Lets go find the sign, and put up a cardboard poster that says, "Obama is not Muslim". That way we'll have one less retarded pastor and a few hundred slightly less retarded Christians.
Heres the problem.....
You're a developer for the 360. You like this cool controller. You would love to make a game with awesome graphics and the controller. However... how many people have the controller and a 360? Not many. The amount of people with the new controller compared to the 360...
yeah..I wouldn't go out with a chick like that. If a girl likes you she'll flirt with you. Or want to talk to you (while your trying to ignore her). Don't ever wait to long to ask a girl out on a date!
That sucks. There are millions of other girls. Go ask a different girl out to coffee. In fact, ask a different girl out to coffee, TODAY. Better yet, NOW.
From my experiences theres something you gotta remember about girls.
Don't ever be a good friend to a girl. Be an acquatience. If you become a good friend, then they wont want to mess up the friendship by going out with you.
Don't be to outright with a girl you've never really talked to...
Sounds familiar. Me and my friend go to this house at 4:00 a.m. every day to scout it out because were gonna rob it pretty soon. Yeah.
not joking around....
Walk outside naked with a huge boner while pinching your nipple.
They'll leave.
Some people here seem to think that every atheist believes there is no god.
A = Without
Theist = Belief in god
Without belief in god.
Belief there is no god.
Big difference.
wow just because this thread is well...this thread. I feel like saying this.
So I cheated on my girlfriend a few weeks back. Told her the other day. She didn't break up with me, and well.. shes more in love with me than ever. Ugh, girls. So fricken stupid.
Normally I end up making out with the girl then going out with her. After we make out a bit they always ask if we're going out, and I get to use my favorite line "No, I'm just looking for a one night stand". Obviously joking and we go back to making out.
You asked her out at school? Don't normally you hang out with her a few times or at the very least flirt and talk to her on the phone/msn a bit. Not enough where you two are really good friends. Eventually dropping the question, usually outside of school.
p.s. You might look like a girl. Try...
Abstract thinking and problem-solving are definite things that you need to be a good programmer. However, like anything else with enough practice they can be learned.
Jump into C++. C++ is the toughest and the dirtest. Just start learning a few things at a time. Make some applications. An...
I'm 6ft and 145 pounds. I actively run, soccer, and soccer freestyle. I'm a little under weight but it's very hard for me to actually gain weight and so incredibly easy for me to loose weight without being active, let alone running most days of the week.
Body Builders build muscle. They work out in weight rooms, they do a variety of exerices on just about every single muscle in there body. You can have a lot of muscle but very little definition.
Running doesn't build a lot of muscle. Rather, running burns off a lot of body fat giving you a...