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  1. N

    So Thursday comes...

    ....zzzz.....videos.....zzzz....*wakes up*....what year is it?.....2991?!?!?!!.....damn steam still hasn't been updated.....*goes back to sleep*......zzzzzz......
  2. N

    The Special Edition Pack

    Platinum Grillza Foo!
  3. N

    HEV Suit

  4. N

    So Thursday comes...

    I hope it comes out today..
  5. N

    Please discuss NEW HL2 Media HERE (when time come)

    I WANT MY MEDIA! ='(
  6. N

    Sven Co-op Interview.....

    nice read
  7. N

    No media today either..

  8. N

    What has Gordon been doing?

    Nice one Valved =D
  9. N

    More Erik Chat (steam, videos, etc.)

    I am glad that I have 40 dollar unlimited cable....=P
  10. N

    What source DOESNT have.

    Hmmm...mabye that cloth moves! OMG H4X! =P
  11. N

    More Erik Chat (steam, videos, etc.)

    I was gonna steam it, but on second thought ill just go with that purty silver box =P
  12. N

    Topic in #steam says Thursday

    WTFS. :flame:
  13. N

    No media today either..

  14. N

    Great Map Idea to Challenge Physics

    Good luck! :cheers: Seems like an awsome idea.
  15. N

    Video Info From Erik

    @[email protected]......*slams down coffee mug*
  16. N


    10:32 PM here....still no videos......;(