Biggest regret befor this new year


Jul 17, 2008
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What is your biggest regret you had this year before this new year?

Me? Probably not being as out going as I should have been.
Probably the same. Pretty much every problem I have stems from that in some way.
Getting quite into weight loss early to mid '09, then ignoring it completely with the coming of summer and then university. It's one of my resolutions for next year to get back into it with a fresh year.
Spending the entire summer in front of the computer and not going out even once :(

TL;DR Being a lardass
Yea that outgoing thing for me too, my life would be so much better if I wasn't so introverted.

I would make a new years resolution to be more outgoing but I probably will forget about it on Jan 1.
Me? Probably not being as out going as I should have been.

Pretty much the same, oh look we're all introverts.

But looking back, though I may not be doing a top notch job, I actually accomplished a lot this year in comparison to many of my previous; where I used to be lazy, down and out.

It's quite amazing how much can be down with a pinch of extra effort.
Hopefully it will continue in improvement.
Sending those naked pictures to all the moderators.

It was only meant for Brick ffs.
Not banging that one chick from work. i still need to get laid and I really should shoot for it for New Years since I have off New Years Eve and New Years!
Last December I got my GED.

Over the entire span of one year, which seems only like a couple months to me, I haven't done a single god damn thing with that GED.

Time flies so unfathomably fast for me, I'm going to end up being 60 and dying of a heart attack and not even being sure where the time has gone.
Time flies so unfathomably fast for me, I'm going to end up being 60 and dying of a heart attack and not even being sure where the time has gone.

This is a current fear of mine, as I notice that time goes increasingly quick with each year. Years used to seem so long to me, I cannot believe how quickly they are going now.
This is a current fear of mine, as I notice that time goes increasingly quick with each year. Years used to seem so long to me, I cannot believe how quickly they are going now.

Yes. <sigh>
Yes. <sigh>

Do I have a Solution for you!? Introducing: Sleep Less®!! you'll feel like the day drags on while your brain overcompensates and pumps adrenaline nonstop into your body making you the funnest insomniac to hang around. Side effects include, dry mouth, constipation, nose bleeds, loss of hair, loss of teeth, loss of concentration, loss of consciousness, loss of sex drive, loss of thoughts, loss of feelings, loss of touch, and...
Do I have a Solution for you!? Introducing: Sleep Less®!! you'll feel like the day drags on while your brain overcompensates and pumps adrenaline nonstop into your body making you the funnest insomniac to hang around. Side effects include, dry mouth, constipation, nose bleeds, loss of hair, loss of teeth, loss of concentration, loss of consciousness, loss of sex drive, loss of thoughts, loss of feelings, loss of touch, and...*IMAGE SNIP*

Nothing makes life feel more lengthy than being confined to the toilet.
I can't say I have any regrets about the past year. Been quite the run.
I didn't resolve things with someone important.

Oh, and more recently, I asked a girl to coffee, and somehow managed to do so without A. asking her name and B. arranging anything. "HEY YOU'RE IN LITERATURE RIGHT? YES ME TOO. LET'S GO TO COFFEE SOME TIME." That is more-or-less how it went. Then we broke up for Christmas.

What a tool.
I am actually quite pleased with this year. There are things that I wish had happened, sure, things that aren't necessarily in my control, but consider me content with what I did do. The first year in a while that I can say this... is nice.
lol well I pretty much head out and do stuff almost on a daily basis.

Maybe that's my regret, it doesn't exactly leave me swimming in cash at the end of the day.

Oh! Should play the bass guitar more.

Can never play that thing enough.
Not doing enough with my life. My life has been pretty stale. Going to University and working. Sometimes I wish I could do something more, like join a sports team or lerning new skills or something.
Time flies so unfathomably fast for me, I'm going to end up being 60 and dying of a heart attack and not even being sure where the time has gone.
Not doing enough with my life. My life has been pretty stale. Going to University and working. Sometimes I wish I could do something more, like join a sports team or lerning new skills or something.
"Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans."
"Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans."

Heh. I guess that's sort of true. A lot of us wish we were something we aren't and in the end we take our dreams to our grave.
Buying Borderlands.

Yeah. I don't regret a lot of things.
I also regret waiting too long for my Soundwave Festival ticket.

Sorry Whitechapel, Meshuggah, Isis, Faith No More and Fear Factory. <3
I regret not exercising. My neck muscles are pretty screwed up and I'm turning all geriatric.

I also regret this one time I bought a book for regular price at Borders, then saw a nicer version of it at a used bookstore a month later for half the price. And I bought STALKER for $5 when I could've gotten it for $2 in the Steam holiday sale. I'm still pissed at myself for that :P.

Anyhow, this year's been pretty darn good so I don't have much to whine about.
And I bought STALKER for $5 when I could've gotten it for $2 in the Steam holiday sale. I'm still pissed at myself for that :P.
You got to let the little stuff go, but I understand the feeling.

My biggest regret has been money management. I look for the best deals, and wait for years for something to get the best possible price, then I bounce the ****ing check, costing me an extra $30.

Buying Borderlands.

Yeah. I don't regret a lot of things.

You regret buying Borderlands? Its such an awesome game though (unless your playing it on PC)

My regrets
-Giving some people second chances.
-Popping off a portion of my MP3 players screen and making it not work anymore.
-Modern Warfare 2
-Not giving certain music(s) a chance when they are so awesome
I wish I hadn't broken my mother****ing leg. My whole summer was spent laying around doing jack-shit until a week before school started. Also the reason I don't have a drivers' license yet, ****ing two months spent in a brace so I couldn't drive at all.

Other than that, not exercising at all after breaking my leg. I went climbing on a wall I would have made my bitch in May and it kicked my skinny, weak ass.

buying Prototype
and not hanging out with my friend more, he will be leaving monday for good and tonight was the final goodbye. we were friends for 22 years
Not keeping the body I got over the summer during the school year, and perhaps a few marks in school, but thats about it.
My biggest regret is the same as last year. One less new year to celebrate in my life's span and it seems to gets lonelier every year the older I get. I need new friends. ;(
I went an entire year without a girlfriend, most of the time I can go with 2 or 3 but holy shit having no girlfriends is rough :(
Should have studied Maths harder. Maybe I could have gotten into the military academy then.

It's going to be a lifelong regret of mine, I think.
I turned 18 without ever having any kind of relationship (still haven't, as of this moment). Made me realise that being sent to boarding school until I was 16 was pretty much a waste of my childhood.
You regret buying Borderlands? Its such an awesome game though (unless your playing it on PC)

For 360.

Played with some of my XBL bros for two hours.

Put the game back in its case and played Ace Combat 6.

Couple days later I gave it to my friend.
Um... I honestly can't think of anything. Perhaps the introversion thing as well? It wasn't really that bad this year though.
Oh, and more recently, I asked a girl to coffee, and somehow managed to do so without A. asking her name and B. arranging anything. "HEY YOU'RE IN LITERATURE RIGHT? YES ME TOO. LET'S GO TO COFFEE SOME TIME." That is more-or-less how it went. Then we broke up for Christmas.

What a tool.

How has anyone not BAAWWWW'd at this yet, it's like the sweetest thing ever.

Christmas... changes you, Samon.