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  1. HiroProtaganist

    Poly count

    a triangle is a three verices face(polygon). Editable Mesh counts 4 vertices polygons as 1 whereas in editable poly a polygon could have 5+ sides vertices so long as they are on the same plane. that is why when you convert form EP to EM you get pull and creases from MAX trying to fix the mesh...
  2. HiroProtaganist

    Female Co player update

    that face is incredible. the rest of the model is alright; better than most i've seen though the bicepts and elbows look to cylindrical. i would think the bicxepts would have a more oval shape to them but maybe it's just the angle.
  3. HiroProtaganist


    heh, Stone your the man. the model looks a tad vanilla. its good but we need to see better angle from closer up to get a better grip on what we are seeing and hopefully offer some good C&C.
  4. HiroProtaganist

    My two cents (im sorry bout the rant)

    i knew it YOUR WHITEY BULGER!!! :) hehe. and i concur from henceforth we agree to disagree.
  5. HiroProtaganist

    My two cents (im sorry bout the rant)

    A. I'm 22 not a kid. B. I'm not saying guns are solely to blame, nor am i saying outlawing guns will curb violence. I have not said tha oputlwaing guns would be a better idea either. I'm simply saying that people who have been victoms of crimes and people who investigate crimes have come to...
  6. HiroProtaganist

    Believe in life after death?

    your belief seems to be strctured loosly on reincarnation and the chinese beliefe that time is cyclic and is forever repeating. which could explain ghosts as being left over enrgy from the last couple of time laps.
  7. HiroProtaganist

    My two cents (im sorry bout the rant)

    fear or F.E.A.R i beleive he was actually referring to the latter. False Evidence Appearing Real. creating the myth of the superpredator black/hispanic male armed to the teeth and hopped up on PCP terrorizing the suburbs.
  8. HiroProtaganist

    My two cents (im sorry bout the rant)

    but that the point many are not criminals. 1000-1500 kids kill themselves every year with handguns. so now we are down to 10,700 murders. if 90 percent of those are criminals (which is an extrmely high estimate) then another 1070 ar innocent victoms. Can yuo go to the families of 1070 people...
  9. HiroProtaganist

    Two lawsuits target GTA publisher

    but if you had and MAC-10 you could have killed the attacker (the bee) and defended yourself. :cool:
  10. HiroProtaganist

    My two cents (im sorry bout the rant)

    few civilized country in the world has more than 200 murders a year yet amercia has 11,700 a year. Our crime rates are not that much higher than the rest of the world so (save for murder) why then is out homicide rate so astrinomically high. 11,700 are not being killed in self defence...
  11. HiroProtaganist

    Two lawsuits target GTA publisher

    the constitution say nothing about bullets. stop selling bullets and blackpowder. let the people have there guns and if they want to blow themselves up trying to make their own gunpowder for homemade bullets more power to them. I'm being feceitious; i can understand owning a rifle for hunting...
  12. HiroProtaganist

    My two cents (im sorry bout the rant)

    Amendment II A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. One of the best interviews in BFC was with terry nichols brother when he was asked if citizens should be allowed to have nuclear...
  13. HiroProtaganist

    WIP: Desert Eagle .50

    depends, if you count polys in editable mesh it's roughly twice the count in editable poly. The count in editable mesh is the same as counting faces. or at least thats waht i have experienced. /probably should crit the gun. It's a good looking model. The grip could use some work flushing...
  14. HiroProtaganist

    CW:MP: Ak-102, Ruger MP-9, L-96

    umm guinny. Sidex doesn't make any of the models. he's a coder amongst other things but not a modeler. as was stated the Ak-102 and L96 were done by me. the renders were done by Sidex. As to that what specifically don't yuo like or do you feel is wrong. apart from the smoothing group error...
  15. HiroProtaganist

    CW:MP: Ak-102, Ruger MP-9, L-96

    exactly, the only thing i went overboard on is the scope since it's the main focus point of a sinper rifle. Other than that it's a really simple gun. synthtic stock and body. not much too it.
  16. HiroProtaganist

    tech question for 3ds max 5.0

    heh, yup learning to low poly model will keep you poly counts nice and low :)
  17. HiroProtaganist

    Wheres the originality?

    and if you have a game thats heavely reliant on Dynamic Lighting, Normal Maps, etc.. you'll run into the same problem as with just using high poly's. It's easier for a Video Card to create the geometry of a mesh. However when it has to track hundreds of things that are happeing to the mesh...
  18. HiroProtaganist

    HL2 Doesnt allow more polies?

    heh, thats what i mean by not having to resight the weapon. dropping the gun to your waste flipping it over loading a new clip and then bringing the weapon back up might look cool but not exactly realistic. that kind of thing would give a drill sargeant a heart attack.
  19. HiroProtaganist

    Wheres the originality?

    on the point of logic. you should probably define your use of the word logic since the word has multiple conotations. When i see the word logic i think of logic in philosophy, I think digital logic, and then there the perception that logic means common sense. I'm guessing your using the...
  20. HiroProtaganist

    CW:MP: Ak-102, Ruger MP-9, L-96

    ahh bloody hell. thanks for the crits. god i hate smoothing...