The Special Edition Pack

i dont have a dvd drive, my dads comp does have one, i have a software based dvd drive so i could always make some sort of .iso out of half life if they did release it on dvd over from my dads comp, or just install it from his over the router, ok but beyond that the gaming market has more information into who buys their games then you or I and being that they did not and are not releasing it on DVD I think validates my point and not yours. Secondly beyond my family I know let me see about 3 people im my school who have dvd drives and my current comp. is actually a LOT faster then many of my friends who have the original half-life.. now I know this doesnt represent a large portion however, hey experiences change... furthermore half-life fans will naturally be inclined to buy half-life 2, being that half-life has low system requirements, do you honestly think valve will want to alienate a bunch of the people who bought the original by making it require a 2 ghz processor? I mean look how many people are online playing half-life currently maybe some of the peeps who play online have fast comps, but you see lots of the people who bought the game bought it for single player, and guess what information valve has released assofar? Oh the single player! Why? Because despite the fact that the multiplayer etc. succeeded with mods and that valve is working on mod support half life itself, and half life 2 both refer generally to the single player portions, I mean if all their sales succeeded soley based on online play don't you think they would just make a multi-player product with weak or no single player ala UT2003?
i have a dvd player for playing dvd's.. i don't waste space in my computer with a dvd player.. i'd hope they wouldn't make it on a dvd unless they absolutely had to.. i don't know what you're talking about taz.
AHEM, I dont care what you say:

1. A New 16x DVD drive is £28 + P&P
2. Most people allready have a DVD Drive
3. Valve would not negate the part of the market they tried so long to cater for. The low end.
Originally posted by FAK3R
yeah but unfortunately they have to suit everybody's needs and not everyone has a DVD drive.. THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOVLE AROUND YOU

But if a persons PC has to be good enough to run HL2, surely they would have a DVD drive by now in 99% of cases?
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
Dude your retarded...
Calling someone an idiot while using the incorrect "you're" doesn't work all that well.

Also, my vote for the special edition is a headcrab cookbook. What ELSE do you think Gordon's been doing between HL1 and HL2? :cheese:
which is 800 mhz TNT2 style card? I agree I even have a dvd-drive in a sense, it only takes up a few MB's.. but i still think i'm write just cuz' valve sides with meh, lol
What about a peice of origanal art work?

Some film special edition DVDs come with a Cell from the origanal movie reel or something like that.
CD-R rulez
Your? :))))))))))) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
DVD is just for movies...Scenes...For game is not so, nice.So CD-R is the best than DVD CD
I can't remember which games, but several that have had Collector's Editions had the game on DVD in that version. I for one would prefer that format and ina collector's edition, its justified. If you're dedicated enough to spend $15-$20 extra for a special set, then i think you can spend $10-$20 on a DVD drive at CompUSA or whatever you have near you. There are countless people buying new VidCards, CPU's, etc for HL2. Go the extra mile and get a DVD drive while you're in the store.

BTW, I still think the normal edition should be on CD's though, for the casual gamer or the gamers who (I know a few in this situation) plays on the family computer and isn't allowed to touch the hardware.
My wish list for special edition:

Behind the Scenes DVD
Art Book or just one poster
HL2 logo keychain
Stuffed Headcrab

I don't care what's in it. I'm gonna get special version anyway :D
wallpapers, hmm ,behind the scene movie.. ( half-life 1 included :D ) maybe some custom skins or something...
Originally posted by Escher0
I can't remember which games, but several that have had Collector's Editions had the game on DVD in that version. I for one would prefer that format and ina collector's edition, its justified. If you're dedicated enough to spend $15-$20 extra for a special set, then i think you can spend $10-$20 on a DVD drive at CompUSA or whatever you have near you. There are countless people buying new VidCards, CPU's, etc for HL2. Go the extra mile and get a DVD drive while you're in the store.

you buy computer parts at a physical store? pfffffft...n00b...
Originally posted by ReZeroX
you buy computer parts at a physical store? pfffffft...n00b...
actually, I usually buy parts from online or from computer shows, I was saying that for all the people who don't have DVD drives.
I wouldn't go around calling everyone n00bs either. I've probably already built more computers in the last 3 years then you will in the next 10
Originally posted by Escher0
actually, I usually buy parts from online or from computer shows, I was saying that for all the people who don't have DVD drives.
I wouldn't go around calling everyone n00bs either. I've probably already built more computers in the last 3 years then you will in the next 10

Everyone here seems to take such great offense at stupid little jokes...if there's one thing I've noticed about forums, it's that sarcasm abounds!

We all need to get a little thicker skinned and not start flaming at the littlest comments!

just my two cents :bounce: :cheers:
wallpaper! i'll go with that! for my room!
victorian hedcrab patterned carpet'd be nice too.

I'd actually like a headcrab hat/mask
Good idea with stuffed headcrab.. my dog humps stuffed things.. it should have really sharp pincers that clamp down when you touch its tummy... would surprise my dog, rofl, muhahhaha!
Why everybody start laugh with : "Muhahahahaha"?
muahahah? thats just daft.
personally i prefer a good mWahahahaha, or the occasional BWahahahahaha.
heh heh heh is good too.

OK im just a different man of laugh, my laugh is sounds this: Hahahahahahahahha
Sorry if you find some mistake...
Funny i just emailed gabe about this yesterday

I have this picture from e3 someone took of all the boxes on display and
one of them is silver with just the HL2 logo on it, i believe when
someone questioned Eric Johnson asking if the silver one was a Special
Edition, he said yes. Can you tell me if it is a special edition(
limited edition, what do you call it anyway?) and if you are going to
release it the same time as the game? And possibly what might be
included in the box (i have to try!)?

Yes, there will be a limited edition. It should be out at the same time as
the game. We are still working with people to finalize what will go into it
(we want it to be cool).
I'd love an "in joke" like something Barney, headcrab or crowbar related.
sorry Escher0, i thought u wouldt detect the sarcasm, i see trantjd did...
Originally posted by PainLord
But if a persons PC has to be good enough to run HL2, surely they would have a DVD drive by now in 99% of cases?
Except in those cases where someone with a highend computer simply doesn't see the need for a DVD-ROM drive. The assumption that a good computer and a DVD-ROM drive is synonomous is invalid.
a dvd drive is like a must have for anyone with their own computer and a big monitor. its one of the things a computer just HAS to have, otherwise your computer is not complete.
Originally posted by ReZeroX
a dvd drive is like a must have for anyone with their own computer and a big monitor. its one of the things a computer just HAS to have, otherwise your computer is not complete.

eh...I disagree, I'd much rather use an actual dvd player and a nice tv. I bought a DVD drive about 4 years ago or so and I think I've watched one movie on the thing. Right now, it's sitting dead in my box because I bought a new hard drive that needed the IDE cable. I really have no motivation or need to get it up and running again.

I think it's honestly a chicken and the egg thing. Until they start publishing games on DVD, you won't see a DVD drive in every box and until DVD drives are even more common than they are now, they won't start making games for them.

But really, if you're going to start heading towards DVD, releasing DVD format games as a limited edition may well be the way to do it (well, I guess it's almost time to get that drive running again!)...
Originally posted by Dr.Sbaitso
Funny i just emailed gabe about this yesterday

I have this picture from e3 someone took of all the boxes on display and
one of them is silver with just the HL2 logo on it, i believe when
someone questioned Eric Johnson asking if the silver one was a Special
Edition, he said yes. Can you tell me if it is a special edition(
limited edition, what do you call it anyway?) and if you are going to
release it the same time as the game? And possibly what might be
included in the box (i have to try!)?

Yes, there will be a limited edition. It should be out at the same time as
the game. We are still working with people to finalize what will go into it
(we want it to be cool).

Thats why i started the Thread dude :)
Exciting isnt it !!!
I'd love behind the scenes stuff.
The crowbar keychain thingy is sweet
I'd like an HL2 keychain as well.
A poster maybe.
Possibly a new short ingame adventure that maybe compliments the game's story. You know...stuff that won't be in the actual game, but we collectors edition people get to see a bit more into the story or something...
Originally posted by TAZ
Seriously, why don't you shut the hell up man. Everyone I know has a DVD drive in their computer, that is anyone with a computer capable of running a game like HL2.

Why the hell would you have a DVD player on your computer. A fraction of games come out on it.

If i go out and buy a dvd, i want to sit in my massive comfy lounge, with my gigantic TV and surround sound to watch it. Also i can sit around with friends, rather than trying to squeeze them all into the little computer room study which im sure 90% of people have their computer in. Why would you waste money on a DVD player for your computer, to watch on this tiny ass screen, with sound that is nowhere near as good as home theature sound, when for the same money you can get one for your home TV.

Also T-Shirt in the pack would be super, as would a crowbar keyring. But i wouldnt get your hopes up on the keyring, its abit more effort than a company would go to, expecially when theyd have to design and produce them in 2 months time.
Originally posted by urseus
Why the hell would you have a DVD player on your computer. A fraction of games come out on it.

If i go out and buy a dvd, i want to sit in my massive comfy lounge, with my gigantic TV and surround sound to watch it. Also i can sit around with friends, rather than trying to squeeze them all into the little computer room study which im sure 90% of people have their computer in. Why would you waste money on a DVD player for your computer, to watch on this tiny ass screen, with sound that is nowhere near as good as home theature sound, when for the same money you can get one for your home TV.

Also T-Shirt in the pack would be super, as would a crowbar keyring. But i wouldnt get your hopes up on the keyring, its abit more effort than a company would go to, expecially when theyd have to design and produce them in 2 months time.
Its a crowbar... its not very hard to design... I mean I made a mini crowbar out of a nail with plyers once...
I'd rather they shipped the game on time instead of bothering with all the extras. But if I had to choose an extra it'd be the DVD.
My votes...

1) Nice, clean, elegant, sharp-looking box/case with logo or original Half-Life (the very first box art) minimalistic style art. Not a big fan of the huge character portrait covers.

2) 4-CD (a-la Splinter Cell, Myst III, Baldur's Gate II etc.) style jewel case will all inserts (not just the back, or just the cover etc.)

3) Full color manual

4) Soundtrack CD w/ full color inserts & disk art

5) Full color art of Half-Life book

6) Making of / Behind the Scenes DVD with editing/modding video tutorials and high quality versions of any/all trailers, teasers etc.

7) Half-Life2 t-shirt - Something like a black shirt with the words Half-Life2 small and centered across the upper chest and a small Lambda2 logo on the back between the shoulder blades. (or the VALVe logo) Another idea is having just a small Lambda2 logo centered on the upper chest. The art could be white or silver or orange. Or grey shirts with light-grey art. Or orange shirts with black art etc.

8) Nice, smooth, large, clean looking Half-Life2 and Lambda2 logo mouse pad

9) Crowbar keychain/bottle opener sounds like a cool idea

10) Half-Life2 poster - preferably a nice logo poster or a nice landscape style scene from the game.

11) Lambda2 clear or window-style sticker

I can't speak for everyone of course, but I'd be more than willing to pay the big bucks for it. I miss the days were computer game packaging was appreciated and a big part of the gaming experience. Buying an old OSI game was like Christmas. Heh. Good times.
Yeah I'd probably go for that too...except I probably woulndt need all the things mentioned. As far as paying big bucks for it...I'm in canada so max for me might be $120 and even that is pushing it; I already pay $70-80 for most games :P
Alright.. this is what it needs to have...

Full size Crowbar ( with a little Half Life logo on in somewhere)
One of those cool Combine Gasmasks ( full size of course )
G-Man Figure ( He Pwns Gordon )
Behind the scenes DVD
8X10 Prints of the Characters ( as done with Warcraft 3 )
Autographed instruction book
The Case should be big and metal so it could double as like a briefcase or something... ( the G-mans!? )

thats all I can think is essential at the moment.
Hey he's right it is coming out on dvd, its called the xbox version roflmgdfao! seriously tho i wonder if xbox version has a collector's edition.
Cool Lil Book thing full of pretty Pictures ! the behind the scenes footage would get pretty boring but having a little booklet is nice to have..

a HL2 poster would also be nice