Early aggression also functions to protect your expansions. Early aggression throws your opponent on the defensive, making them less likely to attack your expansion yet at the same time make them less likely to expand.
I tend to make my third expansion a ninja expansion. I'd either put it in...
Be aggressive. Always be aggressive. That way, your opponent will think twice before expanding.
The biggest plus for being aggressive is map control. Keep pumping units out, then go after their expansions. Basically, out macro your opponent. If you could out macro your opponent (have a...
I don't know if this is a good idea bringing Bioshock out of water. I could understand creating a new immersive environment, but what they are doing would probably be better off as a different game.
Bioshock has always had strong horror elements in it. Being located in the sky instead of...
I don't even know what to say anymore. Why the hell do you keep bringing up U.S.A? I'm not dodging any question, because that isn't my point.
First of all you said this is about wikileaks
Then I repeated what I said for the third time to explain to you why it's related to wikileaks. Now...
You really are that shallow. Oh well, not the first time you threw out baseless assumptions.
I'm more surprised by the fact that you still don't get it. I don't know how else to explain it, because you just don't get it. False facts kill innocent people, revealing real facts will at least...
Are you playing stupid or are you actually that shallow?
False facts kill more people than real facts, yet we want to conceal real facts simply because it exposes several people. What is so hard to understand about that? I even stated that clearly in my post, but knowing you you probably read...
I rather have actual facts be released that put the correct culprits and lives in jeopardy than the millions of baseless false facts spewed out to the public everyday inciting racism and violence towards the wrong people.
Fox news anyone? Bill O'Reilly anyone...
There are tons of easily rush defendable maps on 3v3 or 2v2. In some cases however, you are put in a clear disadvantage on defense, hence the reason I call them must cheese maps. You cheese them or they will cheese you. Better take a cheap win than a cheap lost right?
As of now, I actually...
Hah, I pulled off my first cheese.
I proxy pyloned a terran inside his base and far away from his view, then warped in two gateways to protect the pylon.
Scouting is EVERYTHING in Starcraft. If you scout a couple of workers late, that is the difference between a win or a lose.
No sentry, carrier, observer, warp prism, immortal, carriers and unit positioning micro?
People always underestimate the sentry. The forcefield and shield will absolutely demolish any range units. One tactic I particularly enjoy is the army splitting tactic, where you literally cut the enemy...
The M&M is ridiculously powerful for a terran. It will absolutely demolish the protoss early on.
Protoss microing has become a real chore in SC2. The beginning units of the protoss all require extensive microing (against tough competition that is). When you have sentries, zealots and...
I am now convinced Protoss micro has went up the roof.
Protoss is no longer a beginner's race. The amount of micro management has been ridiculous for me the past few games against a very hard and insane A.I. M&M build is lethal against a protoss player, and a protoss player must micro the...
What if the old man was no longer a pedophile but was simply a lonely man, and you reminded him of his son who passed away.
That would be so sad, he just wanted to talk.
I assure you, any SC3 rumor you are hearing now is false. A fourth playable race will make balance extremely hard.
Though you are right with the UED part. The force sent to the Koprulu sector was merely a fraction of the UED's total military strength. At this stage, they could easily faceroll...
The UED is ****ed
The UED was formed when Earth observed the war in the Koprulu sector involving the two alien races. The Queen of Blades gave them false hope in allowing them to get a head start in their retreat back to Earth before sending the swarm after them, killing and destroying all...
I think we are putting too much blame on Blizzard.
Starcraft 2, as polished as it is, is still rushed in my opinion. Although Activision has no influence on Blizzard, they all answer to the same stakeholders. Thus, the greedy ass stakeholders obviously set a must release date for Blizzard...
Actually, cerebrates were initially made to assist Kerrigan in controlling the Zerg. However, since she became more and more powerful, she no longer required the cerebrates. Thus, she killed them all, even the player character. As of now there should be no cerebrates remaining, since only the...
The Zerg campaign is more RPGish as stated by Blizzard themselves, and the aim was to strengthen Kerrigan's powers and to enable her to control more Zergs.
As of SC1, Kerrigan had control of ALL Zergs, so there wouldn't be a need for her to become stronger to control even more Zergs (I mean...
Remember how in SC1, Duran manipulated the UED into killing Stukov? All Duran did was feed information, offer suggestions and eventually framed Stukov. Duran wasn't even a trusted officer then.
In this case, if Duran = Narud. Narud, acting as the head of the Moebius Foundation, would have...