The only moments I can remember are a few CS:S ones.
Mowing down 6 CT with one Galil clip in Sniper ally on cs_italy. I died afterwards and it was mostly spray but funny as hell. I similar thing happened on cs_office but with an MP5 and 5 kills.
A no-scope headshot with the Scout while...
I don't really exercise all that much. I'll do some weight lifting or push ups every now and then but that's really it. I usually have to move around heavy objects at work so I guess that counts towards it to.
Do you mean Metabolic rate/Metabolism? The faster it is the more calories you burn...
My last Asus board did a a similar thing. I was playing CSS and got a BSoD. I reset the computer and it started up again but was acting weird and the USB controller had stopped working. I decided to back everything up incase the computer stopped working all together. I then went back to playing...
Apparently, Hybrid drives are coming out soon (early 2007) which are basically FLASH memory used as a buffer and a hard drive combined. For laptops this means extended battery life as the hard drive is one of the devices that consumes a lot of power. It also means much faster boot times.
I don't think this problem is caused by what you're doing but a problem with Hammer or the compile tools. I just tried it and a any physics model that's custom won't appear but normal HL2/CSS ones will. They will appear as static though.
I don't know of any solution to this. Someone with more...
I don't really know what to suggest. I could take a look at it if you want. Be easy to find the problem that way.
The only time I use a $keyvalues is for models that are breakable or use special things like wire constaints. I don't think this problem is linked to it though.
I've had this problem before but can't remember what caused it. I'm guessing it's the physics model though. The only thing I can really do to help is give you this code. I've noticed a few things different but I don't know if they'd cause this problem.
You forgot the line "$staticprop".
Even though you want it to be a prop_physics it still needs this line as it doesn't have any animations or other stuff.
Everytime I try this I find that I just walk backwards without pressing any keys or buttons on the mouse. Really annoying as it looks like fun to try out.
EDIT: NVM, changing the controls seem to fix it.
Well it doesn't matter now as the Motherboard just died. :|
I don't want to do get a completely new computer yet. I wanted this one to last me for atleast 6-12 more months, giving enough time for DX10 and Vista to come into stream. I also just bought a GFX card, some RAM and a PSU to rebuild...
Tonight, I was playing a game of CSS when my Internet cut-out (which is pretty typical on my ISP, Pipex) and I returned to the server when it came back. I had the purple checker cubemaps when I reloaded the map but thought nothing of it as it happens some times.
About 5 minutes later, my...
This is from the Valve wiki:
$refractamount (float)
This is the amount of warp for the refraction. Higher values produce more warping.
I can't find anything on $scale. I'm guessing this is it. To scale up you might have to go [2 1], [3 1], [5 1], etc.
When I said the "Refract_DX60...
You'll find that's just the texture for the magnifying glass stand and not the lens.
The lens material is @ materials/models/props_c17/fisheyelens.vmt and fisheyelens2.vmt. It calls a DuDv and Normal map in materials/models/effects/fisheyelens_dudv.vtf and fisheyelens_normal.vtf
This is...