Windows 98=bad performance ???

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On the list of requirements of your system is Windows 98 only Minimum but I have it. The rest of my System is normal
Athlon XP 2000+
Radeon 9800 Pro
80 GB HDD .
Will I have to expect big performance problems???

Greetz basic.instinct

PS:First time I was shocked because I just read that
Windows 2000\XP are Minimum and I was one day very depressive ;)
I would suggest getting Windows 2000 or higher. 98 is hardly the minimum for anything anymore. You have a fairly good computer, why not give it some loving and give it a nice updated OS? :)
Yea, I would get an updated OS as well if I were you. Win XP Home Edition could be found anywhere from $70 - $90.
Q: can i update from 98 to 2000 directly or is this impossible??

because Windows XP costs ca. 250 € ( ca. 230$) and 2000 is not avalaible at my local stores

and thx for answering so fast
You can upgrade to 2000, but I don't believe you can upgrade to XP.

But you really, really should upgrade.
XP Pro is probably your best bet. I have Win2k Pro and it works out fine, but networking with XP can be a pain sometimes. And since Win2k isnt sold anywhere that I know of, XP is probably the best out there as of now. Plus, you can make XP look not so bubbly and more like Win2k and networking is much nicer.

**edit**Oh, and your best bet would probably be to back stuff up that you want, format, and install Windows XP on a nice clean HD. It's always nicer to do that than to hassle with 2 Windows installations.

Seriously, pick up a new OS. :)
You can update from any version of Windows. If you have Win 98 and pop the XP disk in it will ask if you wish to upgrade. You are better going for a fresh install and buying the XP Pro version.....very reliable. I have had it on my machine for 1 year and it has never crashed once.

Windows 2000 is very poor with games in my experience. I had no end of problems with it and XP is faster as well.

Best to update anyway because as time goes on your computer will fall further behind.
yup, please get an upgraded OS b4 ur PC goes on strike
He would be ok with Win 98 if he cant upgrade, but it would be suggested the you do in fact upgrade.
oh yeah, if u do go for WinXP i suggest u do NOT get SP2. seems to be giving a lot of ppl problems
I find XP PRO is the most powerfull version of windows.

Dr. A said:
oh yeah, if u do go for WinXP i suggest u do NOT get SP2. seems to be giving a lot of ppl problems

SP2 only gives problems to those who don't know how to use and maintain their computers properly. Which, granted, is most people who own computers, but still. ;)

Windows 98 will run the game, but because it doesn't have the advanced memory management and file system capabilities of 2000/XP, the experience won't be as good as it would be on those two systems. Your hardware specs, however, will probably make up for it for the most part, so you're ok there.
If you can afford it, go for the fresh install of XP but do not install over '98 or keep '98 on. Format the drive and start fresh is your best bet, as stated above. You can buy a cheaper upgrade version even on a fresh install and then all you will require is to put your '98 CD in to verify you are 'upgrading' (ie previously owned a MS operating system) you don't have to have the old files installed. But check up what 98 allows you to upgrade to, as someone else said it might only be '98-2K and not '98-XP but I don't see why not. If you can't afford it right now you should be alright on '98, but it is highly recommended you go to XP for future programs/games. Doom 3 for example was only available for 2K/XP (although there is a patch for this)
Wait ................... You mean you cant play HL2 on Windows 3.1???

For the really adventurous, you can do a "Dual-boot" and keep your old partition and put XP Pro on another. Then copy data files at your leisure. You can reclaim your 98 partition for XP after you are happy with the install and you are confident you have all of your files.

Or, buy a new HDD and put XP on that and slave the old 98 disk. Same effect, but much easier. has XP Pro with SP2 already installed (Less risky than applying the patch on a running machine) for $150. That's OEM, but it's easy to activate over the phone.

You can get 2000 Pro for $136, or XP Home Upgrade for $105. The XP Upgrade should let you do a full install as long as you have 98 installed, or have the reg codes.

I'd recommend XP Pro first, then 2000 Pro second.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that if you buy the OEM version at Newegg, you have to buy a peice of hardware. You know, like you are building a computer. Otherwise they can't sell it to you per M$ licensing. So pick out a nice $5-10 dollar item to go with it. Maybe a HDD Enclosure or MP3 Player or something.
to varsity:
yes I called my local dealer and he said that there is a upgrade version for "only" 130€ I think that this is the best choice for me with my little pocketmoney of 30€ a month. No I can relax and prepare for HL2 the best game ever. :bounce:
and thx a lot to everybody writing this stuff that helped me much.
Gorgon said:
I find XP PRO is the most powerfull version of windows.


Windows XP Pro was designed to be the replacement for Windows 2000 Professional (which in turn was the replacement for Windows NT4 Workstation). If you are running a machine that you just play games on and don't really do much else (other than say.. your homework) then there's no real point going to Windows XP Pro over XP Home. The only difference being that XP Pro can connect to domains whereas XP Home can only connect to Workgroups.
-JeZ- said:


Anyways, no point spending extra to get pro over home, makes NO DIFFERENCE for gaming, pro may even be slightly worse!

But personally I dunno if it is worth upgrading at all. You will definietly gain quite a bit formatting the C drive and reinstalling 98, but XP and 2000 are bloated, just depends on wheather the video driver makes bother to optimise for 98 any more

(Unless you have 98 origional (not second edition) - that is terrible, if u have taht run!
Home is good enough for gaming, but I like Pro more because of the extra sharing possibilities with other pc's.
I wouldn't sweat it too much; your system specs are OK and HL2 supports win98, so you should be fine.

I suggest that you upgrade only if you detect a genuine need to do so, not because of the usual tiresome ranting about how antiquated win98 supposedly is.
If it works, it works.
basic.instinct said:
Q: can i update from 98 to 2000 directly or is this impossible??

because Windows XP costs ca. 250 € ( ca. 230$) and 2000 is not avalaible at my local stores

and thx for answering so fast

i have like 3 spare XP licenses you can have one if you want :) just download it and use mine :D oh maybe thats not allowed :P
Most of what has been said here so far is good advice. For the majority of home users, XP Home vs XP Pro will make little difference, and Win2k (while very stable) has serious issues with some games, primarily because the drivers lag behind other windows versions, and because it was intended for business use originally. A CLEAN install of XP can be every bit as stable as Win2k (provided you format to NTFS when installing, and not Fat32), and will outperform Win2k almost across the board. I would not recommend doing an "upgrade" install from 98 to either XP or Win2k, because you will introduce some instability to the system, no matter how clean your 98 install is right now. I own a pc repair and consulting business, and 99 percent of the folks I see with problems on XP or Win2k are people that upgraded from 98 or (god forbid) WinME. So save yourself the trouble, and get XP, then copy off your files, format, and install XP Clean -- your computer will thank you, and Gordon will thank you!
Even a good system like that will get a performance boost if you use XP instead of Win98. Just burn whatever you want to keep on a RW (or whatever backup-method you prefer), format your HD and install WinXP Home/Pro.