Believe in life after death?

Do you believe in an after life?

  • Yes, very much so.

    Votes: 23 35.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 16 24.6%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 14 21.5%
  • I will be the first human to live forever0rz.

    Votes: 12 18.5%

  • Total voters


May 14, 2003
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there is a constant battle waging in my head. many times when i was younger i would think "one day im going to die" and it was a depressing subject ever time i brought it up. i still feel this way because i dont believe in an after-life. When i die i will cease to exist. the only things that would have mattered would be gone and my last hope is that someone would remeber me, the real me. and that in some way i affected someone and that will in turn affect someone else's life, a domino effect. man has always wanted to live for ever, see wut will be and wants to believe that death is not an end or ever will be. heaven eases the thought of death, potientally a vast abyss of nothingness suddenly filled with joy and immortality. these are strickly my views and i would like to know how u feel or how you see life death and after life.
wouldent mind livin forever

there is life after death, aslong as you have another credit :cheese:
i would say i believe in life after death....

But yeah i've pondered on exactly the same questions many times.....questioning your own existence is soo very deep :D.

Edit: it would be "exciting" to see if death is just merely a portal to something else, or if the same "soul" gets reborn again and again in a neverending cycle....
Yeah, I beleive in it. This is not my first...

The one before this I was the not-so-evil-but-funny-sidekick to Jack The Ripper. I carried the bag with tools.

I even was in the service of Napoleon!!! Then I got hung because I caused a little accident involving a knife and and a hand.

And I remember the 100 years war... Its amazing what one man can cause.

Hell, I even knew Jesus! Not a very funny guy. The spear was only for fun...

And some other lives I cant remember really. Oh wait, I do remember one. I stood on a grassy field, until I died. It wasnt until the next life I realized I had been a cow, and maybe should have eaten the grass.
It's certainly a weird one.. two things I believe in both contradict each other..

For one we have ghosts right, ghosts used to be people thus life after death.

However people can also, when hypnotised, remember past lives.

Weird :|
Originally posted by D33
It's certainly a weird one.. two things I believe in both contradict each other..

For one we have ghosts right, ghosts used to be people thus life after death.

However people can also, when hypnotised, remember past lives.

Weird :|
Ghosts arent exactly living are they? On the contrary, ghosts proves there isnt life after death. If it was, there wouldnt be ghosts. Maybe got lost in the search for a new life? Cant imagine God (or whatever creator) coded the passing so sloppy ("GoD Software, todo list: Fix soul leak bug in Afterlife (TM)"). And hypnotizing... Well, its been proven it can be created by your own mind. Wouldnt surprise me if you saw a documentary on Hitler one evening, and got hypnotized the next, you'd think you was Hitler in your previous life.
Depends what you mean by "life" I guess. I believe that the conciousness is the only part of us that never perishes. Our personalities and memories are rooted in our brains and will be lost when it dies.
Originally posted by symptom
Depends what you mean by "life" I guess. I believe that the conciousness is the only part of us that never perishes. Our personalities and memories are rooted in our brains and will be lost when it dies.

my words exactly.

I thought of writing a note before I die, "I AM <NAME> IN MY PAST LIFE, REMEMBER THAT" and sticking it to my forehead, but guess it won't work :x
Forever?? Forever???

Think about it.. just think about the concept of "eternity".
I mean human beings can't really comprehend things like eternity.
Sure it's forever... endless time. No end (nor beginning.)
But seriously.. try to imagine a life in eternity. It's simply impossible.
You WOULD go nuts in the end, hell I go nuts just of the slightest thought of never dying. Or being capable of dying.

And how would that be so much better regardless of being in heaven, hell or on earth?

So..uhm life after death, eh?--- Nah, I doubt it. We pretty much just die and moulder away. Like the previous poster said, ou personality is inside our brains.

Unless we wanted to live longer we could hook up our brains to a computer and transfer all our thoughts, personalities, feelings and such to a harddisk...and share it with others via KaZaa... :D

Actually, that could be a possibility in the near future.
Originally posted by Dax
Think about it.. just think about the concept of "eternity".
I mean human beings can't really comprehend things like eternity.
Sure it's forever... endless time. No end (nor beginning.)
But seriously.. try to imagine a life in eternity. It's simply impossible.
You WOULD go nuts in the end, hell I go nuts just of the slightest thought of never dying. Or being capable of dying.
But the thing is, you dont remember it... The problem with the eternity idea as I see it is that humans have been around a very small time. Animals longer, but not forever... What was before? Where does the wheel start? Something to think on :)
If one embrace this theory, then one have to ignore time as we know it.
no theres no life after death
theres no god

humans were, are and forever will be animals with too big brains, and hence they think they are "above" or "better" than the rest of the animals
There's no life after death. You just aren't. Not even nothingness, it's beyond nothingness.

IF there is some kind of life after death, you will be reborn as some other person (hell, why not as "yourself"), in some other time. No heaven, no hell.

This is how I feel about this.
There most certaintly is life after death, or more accurately, there is no death at all. Only a transition of forms. Its not a belief of mine, its a knowing. I have proven this to myself.

I was once greatly troubled with this very question. I was not a religious person, but i was not athiest either. I just didnt know the answers, and i did not think i would never truly know, beyond any doubt. But the question of life after death seemed important to me. After a bit of research, i discovered a way of knowing. A way of proving, to myself, if i could exist independent of my physical body. I wont go through the trouble of discussing the process here simply because i fear i wouldnt be able to keep this post under 10 paragraphs if i did. There is plenty of info on the subject however, and at the end of this message ill refer you to some of the more helpfull areas on the net.

The process im speaking of is OOBE. Out of body experiences. Surly you have heard of this. It is the process by which one leaves their body and exists independent of their physical counterpart. Most people know of this only by NDE(near death experiences) in which case they are completely spontaneous, But OOBEs can also be achieved consciously and at will. It is only a matter of preparing yourself and learning how to do it.

It is not only the act of existing outside of my body that lead me to know that death is no more than inevitable transition, but also the numerous things i have experienced while outside of my body. Experiences which occured both here on earth and other realms/dimensions. I prefer not to speak of them here, however. Spitirual experiences are very personal things and it would seem vile to blab about them to strangers, who most likley take me for a lunatic after having read thus far. I dont expect you to take my word on faith when it comes to such an important matter, i am posting for the benefit of those who would discover on their own. Those of you who hunger for the truth enough to put forth the effort and discover it yourself. I only hope that what i have said may aid you in this venture.

If you do decide to travel the same path as i, and begine your learning on OOBEs and finer dimensions, i want to say to you that perseverance is key. Sucess will not be instantaneous, indeed for some it may take a year until they master the skills of conscious exit, let alone controlled travel to realms beyond human understanding. For me it took five months, but no one progresses at the same pace. Only remeber that you dont fail until you stop trying.

And for those interested in learning more....

An informative guide to projection, but deals mostly with nonphysical dimensions. This is a great place to start for beginners. The author is Robert Bruce, a very experienced man who has been inducing OOBEs since childhood. This guy knows what hes talking about.......

Click Here

A training guide for energy work, by the same author as the previous guide. Energy work is very beneficial, and at times an absolute requirement, to self induced OOBEs...

Click Here

A book by the same author as the two previous guides, which goes into much more detail and is an excellent read for anyone interested.....

Click Here

Havnt read this one myself, but ive heard many good things about it....

Click Here

All of Robert Monroes books are an excellent read.....

Click Here

Good Luck.
your belief seems to be strctured loosly on reincarnation and the chinese beliefe that time is cyclic and is forever repeating. which could explain ghosts as being left over enrgy from the last couple of time laps.
your belief seems to be strctured loosly on reincarnation and the chinese beliefe that time is cyclic and is forever repeating. which could explain ghosts as being left over enrgy from the last couple of time laps.

Actually, no. I do not believe reincarnation is inherit in death. I believe it is possible and happens occasionally when it is needed, but for the most part once we die wego on to other things. Not a paradise or a hell, but a continuation of the journey.

The above paragraph is totally belief. Learning to exist outside of your physical body will make it possible to answer such questions as "is there life after death", but it is by no means an enlightening experience in that you know all truths and details of what happens when we die. There are details to be discovered, but form my experience i believe that the greater scheme of what happens when we leave this physical world is left to be experienced at the moment of passing.


Its also pains me when people refer to this knowing as a beief structure. Belief structure is the very thing we try to destroy when we undergoe this path to absolute truth. But i realize you, not having my experience, can only refer to it as belief and not truth. It is irritating nonetheless. :p :p
I just saw it in an interview on the Divine Network:

Beleiver: Can you care to explain Death?
God: It is a confirmed bug and will be fixed in a later life.

Other highlights was:
Beleiver: What about the concept of shame? No one ever liked that.
God: Neither did I, but I was ashamed at staying in the shadows when creating the world, and Man was created in my equal, you know the rest.
Beleiver: Is it true that the Devil really resides in Hell?
*Believer hears muffled cries for help in the background*
God: No, he is currently at an undisclosed location.
Beleiver: Why are babies so damn cute?
God: If they where ugly, their parents wouldnt like them. So I made them cute. It is a design choice, not a technical limitation.
Believer: Thanks for the interview, I hope to see you around again!
God: No you wont, not until... Oh wait. See you monday!
sheep im curious about your philosophy.
you say that its a transtion and that we continue our journey...where do we go then?
im just curious im not moking you or trying to prove you wrong.

Fidel Castro has been dead for years. So has Keith Richards - have you seen that guy lately. I think all the drugs have made him immortal. Hmm, well maybe he's more like a zombie, living-dead. Maybe the speed re-animates dead flesh (sounds kinda dirty)!

you say that its a transtion and that we continue our journey...where do we go then?

Well, as i said all things are not instantaneously revealed to you once you begin inducing OOBEs. There is an epiphany of sorts in that your understanding of reality is greatly broadened once you realize that the physical dimension is such a small part of reality, but there are still many mysteries. Many answers left to be discovered at the appropriate time.

With that said, it is my experience that there is no set path to follow. Its not a universal step by step process. Every ones journey is unique to them. I use the word journey simply because it is my experience that life after physical death is a continuation of the learning experience, rather than a point at which we settle down and spend eternity in one place or another. Where you go and what you do when your physical life ends depends greatly upon yourself.
I always think of heaven as a place where Mormons that don't drink pepsi go, and hell as the place where Hitler is currently having a cheese grater shoved up his ass. They both sound equally unappetizing. I want to go where the cool people go. Sort of like a divine VIP zone. If not, I plan to reincarnate as Hugh Hefner. Seriously though, I've always been Christian. I can't pretend to say that I know what really happens, but I believe what I believe, and man it's been a long road. If I am wrong though, I'm not any stupider than the people that are right, because it isn't like anyone knows the truth right now. So until then, Oprah, I will see you in hell.
I believe that whatever you think happens, happens. I believe that you create your own life. jus my thoughts.
I believe that whatever you think happens, happens. I believe that you create your own life. jus my thoughts.

You familiar with Bruce Moens work at all?

According to him it is possible for people to get caught in what he calls belief systems. Belief systems are territories in nonphysical reality created by thoughts and ideas. They are areas formed by the expectations people have of what happens when they die. for instance, there is a literal heaven, a perfect paradise. this isnt real, but its a contruct of the expectations certaint christians have when they die. So a person who believes in that concept of heaven will go to that particular place, joining others who went before him with the same expectations of heaven. There are other heavens, hells, nirvanas and what not, all constructs of the different belief systems held by people here on earth.

Ofcorse, these resting places are not ideal. They are thought of as snags, catching you and holding you, hindering your journey. According to Bruce Moen, these people will stay confined in these belief system territories until they realize its false and a hinderence to progression, and then they leave and move on.

If your interested in reading more you can find his site here
Originally posted by SheepFactory
You familiar with Bruce Moens work at all?

According to him it is possible for people to get caught in what he calls belief systems. Belief systems are territories in nonphysical reality created by thoughts and ideas. They are areas formed by the expectations people have of what happens when they die. for instance, there is a literal heaven, a perfect paradise. this isnt real, but its a contruct of the expectations certaint christians have when they die. So a person who believes in that concept of heaven will go to that particular place, joining others who went before him with the same expectations of heaven. There are other heavens, hells, nirvanas and what not, all constructs of the different belief systems held by people here on earth.

Ofcorse, these resting places are not ideal. They are thought of as snags, catching you and holding you, hindering your journey. According to Bruce Moen, these people will stay confined in these belief system territories until they realize its false and a hinderence to progression, and then they leave and move on.

If your interested in reading more you can find his site here
I have never heard of that guy before, but his theory runs alongside my basic beliefs.
I have to say your posts interest me, you seem to know what your talkin about. Anyways, thanks for the insight.
Originally posted by KiNG
there is a constant battle waging in my head. many times when i was younger i would think "one day im going to die" and it was a depressing subject ever time i brought it up. i still feel this way because i dont believe in an after-life. When i die i will cease to exist. the only things that would have mattered would be gone and my last hope is that someone would remeber me, the real me. and that in some way i affected someone and that will in turn affect someone else's life, a domino effect. man has always wanted to live for ever, see wut will be and wants to believe that death is not an end or ever will be. heaven eases the thought of death, potientally a vast abyss of nothingness suddenly filled with joy and immortality. these are strickly my views and i would like to know how u feel or how you see life death and after life.

no life after death. your wormbait. case closed.
It's kinda obvious that God-Like worms take ur body into hell where you get to party with teh Devil.
if u asked me that a year ago i would say no i dont belive in life after death, but a couple of months ago my friends steph father got in a car crash and died, but got resurected with those electric things. Han he told my friend that he was floating over his own body and stuff like that. First i was a little scared and was thinking about it when i was going to bed. But i got over it and searched the web for NDE storys (NDE= near death experience) and found a lot of them and read many, they were similliar to my friends story. And most of the storys involve heaven and god and stuff..and im am an Atheist...but now im not really sure..if there is a higher power. Cuz these storys come from people all over the world, all kinds of people drug addicts, murders,priests,gamers..u name cant just fake to get publicity...

And then i read somewhere that there is proof that it may be life after death. I dont have time to go into that right now but it was something about energy floating out of the body when it died or some shit like that..
hmm.. I got more interesed in OOBE while reading you post, SheepFactory, but how is that not similiar to LD (lucid dreaming)
What's the difference, if any?

This may seem like a silly question but heh.. is it possible to somehow exit your physical body and listen to a conversation the neighbour is having in the next house and later tell him exactly what you remembered and he be like "wtf?"

heh.. lol..anyways
I experienced a LD once I think, as a was kinda freaky and I was a bit frighetened, but it was also bloody cool.

But this whole thing about contacting God and dead relatives sounds just like something your mind is creating for you.
I mean since everything is possible in a LD you might think that you're contacting other spirits, when in fact you're just dreaming it in a very convincing way. Bah.. dunno what I'm babbling about anymore :P
Originally posted by h00dlum
if u asked me that a year ago i would say no i dont belive in life after death, but a couple of months ago my friends steph father got in a car crash and died, but got resurected with those electric things. Han he told my friend that he was floating over his own body and stuff like that. First i was a little scared and was thinking about it when i was going to bed. But i got over it and searched the web for NDE storys (NDE= near death experience) and found a lot of them and read many, they were similliar to my friends story. And most of the storys involve heaven and god and stuff..and im am an Atheist...but now im not really sure..if there is a higher power. Cuz these storys come from people all over the world, all kinds of people drug addicts, murders,priests,gamers..u name cant just fake to get publicity...

And then i read somewhere that there is proof that it may be life after death. I dont have time to go into that right now but it was something about energy floating out of the body when it died or some shit like that..

This isnt quite true its cos they just get the illusion that its happened or they just get it into their heads
Originally posted by Fat Tony!
This isnt quite true its cos they just get the illusion that its happened or they just get it into their heads

yeah maybe thats why they could tell exactly what kinda tools the doctors were using, and what was going on in the room while they were dead

but how is that not similiar to LD (lucid dreaming)

Projection out of your body is nothing like a LD. A LD takes place in the Astral, which is a nonphysical dimension composed of thought forms(or objects created by thought, yet indestinguishable from reality). In a projection it is possible to go to this same part of the Astral and experience all of the same things that you could experience in a LD, however during a projection you are much more conscious than you would ever be in a LD. They are similar in that way, but the similarities end there.

This may seem like a silly question but heh.. is it possible to somehow exit your physical body and listen to a conversation the neighbour is having in the next house and later tell him exactly what you remembered and he be like "wtf?"

Yes. This is the first method i used to verify that my OOBEs were actually happening and not all taking place in my head. The common card trick. I would have my neighbor, who was a close freind of mine, place a card on a high place(on top of a peice of furniture, on top of the kicthen cabitnets ect. ect.). then i would project and go to their house and read the card. When i would go back to my body i would write down what card i had seen, and later i would call him and he would tell me what card he had placed there and i would compare.

Once i got more skilled and was able to stay in the physical longer, i would fly around town looking at things that i could again verify once back into the physical body. Things like what cars were in what driveways, what kids were playingoutside, who was cutting their grass, where was any road work being done, what did the street workers look like(facial features). Then i would drive aorund and see if i got everything right. Easy way to distinguish weather its all a dream or not :p

I experienced a LD once I think, as a was kinda freaky and I was a bit frighetened, but it was also bloody cool.

LD is damn fun :p. I dont induce them anymore simply because i would rather project there to the(to that part of the Astral) and do whatever i wanted to do, i was always more conscious in a projection than i was in a LD. You should check out some WILD(wake induced lucid dream) techniques if you want more.

My freind even bought this funky thing that flashes red lights in your eyes once you start to dream. Its supposed to wake you up so you could have a LD. It looks fruity on him though, i dont see how he could even be confortable enough to sleep with it on. There are easier ways of doing it :p

But this whole thing about contacting God and dead relatives sounds just like something your mind is creating for you.

Not everything you see on the Astral is a thoughtform or artificial being. Heres where things get tricky. The Astral dimension is not your own personal playground. It is home to vast vast vast multitudes of various creatures. Some you would consider something like animals or insects, having no or very little intelligence at all. Others are extreamly intelligent, and have a mind/will of their own.

It is rare that you would ever see one of these higher beings simply because you will only see them when they wish to be seen, and they susually dont bother with lowly human projectors :p, they just go on about their business. Sometimes though if your doing something that interests them they will stop and check you out for a bit before moving on.

The lower lifeforms are seen quite often. Some are what you might call cute, some are what you would call the devil himself. What you have to keep in mind is that, for the most part, these beings take on whatever appearence they want to. If something looks cute and cuddely, they are prolly sweet and gentel creatures. If something is a twenty foot tall balrog looking thing, hes prolly just some pesky little weakling thats just frightened of you and trying to scare you off. Usually if you just stand your ground they realize your not scared of them and they scitter away.

With that said, you will be able to discern between a thought form entitiy(one created by you or another) and a independant entitiy with a mind/will of their own. Theoreticly it is possible to contact dead relatives o nthe Astral, i would never try this however.

I rememeber once having a projection on the Astral and having some fun with thought forms, when i started thinking of my dead grandfather. All of a sudden my mind was consumed with him as i started to remember all the things we did together just before his death. As i was sitting there thinking about him, i noticed he was standing infront of me. It was indeed his image, perfect image. My first reaction was that he was a thought form, of corse. But with the thoughts coming from his head(telepathy is the most common form of communication while out of your body) i knew instantly he was not a thought form, but a real being. He began to speak to me, saying all the things iwould expect him to say if it was indeed him. But in the end, it was the feeling i was getting from him that gave it away. It was a feeling of anxiousness, a feeling that didnt seem right for this moment. After the entity that looked like my grandfather realized i wasnt buying it, it began to drift away, changing to its original form as it left.

Im not sure why some entities will try to decieve you in such a way. But after that, i decided i never would try to contact any deceased loved ones. I didnt want to attract attention from other entities, who next time might succeed in decieving me.

I doubt its any easier to get a phonecall from God while OOBE than it is in the physical body. Ive never tried that either. There is more to say on the matter, such as guardian angels and higher selves, but this is getting long winded enough as it is.

This isnt quite true its cos they just get the illusion that its happened or they just get it into their heads

Thats a bold statement. There is no reason to belive it isnt indeed happening. Scientists can say whatever they want about oxygen supply to the brain and what not, but the simple fact remains that people are duplicating this same thing consciously, and verifying that its real. It is a valid phenomenon. Science tries to explain it away because science doesnt allow for the non-physical to even exist. When a person has a NDE it breaks all their rules. They are obligated to find an explination that doesnt include the non-physical!
if anyones interested they are investigating outer body experiences somewhere in england, i think its birmingham.

What they are doing is putting objects in cardiac units in hospitals and then seing if any surviving people who claimed to have had outer body experiences remember the objects. cant find the news article this was in, but it sort of relates to life after death
This stuff is pretty interesting, but astral projection is right up there with telekinesis, telepathy, and aliens. There are a lot of people who believe in these things, but none of these things have any merit in the scientific world.

SheepFactory, if I was you, I would set up one of those tests you did with your neighbor and prove to the world that there is such a thing as an OOBE. You would be helping us all by showing us that there is a higher meaning in life. From what you said, it sounds like it would be easy for you to prove.
This stuff is pretty interesting, but astral projection is right up there with telekinesis, telepathy, and aliens

Well, i dont know how aliens got thrown in there LOL. But i think the tests the US government and hitlers regime did with telekinetiks and telepaths would alter your perception a bit. I dont know of any online documentation as i have learned about them on documenteries. I will say that there are many many instances in which both telekinesis and telepathy were put to the test under scientific conditions with eye opening results. The US also succesfully used remote veiwers in gaining intelligence on other contries and locations of people in other contries. Do some research into the Stargate program, it might surpirse you. Human beings are capable of much more than we think.

There are a lot of people who believe in these things, but none of these things have any merit in the scientific world.

As i said, that isnt true. Such things have been scientifically documented. OOBEs are harder to document scientifically than telekinesis or telepathy, but it has been done nonetheless.

As i said, OOBEs exist outside the realm of science. Science relies on the documentation of physical data, science simply isnt capable of exaiming non-physical reality. There have been numerous experiments with people doing the same card trick and similar operations under scientific conditions, but this isnt enough for science to say "yea, ok, you can exist in non-physical form, its proven now". Scientists must have extensive physical data they can recreate and put to the test again and again. Such physical data just isnt available with non-physical operations.

You would be helping us all by showing us that there is a higher meaning in life.

LOL. Im no prophet. Anyway, thats why i posted all this in the first place. Not to show you some higher meaning, but to show you there is more to reality and life than most people think. No, i dont expect you to take my word for it, thats whats wonderfull about OOBEs, you can do it yourself!

From what you said, it sounds like it would be easy for you to prove.

As i said, more capable people than me have done that very thing.
Yeah I remember seeing something on TV about Soviets experimenting with telepathy or something...but mind you this was on the Sci-Fi channel.

Originally posted by SheepFactory
LOL. Im no prophet. Anyway, thats why i posted all this in the first place. Not to show you some higher meaning, but to show you there is more to reality and life than most people think. No, i dont expect you to take my word for it, thats whats wonderfull about OOBEs, you can do it yourself!
Isn't showing that there is more to reality and life showing a higher meaning?

Anyways, I have a question for you: What's the longest distance you've "traveled" when you are having an OOBE?
Yeah I remember seeing something on TV about Soviets experimenting with telepathy or something...but mind you this was on the Sci-Fi channel.

Heh, i dont remember where i saw the one im talking about. Could have been sci-fi. But it doesnt mean it cant be trusted. :p Anyway, you can still find plenty of documentation on what the US government did (and is still doing) with remote veiwing and telepathy.

Isn't showing that there is more to reality and life showing a higher meaning?

Depends on the persons perspective i suppose. I just didnt want anyone to get the idea that i think i have some kind of grand and important message about the meaning of life. Im just a regular guy. Anyone can learn to do it.

Anyways, I have a question for you: What's the longest distance you've "traveled" when you are having an OOBE?

The Moon. :p I plan on going to Mars next.

Space travel is quite easy, its much easier to go to the moon than to, say, find the great pyramids from my home town.

The most common method projectors use to travel long distances is to go out into space, out of the atmosphere, and fly aorund the globe until you find your target continent. From that point it takes a great amount of geographical knowledge to locate the particualr country, state, city, area that you want to visit.

As far as speed goes, there is no limit to how fast you can go. Instant travel, or teleportation is possible, but very difficult. Theoretically, you should only have to envision the destination and will yourself to go there, and you will go there. Its a very hard thing to do though. I havnt achieved it myself. There is too great a risk of slipping into the Astral when you do that.

Distance isnt really a problem when it comes to projection, its length of time. While you can stay in the Astral as long as you wish(time doesnt exist in non-physical reality as it does here, so you could spend 8 hours in the Astral with only 2 or 3 hours passing here in the physical) It is difficult to stay in the physical for long amounts of time. The longest ive been able to stay out in the physical was about an hour and 30 mins. When you first start projecting they are very very short. My first was like 15 seconds.

For space travel, all you do is focus your vision(and therefore, your direction) at the point you wish to go, and then just move forward. As i said speed is limitless. The moon is easy to find obviously, but i dont know exactly where Mars is. Im told its more visible right now than it usually is, so im going to go to my uncles house, who knows all that shit about stars and constellations, and get him to point out Mars for me. I only recently thought of doing this(space travel) and now its my main focus. Im intend on perfecting my travel ability with mars and other nearby planets, then shooting for the stars. Maybe Zeta Reculi or whatever, many adbuctees have said their captors were form that system. I want to check it out :p Im not good with stars though, ill have to do some research on that.
You should check out Area 51 and see what exacly goes on there..if you can find that place that is ;-)
Yea i htought of that a long time ago. I would just physically travel to nevada as close as i could get to the base, the project at my leisure. I abandoned that once i heard The base there was shut down. no point in keeping a secret base operational after everyone knows about it and you got nut cases outside the gates in lawnchairs with video cameras.

Any idea on any other bases that might be worth a look?