That was me :) It certainly wasn't DVD-quality, the people at PC Games just used a better camera then the people at Gamespy.
Listen between "So wake up, Mr Freeman" (BIG BREATH) "Wake up and... smell the ashes", he is definately not breathing in through his nose :)
Sync is ok here, nothing wrong with it. Only thing I don't like in the video is, that when you HEAR the GMan breathing in, his mouth is closed. That's a bit weird, rest is great!
Damn, I can't get it in the neighbourhood in here. If I would I would upload the video again with torrent. You know, my upload increased from 8 kb/s to 14 kb/s!!! Who wants to touch me?
I've seen it on a dutch magazine here too. I'll see if I can get it somewhere.
BUT, I've added the videos too now. Check it out
Barnacle pic added to Art/Concept Art