I use the default control panel for everything it lets me do. Only for overclocking, fan adjustments and detailed hardware monitoring do I use Rivatuner.
There's one default setting you'll want to switch. There's absolutely no reason to keep this set to 'Limited (16-235)' unless you're using a...
They did. It mostly works fine now, but IMO it needs a lot of modding for it to be excellent. Took me 2 days of non-stop modding and messing around to iron all of the annoyances out. Which I managed to and then it was absolutely fantastic, right until the ending.
It's a niche game to his own likings. He doesn't have any financial backing yet. And I do share the fear that launch will fail because of it. As it looks now, it'll be a single shard launch (europe), maybe coping with 10k players or so. And I suspect that near launch, there will be at least ten...
Right, so you might have wanted to look at what he's doing before you say something like that. He doesn't have much sympathy for people that waste his time.
I'm not saying I agree with the ban or anything.
Lol what? He can't stand noobs that don't read the FAQ and keep asking when it's done. He's a smart guy and the most impressive programmer I've seen yet (which doesn't say much). He's got a clear vision on where he wants this game to go. He's always thoughtful and direct in his answers. Perhaps...
Right, so I was thinking there was a problem of running out of space. G-parted lets you resize (boot)partitions easily. Helped me a bunch of time in the past with the same problem.
Worked great for me multiple times. Just burn it to a disk and boot from it, can't be easier after that. Just takes a long while to move partitions.
Thanks staticprimer! Mass Effect, a game that's been on my 'to buy/play' list for about a year. Hadn't thought of it when mentioning my suggestions. Perfect aim!
Muchos love to Glenn for organizing this. He could get a box full of hagelslag from me, if he'd just finish Psychonauts before...
Yes yes. May I add Jon Hopkins and Groove Armada?
Steam profile here.
I also own:
I like sci-fi FPS. Or any game that's really clever in some way. Two indie games I really want to have are Osmos and Eufloria. By far the best bets to make me happy. If you want to spend more, I'm certain to enjoy Crysis.
I like the lot of you guys. I really do. I just found, imo, better ways to spend the countless hours I used to spend here. And it's not going change back I'm afraid, sorry.