Starcraft II Spoiler Thread - Only post if you have finished campaign!


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score


I figured we should have a thread where we can discuss the campaign freely without having to be cryptic or use spoiler tags and tempt those who haven't finished it yet. I just finished the campaign this morning and I thought it was goddamn awesome. Blizz didn't let us down on the storyline front AT ALL. Also, can I get a woot for Kerrigan returning once again?

Possible topics of discussion:
- Favorite missions
- Favorite cinematics
- Theories about story in upcoming expansions

I thought the last level was goddamn epic, and also pretty difficult compared to the rest of the game. I love that we also got a big Protoss defense mission at the end of the Zeratul segment too. What strategies did you guys use for beating the last level? I walled off with upgraded bunkers (five on each chokepoint) with about 8 SCVs to repair on the quick and 5-6 tanks melting every Zerg wave, with about 8-10 banshees to handle nydus worms quick and the rest of my supply in either SCVs or extra marines/marauders to reinforce as needed.
Played the last mission on hard, chose to take out Zerg air so I've had nydus worms to deal with. About 6 Banshees to handle the nydus worms, siege tanks, marines and firebats for everything else, all fully upgraded. Psi disrupter on both entrances and perdition towers too.

Siege tanks did the most important work overall, although Kerrigan would destroy them easily, I used the marines and firebats for her. Worked better than the tanks, really.
Marines upon Marines upon marines. And tons of bunkers. By the end, it was so filled with bunkers that nydus worms couldn't get in. I decided against the expensive units because Kerrigan would just wipe them out. But still, at the end, I only had 2 bunkers and 12 marines remaining right next to the thing, all fighting for dear life as the seconds counted down to zero.

Goddamn epic.
Everyone I've talked to chose to take out Zerg air. I guess everyone is afraid of Brood Lords, lol.
Took out air, and went nuts with those bicopter thingies. Works a charm since all zerg charge in a row all nice for your carpet bombing upgrade, and you can go stealth to take out the worms, not to mention there isn't much left to kill 'em. They were practically made for that mission.

Best cinematic would be the dream/memory with Kerrigan being betrayed by Arcturus and being overwhelmed by the Zerg. That and the bar fight.

Incredible game.
The bar fight was great. I was sad that Tychus betrayed Raynor at the end and died (because Tychus was ****ing cool) but I suppose that was pretty easy to see coming given that you heard Mengsk's voice giving him instructions in the intro cinematic as he's being suited up. Raynor carrying the revived Kerrigan across the wasteland of Char at the end was pretty ****ing awesome too.

I have NO IDEA where the story is going after this, other than that everyone's gonna have to team up against the Xel'naga or die. The real question is what's going to happen with the Zerg... can Kerrigan still control them, will the Terrans build some tech to control them, will another Overmind sort of deal rise up, or something else entirely? The Zerg campaign is next so I guess we'll see.
I assume Kerrigan hasn't lost control over them completely. She'll be recovering control over time and that's how the unit upgrades are going to work. I think it just wouldn't work to play Kerrigan if she just had control over the entire swarm.
I also took out the air. I just hate dealing with brood lords and mutalisks. The nydus worms were nothing. The key after that was just to have a ton of siege tanks since my bunkers kept getting killed. I think the bunker health would be worked better for this mission than the fire turrets since they just got blown away. I actually lost the first time which was sad... it's always depressing to start over, but I played a lot better. It's funny that everyone took out the air. I played the nydus worm mission and it's waaaaaay more fun. If you haven't, play it. You get to use Raynor, Tychus, Egon, and that little armory guy as units.

The ending worked out well for me. It was a lot different than expected going in. Honestly I kind of expected some mediocre kind of cop out where you'd just be doing a bunch of humdrum things to get money then get some half hearted story about getting rid of Mengsk. The whole thing is wide open for Mengsk being teamed up with the Xel'Naga or humans being the final project for Xel'Naga or something way crazier. It's going to suck almost as much as waiting for HL2 Episodes waiting for the next story. The only advantage is that we can play awesome MP in the mean time.

I'm hoping the turnover is a year or less.

I'd imagine for the zerg either you'll lay has a cerebrate or Kerrigan will retain control of the Zerg. If you're not Kerrigan, something has to control the zerg in order for you to play, otherwise they'll just be running wild. It's almost too hard to speculate with any certainty though.
What the ****? Are you serious? I had no special units on that mission.

I'm gonna try that now to see if that's true.

Btw, the second song that played during the credits is the most silliest thing I have ever heard in gaming. I was literally in tears.
Not reading the thread because I haven't finished the game yet, but I came here to vent because I forgot to pick up the secret mission during Media Blitz. GRMBL! If all goes well I'll be back here same time tomorrow night. Just the Valerian missions to go now.
What the ****? Are you serious? I had no special units on that mission.

The Nydus worm mission? How would you do it without special units? It's literally the only thing you start out with. It's like the other special unit missions like nova and zeratul except actually more fun and entertaining. It plays a little like the bonus secret mission.

I'm gonna try that now to see if that's true.

Btw, the second song that played during the credits is the most silliest thing I have ever heard in gaming. I was literally in tears.

It's those L800 Tauren Chieftan guys I think. I'm grew tired of them a long time ago... just a really bad band making cheesy songs.
Not reading the thread because I haven't finished the game yet, but I came here to vent because I forgot to pick up the secret mission during Media Blitz. GRMBL! If all goes well I'll be back here same time tomorrow night. Just the Valerian missions to go now.

I found that out on accident. I was like "What, a Science Facility? HMMMM"
The Nydus worm mission? How would you do it without special units? It's literally the only thing you start out with. It's like the other special unit missions like nova and zeratul except actually more fun and entertaining. It plays a little like the bonus secret mission.

The mission we did, by taking out the air, is you have a base, and you have to protect the artifact for like 30 minutes or something.
I actually chose to take out the nydus worms first because I hate having those things spawn in the back of my base and I didn't think the broodlords would be that much of a big deal since my army composition for most of the later missions was viking/banshee/sci vessel(essentially marine/medic/marauder for air).
They did give me quite a lot of trouble and I ended up having to have a handful of extra vikings to babysit the bunkers while my main fleet mopped up the rest of the air.

Did you have to face the giant air boss if you took out the platform? I still haven't done that mission, but that thing was the mother of all devourers/corruptors.

Also I am very curious as to what that secret mission is. I might play through on easy to get to it as fast as I can and also get the speed achievement.
The secret mission is so awesome. I came so damn close to losing. It's not that it was too hard, there was just a part that threw me for a loop.

Also, yeah, no giant air boss.
I actually chose to take out the nydus worms first because I hate having those things spawn in the back of my base and I didn't think the broodlords would be that much of a big deal since my army composition for most of the later missions was viking/banshee/sci vessel(essentially marine/medic/marauder for air).
They did give me quite a lot of trouble and I ended up having to have a handful of extra vikings to babysit the bunkers while my main fleet mopped up the rest of the air.

Did you have to face the giant air boss if you took out the platform? I still haven't done that mission, but that thing was the mother of all devourers/corruptors.

Also I am very curious as to what that secret mission is. I might play through on easy to get to it as fast as I can and also get the speed achievement.

Yeah taking out the air is the way to go. There was a giant air boss which was just some ugly thing that I used like 40 yamatos on and it blew up. The air mission was ok, but the nydus mission was way more fun. You can actually do the secret mission by loading one of the autosaves (they are all saved in your starcraft 2 documents file under "unsaved") for that mengsk broadcast mission and it will let you find that science facility and do the mission. The only difference is that it sort of starts this alternate timeline (a la Back to the Future) where the game will think you're back at that point. You'll still have all your other saves and achievements, but when you to go t the single player screen and continue campaign it will take you to the point where you left off with the secret mission. It's not bad really, especially if you made a save at the end before you do it in case you want to replay other levels.

I might actually play through again from the post-secret mission thing just because it's so close to the end and I think I'll try some different research/armory purchases. Then again I may do the whole thing over again on Hard or brutal and skip that jazz all together. Who knows...

Cyberpitz, I'm talking about before the last mission (where you protect the artifacts), when you have a choice of destroying the air or the nydus worms. If you choose the nydus worms you get this mission where you take Raynor, Egon, Tychus, and Armory Guy down into the surface of char and set charges to flood the nydus tunnels with lava. It's a ton of fun really. Way better than the air mission.
Is the SC2 strategy guide worth the the price? If not where can I find a good break down of strategies and units' strengths and weaknesses?

I liked the ending a lot. I felt kinda sudden and maybe a little rushed but it was good. I loved how Reignor used the bullet he had saved for Arcturus Mengsk to save Sarah. (Bummer about Tychus though... Though I though they way they did it was well done... I actually thought he was going to shoot Kerrigan for a moment) I liked how they both made their choices.

I thought the should have impacted the rise to the the climax with more cinematics and or dialogue. I would have liked their to be a more obvious turning point where Jim choses to forgo the rebellion to go after Sarah and save the universe. (more Jim and Sarah interaction would have built the personal tension too) I'd like to have seen more internal conflict in Jim questioning himself as to why he was doing this... was he doing this for the universe or for Sarah? (I think both but I also think that when he thought about what they were doing he thought about rescuing Sarah first) That's kinda obvious... it was only latter that he was able to explain to the crew why reforming the Queen of Blades and working for Mengsk Jr. was more important than toppling the Dominion.
Does anyone else here view Tychus as the deepest character shown as of SC2?

There are subtle (some even flat out obvious) hints that Tychus is a mole or spy, so Blizzard probably wants us players to view him as an antagonist. Throughout the whole game however, we've been told that Tychus sacrificed 9 years of his life for Raynor to stay free. Obviously, Tychus is stuck in a dilemma and he is neither good nor bad.

The deal between Tychus and Mengsk is simple, which was to kill Kerrigan and nothing else. Hence, the reason he approached Raynor with the artifacts proposal (we even see him watching a video of Kerrigan in action) and the reason he constantly attempts to convince Raynor to kill Kerrigan. He knows that Raynor will stand up to him if he attempts to kill Kerrigan, so throughout the whole campaign he was pretty much diffusing a time bomb.

Then comes the ending cinematic. Tychus could've killed Raynor and Kerrigan on the spot. Instead, he takes his time to aim, and the cinematic even points out his slow pulling of the trigger. The fact that Raynor says "we all have our choices to make" in which Tychus responds with "damn shame" leads me to believe Tychus is waiting for Raynor to kill him (Tychus wasn't even aiming at Raynor. He would've been shot by Raynor had he shot Kerrigan first, and he knows that.). Tychus is not stupid, Mengsk has no reason to keep him alive even if Tychus kills Kerrigan AND Raynor.

Once Tychus knew about Kerrigan and Raynor's history, I have a feeling he knew how the whole fiesta will end. Tychus remained loyal to Raynor right till the very end. The bar fight where Tychus berated Raynor? That was probably Tychus attempting to justify his eventual betrayal, something that didn't last. Deep inside Tychus is a selfless person, but the whole campaign was played out to hate him.
Tychus was aiming at Kerrigan the whole time. Raynor leaned in to protect her and shot Tychus. That doesn't really take away from anything you're trying to say, but I don't think he ever sought to shoot Raynor and knew after his several attempts to convince Raynor that Kerrigan needed to die, that Raynor would not allow it. I think he knew he would end up dying.

I think he could have killed Kerrigan if he wanted. He knew he'd die either way.
How do you get to this secret mission exactly?
How do you get to this secret mission exactly?

On the Mengsk broadcast mission, at the bottom of the map just to the right of your base there's a civilian building called "Science Facility." All you do is destroy that and a drop will appear called something like "Secret Documents." Pick it up and it unlocks.

It doesn't work once you get past the point where you go to Char. Once you go to Char or beat the game, you have to reload a previous save of that level (all of the autosaves are in your documents/starcraft 2 folder) and pick it up so you can get the mission from the Hyperion.
Tychus was aiming at Kerrigan the whole time. Raynor leaned in to protect her and shot Tychus. That doesn't really take away from anything you're trying to say, but I don't think he ever sought to shoot Raynor and knew after his several attempts to convince Raynor that Kerrigan needed to die, that Raynor would not allow it. I think he knew he would end up dying.

I think he could have killed Kerrigan if he wanted. He knew he'd die either way.


I replayed the campaign twice already. First time was a legit run, the second was to experience the missing pieces (the secret mission).

Overall, I'd say the story was fair, but quite lackluster compared to the other Blizzard story (Blizzard's lackluster story is still way above average by all standards). The reformation of Kerrigan seemed all too convenient Near the end of the "all in" mission where the ghost Kerrigan portrait appeared to say "don't give up", complicated the whole plot even more.

Now we have the question of whether Kerrigan had dual personalities. Zergs have no mind of their own, and we could only assume everything Kerrigan did was to advocate her own causes and not anybody else's. This begs the question, did the overmind implant any orders to Kerrigan? We could assume Kerrigan answer to no one but herself, but if that were the case the "human" part of her which appeared would indicate she was following some order. However, that would contradict the whole point of the overmind creating the Queen of Blades. If I'm correct, the overmind created her with free will to free the zergs.

I hope Blizzard has everything covered. There are a lot of plot holes and unanswered question. Blizzard just built up more mysteries than all Half Life mysteries combined.

Oh, did anyone else notice the Moebius foundation leader Narud is spelled Duran backwards? Also, he seemed to know much about the Xel naga origins. Moebius foundation are the ones sending the Raider's after the artifacts, which is used against the Queen of Blades.

Seems far fetch, but Narud could be Duran. If it's true, I hope they at least develop Narud's character first into someone more trustworthy before revealing anything.

Edit: Its also quite convenient how the dominion knew how the artifacts worked, plus the secret mission where the dominion was producing hybrids. Duran is most likely working undercover to develop more hybrids, in this case in the form of Narud. Oh, also the fact that Tychus was contracted to kill Kerrigan by Moebius and Mengsk.

I replayed the campaign twice already. First time was a legit run, the second was to experience the missing pieces (the secret mission).

Overall, I'd say the story was fair, but quite lackluster compared to the other Blizzard story (Blizzard's lackluster story is still way above average by all standards). The reformation of Kerrigan seemed all too convenient Near the end of the "all in" mission where the ghost Kerrigan portrait appeared to say "don't give up", complicated the whole plot even more.

Now we have the question of whether Kerrigan had dual personalities. Zergs have no mind of their own, and we could only assume everything Kerrigan did was to advocate her own causes and not anybody else's. This begs the question, did the overmind implant any orders to Kerrigan? We could assume Kerrigan answer to no one but herself, but if that were the case the "human" part of her which appeared would indicate she was following some order. However, that would contradict the whole point of the overmind creating the Queen of Blades. If I'm correct, the overmind created her with free will to free the zergs.

I hope Blizzard has everything covered. There are a lot of plot holes and unanswered question. Blizzard just built up more mysteries than all Half Life mysteries combined.

Oh, did anyone else notice the Moebius foundation leader Narud is spelled Duran backwards? Also, he seemed to know much about the Xel naga origins. Moebius foundation are the ones sending the Raider's after the artifacts, which is used against the Queen of Blades.

Seems far fetch, but Narud could be Duran. If it's true, I hope they at least develop Narud's character first into someone more trustworthy before revealing anything.

Edit: Its also quite convenient how the dominion knew how the artifacts worked.

Wow I didn't even think about the Moebius foundation leader's name. I ignored it most likely. I mean what could that all mean? Coincidence? Obviously Moebius was run by Baby Mengsk (I forgot his name), so why would we have a Zerg imposter as the head? The secret mission puts the Terran in some sort of connection with the hybrids and/or the Xel Naga. But Baby Mengsk is supposed to be disconnected from Arcturus... why would there be a zerg imposter with him and then the dominion have the hybrids?

Also, Arcturus made Tychus go after Kerrigan, but Baby Mengsk set up the Mobieus cats to get the pieces which everyone suddenly knew would make Kerrigan human... Seems like it's all connected. Narud played such a minor role though.. perhaps he was the one that sought to turn Kerrigan back to human.

That opens up a whole new thing... the Moebius guys get infiltrated by some kind of zerg changeling who "discovers" that these artifacts do what they do. However, Narud is actually controlled by a Xel'Naga group to take out Kerrigan and give them control of the Zerg so they can do the whole thing the overmind foresaw.

Kind of makes sense... but I'm just running around with crazy speculation. What happens will undoubtedly be awesome because Blizzard has collected some fantastic writers over the years.
Wow I didn't even think about the Moebius foundation leader's name. I ignored it most likely. I mean what could that all mean? Coincidence? Obviously Moebius was run by Baby Mengsk (I forgot his name), so why would we have a Zerg imposter as the head? The secret mission puts the Terran in some sort of connection with the hybrids and/or the Xel Naga. But Baby Mengsk is supposed to be disconnected from Arcturus... why would there be a zerg imposter with him and then the dominion have the hybrids?

Also, Arcturus made Tychus go after Kerrigan, but Baby Mengsk set up the Mobieus cats to get the pieces which everyone suddenly knew would make Kerrigan human... Seems like it's all connected. Narud played such a minor role though.. perhaps he was the one that sought to turn Kerrigan back to human.

That opens up a whole new thing... the Moebius guys get infiltrated by some kind of zerg changeling who "discovers" that these artifacts do what they do. However, Narud is actually controlled by a Xel'Naga group to take out Kerrigan and give them control of the Zerg so they can do the whole thing the overmind foresaw.

Kind of makes sense... but I'm just running around with crazy speculation. What happens will undoubtedly be awesome because Blizzard has collected some fantastic writers over the years.

Remember how in SC1, Duran manipulated the UED into killing Stukov? All Duran did was feed information, offer suggestions and eventually framed Stukov. Duran wasn't even a trusted officer then.

In this case, if Duran = Narud. Narud, acting as the head of the Moebius Foundation, would have more credible suggestions as to how to kill the Queen of Blades since he is afterall the head of the foundation. He was most likely the one who suggested the usage of the artifacts against Kerrigan, thus everything else that is connected to it (Tychus's betrayal) could all simply be parts of his influence and suggestion. A simple "Once the artifact has reverted Kerrigan, kill her" would be all that is needed from Narud for Junior and Senior to issue the order. Junior and Senior may not even know about the hybrid production, and seeing how Duran manipulated DuGalle in killing his best friend Stukov, who is to say Narud is not manipulating Junior into overthrowing his father? (Which we all saw is already occurring)

Also, I have no doubt in my mind that if Raynor never saw Zeratul's vision, where Zeratul not only warned Raynor of Kerrigan's importance, but also prophesized his eventual chance of killing Kerrigan, Raynor would've killed Kerrigan himself. By looking into the future, the present all changed.
Also, I have no doubt in my mind that if Raynor never saw Zeratul's vision, where Zeratul not only warned Raynor of Kerrigan's importance, but also prophesized his eventual chance of killing Kerrigan, Raynor would've killed Kerrigan himself. By looking into the future, the present all changed.

I'll have to disagree with this part.

I don't think Raynor would have killed Kerrigan even if she hadn't turned human. He definitely wouldn't have done it after she turned human again. It's obvious that there's a strong connection between the two and, prophecy or not, killing Kerrigan is the last thing Raynor wanted.

I feel like, as I did when it happened, turning her human again was a bad thing. Kerrigan's ability to control the zerg and think on her own was what prevented the prophecy. She can't control them and now, whoever does, will be the dominating factor. It seems like since the original SC, the only thing that really stops the zerg is being in control of them.
I'll have to disagree with this part.

I don't think Raynor would have killed Kerrigan even if she hadn't turned human. He definitely wouldn't have done it after she turned human again. It's obvious that there's a strong connection between the two and, prophecy or not, killing Kerrigan is the last thing Raynor wanted.

I feel like, as I did when it happened, turning her human again was a bad thing. Kerrigan's ability to control the zerg and think on her own was what prevented the prophecy. She can't control them and now, whoever does, will be the dominating factor. It seems like since the original SC, the only thing that really stops the zerg is being in control of them.

The Zerg campaign is more RPGish as stated by Blizzard themselves, and the aim was to strengthen Kerrigan's powers and to enable her to control more Zergs.

As of SC1, Kerrigan had control of ALL Zergs, so there wouldn't be a need for her to become stronger to control even more Zergs (I mean there are shitloads already). Now that she has reverted back to human, we could assume a large part of her Zerg control disappeared. Thus, HotS would be about how the human Kerrigan strengthens in order to control increasing number of Zergs and rediscovers some of her lost abilities.

Though I have a feeling that the stronger she gets and the more zergs she controls, the more Zerg attributes she develops. Eventually, she will revert back to the queen of blades again.
HOLY ****. There is no way in hell that Nurad being Duran backwards is a coincidence. Did NOT notice that. I thought it was fishy how the Moebius dudes knew how to assemble the artifact and what it would do (when Warchild is going "intel says this" and "intel says that" about the artifact before the mission I actually thought about it and wrote it off as sloppy writing). Clearly there's some connection, as Duran is working for the xel'naga (or whoever the "higher power" he was referring to in the BW bonus mission is, but definitely not a zerg, terran or toss).

Very ****ing interesting. I can't wait to see where this stuff goes. I'm going to go nuts waiting for the expansions.
Still not reading this thread, but DAMN that last mission is hard. Tried two times now with my best being 78%. Need to turtle even more I guess, add some flame turrets. Spamming units is no problem and neither is Kerrigan really, but it's the huge waves of attack that overwhelm my forces. I'll finish this tomorrow.
Just picking off from the discussion here, if Kerrigan is gone, what happens?

Do the cerebrates take control now? Assuming that they're even alive? (I mean, sure, you killed the traitor broods and the cerebrates, but there were a few left, including the player in Brood War)
Just picking off from the discussion here, if Kerrigan is gone, what happens?

Do the cerebrates take control now? Assuming that they're even alive? (I mean, sure, you killed the traitor broods and the cerebrates, but there were a few left, including the player in Brood War)

That makes sense. With Kerrigan's control severely limited something (maybe a surviving cerebrate or cerebrates) will rise to take control over a large portion of the remanning swarm. (They have to have a reason for you to fight the Zerg is HotS)

I don't think Kerrigan is "Gone." From the sound of it HotS will involve Kerrigan working to regain control over the Zerg she probably still have limited control (implied by the Zerg dreadlocks.) Another question is, will she revert back to the queen of blades? If that does happen she will most likely retain her human personality (mostly) or she could just exert psionic control hive by hive and bind them to her (hoping for this one cause I don't want to see her turn all buggy again... once in SC1 was painful enough)
Just picking off from the discussion here, if Kerrigan is gone, what happens?

Do the cerebrates take control now? Assuming that they're even alive? (I mean, sure, you killed the traitor broods and the cerebrates, but there were a few left, including the player in Brood War)

Actually, cerebrates were initially made to assist Kerrigan in controlling the Zerg. However, since she became more and more powerful, she no longer required the cerebrates. Thus, she killed them all, even the player character. As of now there should be no cerebrates remaining, since only the cerebrates challenge Kerrigan's control for Zergs.

The Zerg campaign will be about Kerrigan becoming stronger to control more Zerg (which would be unnecessary if she was still infested since she controlled all Zergs). She most likely lost a large portion of her powers as a result of her reformation, so throughout the Zerg campaign it would be about the current human Kerrigan rediscovering her lost powers and controlling increasing number of Zergs.
Actually, cerebrates were initially made to assist Kerrigan in controlling the Zerg. However, since she became more and more powerful, she no longer required the cerebrates. Thus, she killed them all, even the player character. As of now there should be no cerebrates remaining, since only the cerebrates challenge Kerrigan's control for Zergs.

The Zerg campaign will be about Kerrigan becoming stronger to control more Zerg (which would be unnecessary if she was still infested since she controlled all Zergs). She most likely lost a large portion of her powers as a result of her reformation, so throughout the Zerg campaign it would be about the current human Kerrigan rediscovering her lost powers and controlling increasing number of Zergs.

In the first campaign you were a Cerebrate. The second Overmind was made of Cerebrates that fused together. Kerrigan ultimately killed a bunch of them when she took control (and the second overmind). I'm pretty sure that, as of Starcraft 2, all the other Cerebrates have been dead and I doubt she'd have uh... made more.

Like the Zerg you saw on Aiur, the rest of the Zerg are probably currently running free in disconnected groups doing whatever they want. I can imagine the Dominion using another psi emitter on them now... or this Narud guy doing something since he seems to be a shady character.
are we sure that zerg campaign plays after the Terran one?

The second release, the Zerg campaign Heart of the Swarm, will have RPG elements. The player will level up the Queen of Blades, Kerrigan, throughout the missions
The second release, the Zerg campaign Heart of the Swarm, will have RPG elements. The player will level up the Queen of Blades, Kerrigan, throughout the missions


Well, I'm not really seeing how that could work.

What now, are Raynor's Raiders going to kill every humann being in the Dominion?
Well, I'm not really seeing how that could work.

What now, are Raynor's Raiders going to kill every humann being in the Dominion?

Who says they'll have anything to do with it? Why would the kill humans at all? My guess is that they'll still be fighting the dominion except as Kerrigan with Raynor helping out or something. Or maybe she'll go solo... it's not that crazy to think.
Huh. That makes sense.

Well, I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait for the next installment in the series. What's it going to be called, again?

I also want my UED back. :( Maybe in SC3...
Huh. That makes sense.

Well, I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait for the next installment in the series. What's it going to be called, again?

I also want my UED back. :( Maybe in SC3...
