All EA games to include microtransactions


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score

All of them.

Thoughts? I mean I guess people are actually buying this shit so you can't fault them for taking advantage of an obvious business opportunity, but on the other hand those people are dumb and EA are a bunch of scummy c**ts. I love the free to play model when the paid stuff isn't too invasive, I like DLC when it's well done, but micro-transactions in full priced games can get the worst kind of ****ed.
I'm not surprised, they made their way into the actual gameplay of Dead Space 3, haha
You're reminded of micro-trans every time you use the Workbench in game. The work bench is one of the series primary appeals, making yourself optimized for survival.
Micro transactions, $10 fee for used games or else they don't give you the multiplayer part, some of the shittiest DRM available... gotta say, can't say I think EA will be around a whole lot longer. People will start to wise up, just a matter of time.
Micro transactions, $10 fee for used games or else they don't give you the multiplayer part, some of the shittiest DRM available... gotta say, can't say I think EA will be around a whole lot longer. People will start to wise up, just a matter of time.
Same as BHC said. Remember EA are still at their old trick of releasing almost identical games every year and idiots keep buying them (Madden, FIFA, PGA Tour). I really do wish people would realise EA are arse-shafting them. Repeatedly.

[edit] Oh come on... now they are rebooting Command & Conquer too? Dear gods, EA, stop already!
I love the free to play model when the paid stuff isn't too invasive, I like DLC when it's well done, but micro-transactions in full priced games can get the worst kind of ****ed.

DLC, when it's not stuff that should have been in the game in the first place, is fine.

The other "business models" like :
-Free to play (but all the good stuff has to be payed for separately).
-Exclusive content depending on the retail chain.
-Micro transactions
-Monthly subscriptions
Can go burn in the fiery pits of Hades!

I want to pay only once for a game and get the full package. And by pay once I don't mean the ridiculous prices we're getting nowadays, for games that have a 5 hour singleplayer campaign.
Like I needed another reason to not buy EA products.
The next Battlefield is supposed to be revealed next month according to some poster.

I f*cking bet that shit will be loaded down to hell and back with this shit.
Like I needed another reason to not buy EA products.
You can always use more reasons, EA makes sure of that.

EDIT: Willie, you can bet your ass it will.
The DS3 model is pretty good. You don't have to pay for resource packs with monies, you can use ration seals instead. They're also entirely optional, as farming is easy.

My only problem is with the pricing of the other addons. The various cosmetic packs are way overpriced for the value they provide (they dwarf Horse Armor in that aspect, for M'Atra's sake). Five Euro for a single suit and gun? Fifteen for a set? Five for each upgrade to the scavenger bots? It's ludicrous. Compare that to Gun Runner's Arsenal, which provides a lot more bang for your buck, in all aspects.

I mean, come on EA. Two retextures without custom models cost five Euros to make?
I agree on DS3, while limiting the reskinned suits and wep packs to paid dlc (even though it is way too expensive for what they are, hell you could craft weapons much better than that shit close to mid-game). But even putting a monetary price on the resources is just... smart. Because they know idiots will buy it.
It's all very well to have in-game real money purchases be optional, but if I'm playing a single player game (such as DS3), seeing something like that at the store/upgrade table would just completely take me out of the game. I like playing games that feel as if they've been made because the developer wants me to have a great gaming experience, not to be constantly reminded that all they really want is more of my money, whether I'm enjoying the game or not.
I'm more worried that using this approach in (taking them at their word) every actual ****ing game might eventually influence the way they balance them in the first place. Maybe they'll be a bit less generous with resources if they figure they can make a quick buck out of people's laziness.

Remember cheat codes?
I'm more worried that using this approach in (taking them at their word) every actual ****ing game might eventually influence the way they balance them in the first place. Maybe they'll be a bit less generous with resources if they figure they can make a quick buck out of people's laziness.
This is a very frightening notion.

Thankfully I couldn't be more disinterested in most of EA's games. Except for SC5, but they've managed to turn my extreme excitement into a "I'll buy it when the price drops" attitude.
I'm more worried that using this approach in (taking them at their word) every actual ****ing game might eventually influence the way they balance them in the first place. Maybe they'll be a bit less generous with resources if they figure they can make a quick buck out of people's laziness.

Remember cheat codes?

The cheat codes thing is really quite scary when you think about it. We're moving from "Here, use these codes if you're lazy or want to mess around post-completion" to "Here, buy these codes if you're lazy or want to mess around post-completion".

Not that this is happening across the board (yet), but if it works out for EA, I'm sure other big developers will follow suit.
I wish I agreed with you, Krynn.
Same as BHC said.

Idunno, maybe I'm just optimistic after hearing Best Buy is probably going bankrupt now that people are sick of their shit too and going elsewhere. Not really the same situation though, since Best Buy's products can be had from elsewhere, but still a man can dream.

Still, I'll be content with just not giving EA any more of my money.
Still, I'll be content with just not giving EA any more of my money.
I'd really really like to say that too. I really would. Unfortunately with Sim City due out, and possibly another one or two other games, means I might not be able to resist... I will, however, wait til they are in a sale first... damage limitation. Not that It'll really work that way.
Me and morgs are going to wait, so you should wait with us and then we can play together when we all buy it.
It's all very well to have in-game real money purchases be optional, but if I'm playing a single player game (such as DS3), seeing something like that at the store/upgrade table would just completely take me out of the game. I like playing games that feel as if they've been made because the developer wants me to have a great gaming experience, not to be constantly reminded that all they really want is more of my money, whether I'm enjoying the game or not.
I beat DS3 on the starting hardest difficulty ("impossible"), resources were indeed very scarce, but that forced me to play a smarter game. I didn't even see the store stuff at the bench but I can see how the today's casual crowd who wants to cry their way into winning the hardest mode would spend actual money to do so. But the game was very possible to beat if you played it smart. Playing on the next difficulty down ("hard"), resources were thrown at you.

I don't mind this micro-transaction stuff as long as it's not something needed to play the game, extra strong guns and hand holding? Fine, I don't need them. But day 1 map packs and the like can **** off.
I couldn't tell if it was sarcasm. I think it's just bona fide ignorance which, actually, is kind of cool. Carry on then.
The CEO of EA has put out a statement, saying,

"I made a statement in the conference along the lines of 'We'll have microtransactions in our games' and the community read that to mean all our games, and that's really not true," Jorgensen said at the Wedbush Technology Conference today, as reported by Polygon. “All of our mobile games will have microtransactions in them, because almost all of them are going to a world where they are play for free."

I'm still expecting to see a hell of a lot of micro transactions.
Dead Space was disgusting, Sim City is embarrassing. I relish watching EA strangle itself.
Well, it's nice to know they're a) not utterly pants-on-head retarded, or b) still know when to buckle under consumer pressure if an idea generates enough heat.