What's with all these 11 year-old dolts on XBL? (Rant)

I don't get annoyed by this stuff at all - they're just background noise. If you're playing with a bunch of mates it's no trouble to mute everyone else and just get on with things. Why let it bother you?

When it comes to annoying twats the only difference between Live and PC gaming is the former has comms as standard. They're just as many retards playing CS:S and CoD4 etc on the pc, we just can't hear them (which is no bad thing :)).

There should be a basic social exam as a prerequisite for using in-game chat.
They're just as many retards playing CS:S and CoD4 etc on the pc, we just can't hear them (which is no bad thing :)).

There should be a basic social exam as a prerequisite for using in-game chat.

Thought I'd just highlight that part. Adult retards I can stand but little kids with high pitched voices I cannot. The console has a larger majority of whiney little kids at least ones I can hear compared to the PC. I'm sure parents are sooner to buy a console for their kids before a complicated PC.
Problem with having a quiz;
Kids are crafty lil' bitches, and they'll cheat and then post the answers on Halo3.net/forums/ so everyone can get in. It won't work!
Whenever i hear the word 'Halo' or "Xbox' i think of immature little annoying brats that think they're big men. basically.

Thought I'd just highlight that part. Adult retards I can stand but little kids with high pitched voices I cannot. The console has a larger majority of whiney little kids at least ones I can hear compared to the PC. I'm sure parents are sooner to buy a console for their kids before a complicated PC.
...and this. Pretty basically.

Except I can't stand annoying people period, kids or adults. For this reason, I rarely play online games to begin with. :P ESPECIALLY online console games with a bunch of whiney noobish brats thinking they can "pwn" anybody.
True, Saturos.

That's the sad thing about team-based online games, the quality of the gameplay depends on your fellow players, who, more often than not, act more like a pack of monkeys than human beings. Team-based games can be so fulfilling if you play with good people but it very rarely pans out that way.
That's why I only play with friends, especially in teambased games.

Annoying people have existed in online gaming since the start and are really a non issue if you build up a good group of people to play with.
Do something other than play customs with 12 yr olds? Honestly I play a lot of halo and hardly ever run into a little kid...if I do they were on the other team and only whine after the game cause they got their ass kicked.