3-4 hours to update.. gawd its not that hard to understand!
Damn it's really sux.I tried to play DoD and this "preparing to play DoD" - took ages so i've canceled it.I can play faster with HLSW and I can find better servers with this...
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
hope when hl2 comes out, it won't be such a mess

Steam release: HL+mods (400+100-200mb) where all people already have HL and 50% of the mods: Steam choke. Completely.

HL2 release: NONE have HL2 (2gb+? 1.5gb? 3gb? At least over 1gb). Everyone that buy it have to download. If no box version is available until 1 months after or so, you do the math on how choked Steam will be! :P
what people dont understand about Steam:

1. think of how many people play on the hl engine (any mods) I mean cs alone is the most played online game, period. now all those people including you are trying to grab the same content. limited bandwidth almost limitless user base. thats why your downloads are slow, this isnt a steam "bug" ... its just reality, be patient and things will get sorted as people get their content.

2. steam doesnt denote what its doing very well (update bug) if it cant get all the content it needs to run something... lets say CS, it will still hightlight the icon, and allow you to launch it (well at least sit at the "now launching" screen) this is a bug, and its being worked on I assume. if you actually click on properties you will notice the file trying to update every now and then (when it gets a chance at the content servers) this just comes down to waiting till you have it, patience is a virtue.

3. third party software sometimes isnt converted properly.. THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE, to steam.. is anything non valve created or affiliated. in other words mods like NS, TS, etc. you can however easily fix this problem by moving it yourself.
take your mod directory folder and drag it into your
c:\program files\steam\steamapps\*your e-mail*\hl\
(where *your e-mail* is the e-mail you entered for steam)
this will make it show up in your steam browser under third party.

4. anything graphic related (for example, options missing, servers not showing up, buttons not showing up etc) are directly affected by what you have downloaded, this relates to #2, therefore if you dont have all of CS, your going to be missing options / random crashes. in essence you shouldnt be able to start the program or activate it, but it still lets you do this because steam assumes you have enough of the software to run it. - if this is happening, you need to let it do what it needs to do, leave it overnight, right click on your mods and make sure the option "always keep this game up to date" is on.

now, those lil kids out there posting "kill steam" and "no steam petition" threads, are the kind of people we dont want on steam anyway. personally if you have to express that way in public without reasoning/asking for help, or just plain being patient you prolly dont deserve steam. (dont put it down if you havent tried it) and those of you dissing valve for it are even lamer.
trust me, once you get steam working, and the servers are more readily available you are going to eat your words HARDCORE.
steam is the single most impressive addition in software I have seen in ... well a long time.

REMEMBER, the people whining are the same people WHINING when it was delayed a day... so in essence you shoulda stfu and let them do their work eh?


1. an extremely robust friends list.
2. alt-tabbing out and in without any loss of sound / being dropped
3. load times are twice as fast as before
4. hl engine mods and hl now can be set to 32bit color
5. fps increase, even in higher resolutions, and fps stability under ati cards
6. awesome server browser, thats fast reliable and has tons of neat options like "auto rejoin" (cant get on a server with your friend? put on auto rejoin, and as soon as a free slot opens you get in)
7. the friends capabilities are reminiscent of XBOX live.. as in, if your friend is playing cs, it shows he is in CS, and you can Join him even if your playing something else, you can see what all your friends are doing, the servers they are on etc - very robust.
8. you can chat with anyone on your friends list while playing any mod.
9. you can play realtime games with them... WHILE HL IS OPEN (eg: Im playing TS, I died in a round based game, so did Jim my friend, so we play a quick game of chess/checkers/go/etc while we wait, while we are still logged in to that server, we play in console... amazing, and so cool.
10. mp3 support (its in there, I gotta figure out how to use it)
the list goes on and on.
you idiots dont know what your talking about, dissing steam.
yeah I had some initial problems too, but if your patient and give valve a frickin break its all worth it.
(note Im only insulting the morons who dissed valve / steam for their own incompetence, not people like "Sr. Freemen" who actually had problems that need to be sorted.)

nuff said
Steam just needs to triple their server count or something...
Yes it works now : )

But there's one thing I don't understand: why didn't they include the cstrike retail version standalone mod instead of having you download HL and CS making it 800MBs.


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Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
you idiots dont know what your talking about, dissing steam.
yeah I had some initial problems too, but if your patient and give valve a frickin break its all worth it.
(note Im only insulting the morons who dissed valve / steam for their own incompetence, not people like "Sr. Freemen" who actually had problems that need to be sorted.) nuff said

well said man..
but again, some pple here don't read.. which is stupid oh well

btw: i tried what u said about copying the NS folder into the Steamapps/accountname but it didn't work :|
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
it took a long time...also used the new installer as well, it helped alot..

its been said alot in these Steam threads and pple do not seem to get the message that its best to leave the comp on with Steam online so it can keep up with the updates and such..

leave the comp alone for a while.. go watch tv, play ping pong or whatever.. just give Steam a good 3-4 hours to update.. gawd its not that hard to understand!
I left it on all night. and it just hangs when it tries to connect to a CS server, I can't even create my own
Originally posted by FAK3R
I left it on all night. and it just hangs when it tries to connect to a CS server, I can't even create my own

Does it hang on "Validating resources" because if so, that's not hanging, it's just taking a while.
Steam works great for me. Sure, it's alittle slow, but that's to be expected with so many people using it at once, it will work itself out in time.

That said, the in-game options with steam are fantastic! You can get the player list that has people's in-game name along with their friendslist username, and you can add people without ever having to alt-tab or that crap, plus instant messeging that doesn't crash your game! The options for controls/mouse is really easy now too, so you can edit mouse movement speed on the fly, or reassign a key in a flash. You can even sort through the server list and pick a new server to connect to without ever have to quit your game.

Trust me, once things die down with the madness of everyone updating at the sametime, it will be awesome. Valve was right when they said this was going to be so much more simple, I'm shocked at how many people still don't believe them!
it was not working at all for me. Just about all the problems listed on these forums happened to me. I got so freaking frustrated with steam I uninstalled it and now I am happy.
Originally posted by tewmten
a bittorrent kinda aproach would be nice.. p2p rules :D

I thought having steam be like bittorrent would be cool at first but then i realized that it would not be a good idea. Bittorent is great but it sucks up a lot of your bandwidth because you are uploading as you download. That's ok when your not doing anything with the computer (or nothing intensive) but do you really want to be uploading to someone else when you are playing a multiplayer game?

I live in a university dorm and while they dont have a problem with bittorrent, i have seen emails from the computer department telling people to cool it a bit because its sucking up a lot of bandwidth.
I like Steam a lot too...I just wish Steam worked for me right now...It's been sitting here saying "Preparing to play Counter-Strike..." for like... 10 min now and I d/led the full steam cache dealy. Ah well.. It'll work sometime... I'm not in a huge rush.
Great post....real worthwhile...
You could at least say something about why you don't like it or something..jeez.
ok, steam sucks because I dont want to have to logon to something to play the game, I dont want want it taking up more space then my original hl folder does. by like 300 megs. It's just another way for them to stop piracy, I dont like the server browser. I dont like it freezing, i dont like it saying its updating when its not. I dont like it.
I found that sometimes in the beta version of Steam, my version of CS would just sit there saying "getting ready to launch", even though I had originaly downloaded all the files.

At that point, I'd just simply delete the CS cached files and then re-download them. That always seemed to work fine.
Originally posted by mrBadger
This does NOT belong in General Discussion. Why is this thread still here?

Because a lot of people ONLY visit this section of the forums...not the steam users forum...
Guys, i can only see 1 server in the list!!!
WTF should i do?