I've went for a blood knight Jensen. The Tyrants have a permanent death penalty imposed on them, though he tries to avoid killing others, including purists and Belltower. Things might change at Rifleman Bank station.
My personal favourite was when, while looking for that prostitute the...
I've read a good theory that Half-Life 3 will be used as bait for SteamOS, just like Half-Life 2 was for Steam. Makes sense that they'd expand the groups now and go into full development mode.
Of course, this could be just a Half-Life themed TF2 update and hats.
Yes, but they are still of another dynasty, not the Targaryens. Regardless, inheritance isn't equal for everyone concerned, those closest to the royal bloodline (Targaryens, before anyone interjects on behalf of the rebel scum) are first in line. That means the surviving Targaryens. Of course...
The DS3 model is pretty good. You don't have to pay for resource packs with monies, you can use ration seals instead. They're also entirely optional, as farming is easy.
My only problem is with the pricing of the other addons. The various cosmetic packs are way overpriced for the value they...