*Feeling completely stupid*
I was searching in the steam-settings windows for an option like that. Never occured to me to check the friends-options (sound so logically now that I type this :P:P)
I already tried that; replacing the sound with an empty one, but it placed back the original one...
Uchem Blackadder :)
"Sir, I will be back before you can say "antidisestablishmentarianism"."
"Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that... antidisens......antidisestablish..
"Morning Sir"
Hey all,
I'm kind of annoyed by the sound Steam makes when someone in my friends-list joins a game. I already tried to simple delete the soundfile, but it keeps coming back. Anyone know how to disable/properly delete it?
Even a good system like that will get a performance boost if you use XP instead of Win98. Just burn whatever you want to keep on a RW (or whatever backup-method you prefer), format your HD and install WinXP Home/Pro.
When will they enable it? I'm still waiting for those cellblock screenshots a while ago and they said when the new design would be up they would be unwatermarked :) Well? I'm waiting!!! :P
I walked into the store (I didn't have connection to the www at that moment) and I saw my favorite gaming magazine with on the front "Finally it's there! Half-Life 2". I grabbed that magazine like it was something holy. Funny, it actually was :P