We really need more info on where she got the secret idea. In all honesty it seems like a small thing to be arguing about, just assure her you like her a lot and have no reason to keep her a secret.
Yeah I totally feel ya. I know exactly what that's like and I can only imagine that many people watching and it being that big of a deal would have put me over the top.
A lot of dealers don't They start and they get sucked into it and it's hard to get out. This guy seems smart though...smart enough to be able make a living without drugs. I think this guy has a pretty good chance of getting out. I mean...how many dealers do you know that actually treat it like a...
This has completely redefined any notion I had that dealing would be a good get rich quick job. Dealing always seemed to enticing, but now it seems like a lifestyle rather than a job. I would never want my life controlled like that.
I hate the april fool's that actually try to trick you into something. Some kid kept telling me his friend is going to jail. So what? It's stupid from every angle. The ones that make it more obvious like the wow bard class is just good humor.
Old school:
Tribes 2...actually possibly one of the best and overlooked games of all time
Newer...Halo 3
amazingly well designed game. Great competitive play really shines as next gen game play.
Do something other than play customs with 12 yr olds? Honestly I play a lot of halo and hardly ever run into a little kid...if I do they were on the other team and only whine after the game cause they got their ass kicked.
Wow lot's of ignorant emo hate in here. Most emo kids aren't actually emo...they only dress that way. Any kid who is actually emo is just another attention whore, and believe me there are attention whores in every group so I don't see why people single out emos. It must be because of their girls...
I endorse this message. Seriously...if she keeps talking to you about it then it sounds like your a good candidate. Just ask her how things are...if she says good then set that fool up. Put some lipstick marks on his shirt and then tell her about it and the next day she will be on you so fast...
Oh that sucks...oh well $50 a year is hardly anything. If you can't shell out $4 a month to play online your being a cheap ass. Just go donate sperm once a month and you will have enough money left to buy more games.